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  1. #1
    adam1805's Avatar
    adam1805 is offline New Member
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    34 yr old noob, second cycle question


    34 yrs old
    210 lbs
    BF 17-20%

    Experience: lifting since 15, time off due to family lifestyle from 2005-2010.

    I ran a simple 12 wk cycle (cycle ever) starting last January consisting of Test 250 2x week, and Arimidex .25 2x week and Clomid PCT 50/50/25/25. Saw nice gains, and managed to keep due to solid diet and workout plan.

    This summer i took up distance running as a hobby and managed a half marathon by October, the problem is I've lost some muscle and actually put on some minor fat. My buddy, who hooked me up last time, recommended the following for a second cycle starting this January (after i make more progress naturally):

    Week 1-12

    TriTest 400 1 pin per week
    -Test Prop 50mg
    -Test Dec 150mg
    -Test E 200mg

    Equipoise 200 1 pin per week

    Week 1-4
    Tbol 50mg/day 1 pill 7am, 1 pill 5pm

    Arimidex standard dosing

    Clomid and Nolva standard dosing

    I'm old enough to know you need to follow your gut, stick with what works etc etc. To me this seems a bit excessive, but my buddy has been doing this for years, so I'm inclined to trust him. Browsing through this forum for several weeks now, you guys are real vets with solid knowledge and advice. I appreciate any input... and let me know if you need any other stats or whatnot.

    Much thx.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    What is the goal with this cycle?

    EQ is a week androgen and is mostly effective at making you hungry and raising RBC count. It's not extremely anobolic.

    I prefer to use a 1 compound test so that I can choose injection protocal and control the release of the ester. With your blend you would have to inject EOD to take full advantage of the prop. and then why have the long esters at all. I would stick to a test E for 12 weeks or test prop for 8 and call it good.

    Tbol is a great kickstart but I have found that dosages are best in the 80-100mg neighborhood!

    I think it best you workout a nutrition plan in the nutrition sub forum and work on getting your BF down to around 15-16% before starting. This will lesson risks of bad sides and assure a safer and more effective cycle!

  3. #3
    adam1805's Avatar
    adam1805 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Lunk.

    My goal is to rebuild the lost muscle from the past few months' distance running, and continue getting lean gains. Diet won't be an issue, and shouldn't have a problem getting to 15% BF (based on my track record) before i start pinning again after the holidays.

    Regarding the gear, the Equi was suggested due to the ability to add quality muscle. Does this tri-blend make any sense? I guess I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of using it vs. my old Test E 250 twice per week. I think the kick start might be a nice addition too.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Remember Test is Test and one wont be better than the other as far as results go! I would choose the Test E to avoid the need ti pin EOD.

    EQ will not really add any noticeable muscle and is frankly a waste of gear and $.

  5. #5
    adam1805's Avatar
    adam1805 is offline New Member
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    Straight and to the point, thx again. Out of curiosity, and hopefully this isn't a dumb question. I have a bottle of Test E 250, so in an effort to save a couple bucks as well as eod pinning... could i introduce this into the tri-blend cycle?

    Appreciate your help bro.

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam1805 View Post
    Straight and to the point, thx again. Out of curiosity, and hopefully this isn't a dumb question. I have a bottle of Test E 250, so in an effort to save a couple bucks as well as eod pinning... could i introduce this into the tri-blend cycle?

    Appreciate your help bro.
    You can inject the tri blend E3.5D as well, just keep in mind it's just not taking full advantage of the short ester test. I would stick to one or the other. Trying to determine your test levels based on injecting that blend E3d vs EOD and then adding Test E to it, Way too difficult.

  7. #7
    adam1805's Avatar
    adam1805 is offline New Member
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    Sound advice. Appreciate it!

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