Hey finshed up my test e/ superdroll cycle was awsomethen went nearly straight on to test p but got some bad gyno so i stopped. Went to the doctor and asked for arimidex, tamox and hcg he said no to the two latter but yes to the arimidex. Ive been on it for 2 weeks now at one tablet a day(1mg) and its going good the gyno has come down alot. But i have lost the urge to sleep as in i dont get tired i lay in bed for hours. I have a very physical job so normaly im worn out and pass out but i think the arimidex is causing it. I cant get to see the doctor for 2 weeks so should i stop taking the arimidex now that the gyno has stopped? Will it come back if i do stop? Im natuarl at the moment by the way.
The doctor i saw was on to it tho ay. I went in there and said i have a out break of gynocomastia and his response what hormones did you take? He was good about it tho he gave me 4 months worth of repeats and said i should see a plastic surgon so next time it dose not happen again.
Cheers from australia