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  1. #1
    GymMang is offline New Member
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    Test Cyp/EQ/Tren Ace

    Ok Ok OKAYYY! This is my first post hope this goes well. Some information about myself...I grew up around kids in high school including my close friends juicing and I managed to stay away from it until I got older. I feel like I have been around the stuff my whole life. Steroids are very popular were I am from. I have not done a cycle yet as u can tell by my picture. I personally think I look like crap lol, but it was what I could do naturally. I am 6 foot and weighing 200 pounds. I graduated high school a skinny little boy weighing 145. Made my way up to 200 naturally but I’m holding too much fat. Diet is key but I am still trying to gain weight so staying trimmed is just not possible. I am preparing for my first cycle and need some input.

    test cyp 250mg a week/14 weeks
    Eq 600mg a week/14 weeks
    Tren Ace 25mg eod then increasing slowly to see how my body reacts to this stuff. Probably 7 or 8 weeks.

    I no EQ some people hate, but I have found many who love it and I would love the increase in appetite.
    The goal of this cycle is to gain weight and add muscle but mostly to see how my body reacts to the tren. I’ve seen to many people get amazing results from this stuff so I want to see how I react to it so the next time I go on a cycle I will know what to expect and were to dose it at. I was originally going to run test at 500 a week but I heard test and tren fight for same receptor and tren is obviously stronger so test can be low while tren is higher. Test is just there because it’s a base of every cycle and to keep my test levels up from the tren. I was originally going to run just test eq and var but opted for the big boy tren. I no many off u are going to have a problem with it but plz just help me with the cycle listed and take into consideration it is my first cycle. I would love some thoughts and inputs on this cycle thank you guys. Hopefully too many people won’t rip me apart lol.

  2. #2
    GymMang is offline New Member
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Test Cyp/EQ/Tren Ace-img957209.jpg   Test Cyp/EQ/Tren Ace-img953198.jpg  
    Last edited by GymMang; 11-07-2012 at 06:33 PM.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Your first thought of running test only is the prudent one.

    Dont be foolish and run tren your first cycle, let alone adding EQ to increase hunger. Get back to earth and ground yourself.

    500mg/wk dosed twice wkly is the way to go to determine how you body is going to respond. you can make incredible gains for test only, don't kid yourself. Make sure your dfiet is spot on and you will be amazed!

    Come check out his thread and then see what you think. I pretty sure a lot of your questions will be answered through the links that i have included at the end of the cycles.

    Most Common Beginners Cycles

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GymMang
    Ok Ok OKAYYY! This is my first post hope this goes well. Some information about myself...I grew up around kids in high school including my close friends juicing and I managed to stay away from it until I got older. I feel like I have been around the stuff my whole life. Steroids are very popular were I am from. I have not done a cycle yet as u can tell by my picture. I personally think I look like crap lol, but it was what I could do naturally. I am 6 foot and weighing 200 pounds. I graduated high school a skinny little boy weighing 145. Made my way up to 200 naturally but I’m holding too much fat. Diet is key but I am still trying to gain weight so staying trimmed is just not possible. I am preparing for my first cycle and need some input.

    test cyp 250mg a week/14 weeks
    Eq 600mg a week/14 weeks
    Tren Ace 25mg eod then increasing slowly to see how my body reacts to this stuff. Probably 7 or 8 weeks.

    I no EQ some people hate, but I have found many who love it and I would love the increase in appetite.
    The goal of this cycle is to gain weight and add muscle but mostly to see how my body reacts to the tren. I’ve seen to many people get amazing results from this stuff so I want to see how I react to it so the next time I go on a cycle I will know what to expect and were to dose it at. I was originally going to run test at 500 a week but I heard test and tren fight for same receptor and tren is obviously stronger so test can be low while tren is higher. Test is just there because it’s a base of every cycle and to keep my test levels up from the tren. I was originally going to run just test eq and var but opted for the big boy tren. I no many off u are going to have a problem with it but plz just help me with the cycle listed and take into consideration it is my first cycle. I would love some thoughts and inputs on this cycle thank you guys. Hopefully too many people won’t rip me apart lol.
    "Trying to gain weight so staying trimmed is just not possible". I'm sorry, but that's a load of crap. If you eat like a pig, you'll look like a pig. Dirty bulking is called dirty for a reason but it doesn't have to be that way and that way only. You can eat clean and put back enough calories to gain LEAN body mass. Your statement is wrong brother.

    As for gear, Mickey is right. There is no reason for you to run anything other than straight testosterone for 10-12 weeks at 500mg/wk right now.

    What about your AI and PCT. have you set this up as well?

  5. #5
    GymMang is offline New Member
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    I am sorry if i came across as clueless. I understand dieting I guess i worded it wrong. It is possible to clean bulk but results are much slower doing it naturally. Did not choose to run Eq for eating more that would be retarted just mentioned it as a positive.

  6. #6
    mockery's Avatar
    mockery is offline Senior Member
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    no need to stack gear till you run over 1-1.5 grams of test a week.

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You got a good start but dont be in a rush.Just run 1 compound for your 1st cycle.This way you will know how your body reacts.You will gain just fine with test.There is no need to stack at your level.You grow in steps not leaps and bounds.And stay away from tren for awhile wait till you need that extra push.You will be glad you did.

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