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  1. #1
    fifo_thekid is offline New Member
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    Cutting Cycle Advice

    Hi there everybody
    For some reason my last thread was deleted! Anyways...
    I'll start with my stats:
    187lbs, 16% bf, 5'8", 27 years old
    Diet: PERFECT! (lean meet, multivitamins, essential fats, complex carbs, gallons of water)
    Sleep & rest: more than enough
    Exercise: 4 days a week
    Previous cycles (I know I know I know, both of them were big failure!)
    Dianabol 40mgs a day, no PCT, 8 years ago
    Test E 500mgs/week for 10 weeks, Tren Ace 50mgs EOD for 8 weeks, Anavar 60mgs for 6 weeks

    Proposed Cutting Cycle:
    1-8 var 60mgs every day spread out
    1-8 proviron 25mg am and pm every day
    2-6 need2slin 1 cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals.
    4-8 HCGenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm every day
    8-12 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm every day
    8-12 forged post cycle 1 cap am and pm
    12-16 bridge 1 cap 3 times a day

    Thinking of adding liquid clen starting with 20mcg to be increased by 20mcg every other day, and ketotifen on week 3 and 6

    I'm still considering whether I need 200mgs Test E a week or not, just to prevent shutdown
    I'll be automatically having cardio everyday, since I'm riding the bike 30-60minutes a day
    As for the diet, I'll be on 800-1200kcals deficit

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Cutting is more diet n cardio than anything else.I dont like to run orals w/o test IMOP.But bump the Var up to 80 at least if not 100mg a day.I would add the test.

  3. #3
    fifo_thekid is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice my friend
    I'll be following it for sure

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Honestly this looks like a much bigger failure than cycle #2 by a long shot. Your putting ALL sorts of crap in you for no reason. Hell I dont even know what a bunch of that crap is.

    NOBODY'S diet is perfect! Feel free to prove me wrong by posting it in it's entirety over in nutrition for a solid critique! a 1200 deficit without a test base to help protect from wasting is not good!.

    Diet is going to determine EVERYTHING in this particular case. If I wee you I would save the wear and tear on my liver and just do this right for once.

    Test only cycle at 400-500mg with a rock solid diet =100% results!

  5. #5
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^^^^ agreed. Embrace cardio my friend and a caloric deficit. There is no easy way, if there was we would all be there.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The best way to cut is to address your diet and cardio,
    DONT start using anything let the diet and cardio do its job and over the following weeks let the bf drop off. Once you come to a sticking point adjust the diet and cardio again and wait till you hit another sticking point, this is the time to start using something to accelerate the bf loss. You dont use something straight from the start you wait till you hit sticking points and you need something to get over the brick wall you have hit, follow this approach and your bf will melt away and stay off

  7. #7
    mockery's Avatar
    mockery is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The best way to cut is to address your diet and cardio,
    DONT start using anything let the diet and cardio do its job and over the following weeks let the bf drop off. Once you come to a sticking point adjust the diet and cardio again and wait till you hit another sticking point, this is the time to start using something to accelerate the bf loss. You dont use something straight from the start you wait till you hit sticking points and you need something to get over the brick wall you have hit, follow this approach and your bf will melt away and stay off
    great advice, to grow on gear you should be at your genetic natural level, same with cutting get to 7-9% then when you start to stick use a cycle. diet is everything. Keep an eye on your lift strength. continue to lift fairly heavy as you cut if you find your lifts are not holding or going down you are losing to much lbm too fast. reconfigure

  8. #8
    xerxes333's Avatar
    xerxes333 is offline New Member
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    If your previous two attempts where failures why would you try a more complex cycle? Why not get a simple protocol down perfect then look for alternatives once you've plateaued? I agree with the others, if your bf is 16% you can get leaner simply with diet alone and if you throw some cardio in there you can drop it further. It's not easy but its completely possible.

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