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Thread: Test tren eq prop cycle

  1. #1

    Test tren eq prop cycle

    Wassup guys planing runing solid cycle minimal fat gain
    30 215lbs 15% bdf looking for 20 25 lbs solid let me know what ya think

    1-4 tst prop 100 eod
    1-16 test e 400 wk
    1-16 eq 600 wk
    7-16 tren e 400 wk
    thinking bout a taper let me know if sounds ok 15-18 prop 100 eod

    past cycles test e 600 wk 12 wks
    prop materon tren a tbol cutting

    looking to stay 200 or better lbs after cutting last cut attemp stoped at 200 lbs was geting to skinny dont wana go under 200 hoping to gain muscle while cutting down some fat also

    diet......3500 going to go as far as 4200 on cycle

    1st meal mett rx weight gainer

    2nd meal 4whites 3 whoe eggs 3 slices bread

    3rd meal 1 cup brown rice 8 oz steak

    4th meal 1 cup brown rice 8 oz steak

    5th meal post workout weight gainer half serving

    6th meal 10 oz steak veggies...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Im kinda in a hurry but I will say this...start your Tren right away and make the whole think a 12 week cycle.

    Dump the EQ as it does one thing well...makes you eat (and raises your RBC count)

    With Tren there would be NO reasion to run such a mild anabolic as EQ. Waist in my book!

    Others will add more

  3. #3
    so what doses should i run ?? 500 tren 400 test??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    What is your previous cycle history??

  5. #5
    12 wk test only 600 wk
    cutter of 8 wk materon tren a test prop tbol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    what did you run you tren at last time? how were the results

  7. #7
    350 a wk i love the shit bro i ran materon at 500 and test at 350 no sides but a lil bit tre cough once

  8. #8
    hey was thinking also can i front load the test and tren since eq is out?

  9. #9
    also i didnt run no ai or caber on cycle last time

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Lunk will point you in the right direction, but i would strongly recommend you include an AI on cycle and have caber or something similar on hand before you begin.

  11. #11
    yea i do im prepare for it just last cycle was dosing so low didnt need atleast thats what i read on tren but im ready for this one ai and caber on hand im thinking going with higher test than tren.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Post your diet in the Nutritional forum for feedback.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Sorry...had some family stuff to do....

    If I were you, and I'm not This is my cycle!

    Test E 250mg EW 12 weeks
    Tren E 400mg EW 12 weeks
    Aromasin at 12.5 EOD or Adex at .25 EOD
    Caber or Prami ON HAND
    HCG @ 250iu X2 per week

    14 days after last pin PCT
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    As Mick said dbl check that diet to assure the BEST cycle results!!!!
    Any questions, comments, concernes or critisizm ?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I don't see anything wrong with your original cycle plan. I know some hate on EQ for being mild, that's fine, everyone has what they like. I know some hate on it because it raises red blood cell count but most all steroids increase it tremendously. The deal with EQ, basic doses of 200-400mg/wk shouldn't cause any alarm in RBC's, 600mg/wk seems to be a fine line for some guys, above this dose could be a problem.

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I prefer Test at or higher than tren. I always say no to EQ so I would scrap that. Low (safe) doses of EQ will yield nothing. Effective doses are dangerous.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I don't see anything wrong with your original cycle plan. I know some hate on EQ for being mild, that's fine, everyone has what they like. I know some hate on it because it raises red blood cell count but most all steroids increase it tremendously. The deal with EQ, basic doses of 200-400mg/wk shouldn't cause any alarm in RBC's, 600mg/wk seems to be a fine line for some guys, above this dose could be a problem.
    It just seems a pointless substance to inject at all when your already banging tren. What benifit can it really have considering? My opinion might differ if this was a test/EQ cycle (maybe) lol

  17. #17
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    I agree with the Tren it won't provide a strong advantage but could be an advantage at the front end of the cycle when he's not using Tren as he originally laid it out.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I agree with the Tren it won't provide a strong advantage but could be an advantage at the front end of the cycle when he's not using Tren as he originally laid it out.

    the reason i had it in the bigining for the hunger part and cardio advantages really trying to make it solid gains cycle as i know that tren kills my appetite so wanted to bomb up with eq first good 7 to weeks until tren kicks in then i should have my diet on check for when tren kills it....

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BAG-BAD-WOLF;6249***
    the reason i had it in the bigining for the hunger part and cardio advantages really trying to make it solid gains cycle as i know that tren kills my appetite so wanted to bomb up with eq first good 7 to weeks until tren kicks in then i should have my diet on check for when tren kills it....
    Just force feed really have such a problem eating that you need EQ to help you eat???

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I prefer Test at or higher than tren. I always say no to EQ so I would scrap that. Low (safe) doses of EQ will yield nothing. Effective doses are dangerous.
    i get that a lot about eq but have couple buddies that run it with test they get good gains im trying to get diffrent kicks at difrnt times from all theese compounds the wayi c it start with prop by the time prop ends test should kick then eq then couple weeks after the main man comes in tren e at the end of the 16 weeks the tren will still be giving me strengh and hardning i want wich i will be cutting out carbs at the end of cycle to lean out a bit what u think...

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Just force feed really have such a problem eating that you need EQ to help you eat???
    not really dont have a problem eating at all taught it would help out wit cardio to i notice tren made me winded a lil while cutting i c eq has benefts on that part

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BAG-BAD-WOLF View Post
    not really dont have a problem eating at all taught it would help out wit cardio to i notice tren made me winded a lil while cutting i c eq has benefts on that part
    Still not enough of an advantage for me to run it. Your strenght to argue anyones opinions tonight.

  23. #23
    i never tried eq if u saying that eq is garbage the way u saying it then ama think of taking it out,,,hows your cardio with the tren? i remember i had to force my self to the tredmill.....

  24. #24
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    Mar 2012
    I'm running 750mg EW now and does it wind me? I cry about it (a little) but push through!

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I'm running 750mg EW now and does it wind me? I cry about it (a little) but push through!
    lmao tru warrior ok screw the eq what u think about 600 test 500 tren?

  26. #26
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BAG-BAD-WOLF View Post
    lmao tru warrior ok screw the eq what u think about 600 test 500 tren?
    I have tried test higher, equal to and lower than tren and I prefer lower. It has kept sides to a minimum since most are test related. IMO the only real reason for test when using tren is to keep enough test in you to have function as a man!

    Tren can be kept lower as well. It is very effective at 300-400 mg while keeping test at 200-250mg

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I have tried test higher, equal to and lower than tren and I prefer lower. It has kept sides to a minimum since most are test related. IMO the only real reason for test when using tren is to keep enough test in you to have function as a man!

    Tren can be kept lower as well. It is very effective at 300-400 mg while keeping test at 200-250mg
    yea u right since they fight for the same receptors and tren is stronger i right no reason to go up on test bro u helped me out a lot thx
    dam i just processed that shit u doing 750 tren damm bro u a beast how the strengh??

  28. #28
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    Mar 2012
    Dont buy into that receptor crap...there are plenty to go around lol.

    Honstly I bumped from 500 and I'm not convinced it has been worth it...other than worse sides!

  29. #29
    dam i taught it wouldve doubled your gains,,, i'm thinkng 500 tren 300 test 100 prop eod as kicker gonna try that c what it do im gona post my diet on diet forum c if theres any gaps that i can get help on

  30. #30
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BAG-BAD-WOLF View Post
    dam i taught it wouldve doubled your gains,,, i'm thinkng 500 tren 300 test 100 prop eod as kicker gonna try that c what it do im gona post my diet on diet forum c if theres any gaps that i can get help on
    I wouldnt mess with that prop kicker..I'd get on that tren ASAP! Thats where the gains will come from...not a few hundred mg test for a cpl weeks!

    If your test is 250mg/ML then just make it simple and do 1/2 CC 2X week. KISS!
    Last edited by Lunk1; 11-07-2012 at 11:02 PM.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by lunk1 View Post
    i wouldnt mess with that prop kicker..i'd get on that tren asap! Thats where the gains will come from...not a few hundred mg test for a cpl weeks!

    If your test is 250mg/ml then just make it simple and do 1/2 cc 2x week. Kiss!

    my test is 300mg/ml so im doing 1/2 cc twice a week and tren 200 so guess im going with 400 wk make it easier dont know y but whant to run 500 tren...

  32. #32
    i wanted to run same cycle u have up there but desided to go with 500 tren 300 test so far everything good no sides go check my post on cycle progress somethig like that ill be udating every week fro now on just started last week so giving it time to kick in

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