Wassup guys planing runing solid cycle minimal fat gain
30 215lbs 15% bdf looking for 20 25 lbs solid let me know what ya think
1-4 tst prop 100 eod
1-16 test e 400 wk
1-16 eq 600 wk
7-16 tren e 400 wk
thinking bout a taper let me know if sounds ok 15-18 prop 100 eod
past cycles test e 600 wk 12 wks
prop materon tren a tbol cutting
looking to stay 200 or better lbs after cutting last cut attemp stoped at 200 lbs was geting to skinny dont wana go under 200 hoping to gain muscle while cutting down some fat also
diet......3500 going to go as far as 4200 on cycle
1st meal mett rx weight gainer
2nd meal 4whites 3 whoe eggs 3 slices bread
3rd meal 1 cup brown rice 8 oz steak
4th meal 1 cup brown rice 8 oz steak
5th meal post workout weight gainer half serving
6th meal 10 oz steak veggies...