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Thread: Frontload Deca

  1. #1
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Frontload Deca

    Can you frontload deca ? If so how would you dose it? 100mg eod?

  2. #2
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    This would be with a test base ofcourse..

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    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    Sworder has a good thread about front loading you should read very good

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    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    Psaletta's Avatar
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    I read this and have a few questions.. if you front load deca won't that cause deca dick due to the large amount vs test amount in system? So if you are going to take 400mg of deca (for cycle) then you front load 650-800 your first shot...

  6. #6
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    No it will not cause "deca dick" because you are frontloading. You are never exceeding the amount you want to metabolize/week.

  7. #7
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Ok.. thx sworder. So basically for reference.. if you where going to run a test prop 200 eod and deca 400 a week cycle and wanted to front load the deca you would do a 800mg pin your first 2 weeks then protocol at 200 pinned 2x per week.. or would it be smarter/ safer to front load 400mg of deca 2x per week for the first 2 weeks then protocol... Sorry for all the questions but I'd rather be safe then sorry..

  8. #8
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    No, re-read the frontloading thread on how to do it. For a 400mg/week deca cycle you would do 550mg on the first pin(if you are doing twice/week injections) or you could do two frontload injections of 400mg(370mg but you can round up to 400). After that you just do your regular 200mg twice a week injections.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There's no need to frontload your deca , just run it normally along side your prop and let it slowly do its job while your main compound works the magic....

  10. #10
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    There's no need to frontload your deca, just run it normally along side your prop and let it slowly do its job while your main compound works the magic....
    Deca and EQ would be the two compounds worth frontloading especially. Unless you are running a 20 week cycle or on TRT in which you don't have to consider the timing for PCT. Thanks for the input albeit it being without a valid reasoning. Choosing NPP instead would be sound advice. He is running prop and you seem to have noticed that. Your rebuttal is duly noted. Good morning as well, hope the England skies don't have you gloomy and cumbersome
    Last edited by Sworder; 11-07-2012 at 01:24 AM.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    ^^^ LMFAO kids lol frontload eq lol, thats why I dont read your post's with stupid commnets like that lol

    There is no need for him to front load his deca , his main compound ie prop will do its job and there is no need to frontload his secondary compound. I do like frontloading but only with the main compound whats going to do the majority of the work of building tissue. I normally skip over your posts because most of the time you talk utter rubbish, I think I shall revert back to me to doing that
    Last edited by marcus300; 11-07-2012 at 08:37 AM.

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    Hmmm. If you have prop in there then that is your kick start. Why would there be a need to front load anything? Everyone Seems to want more and more and more in the beginning. Just relax, be patient and let the compounds do their thing. Forget fast gains, that's junk weight anyway. Keep it slow and steady for better retention after cycle.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  13. #13
    redz's Avatar
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    I have tired front loading and really it doesn't seem to be worth while. I didn't notice any difference really, also EQ is garbage lol just had to throw that in there.

  14. #14
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    I agree, EQ is crap. The point is, if you would use Atomini's half life of I think it was 14 days for deca . To achieve steady state concentration after 5 halflives it would take 70days to acheive that! 10 weeks for the deca to kick. Now you may ask yourself, why would you run prop with deca if it takes 10 weeks to achieve SSC for one of the compounds? The answer is simple and logical, you don't want to run that combo, unless you frontload the deca. Either switch the prop to enanthate or switch the deca to NPP.

    @Austinite. Gains are retained the same no matter what AAS created the muscle mass or the period of time it took. Note: I am not talking about water weight or glucogen stores.

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder
    I agree, EQ is crap. The point is, if you would use Atomini's half life of I think it was 14 days for deca . To achieve steady state concentration after 5 halflives it would take 70days to acheive that! 10 weeks for the deca to kick. Now you may ask yourself, why would you run prop with deca if it takes 10 weeks to achieve SSC for one of the compounds? The answer is simple and logical, you don't want to run that combo, unless you frontload the deca. Either switch the prop to enanthate or switch the deca to NPP.

    @Austinite. Gains are retained the same no matter what AAS created the muscle mass or the period of time it took. Note: I am not talking about water weight or glucogen stores.
    If you're not talking about water retention then we shouldn't discuss fast gains. Very simple.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  16. #16
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    ^^^ LMFAO kids lol frontload eq lol, thats why I dont read your post's with stupid commnets like that lol
    Actually Austinite I would beg to differ! Short cycles can be effective, Marcus300's posts are very articulate and detailed, and he keeps true to that in this thread in which he explains short burst cycles!
    Last edited by Sworder; 11-07-2012 at 06:02 PM.

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Actually Austinite I would beg to differ! Short cycles can be effective, Marcus300's posts are very articulate and detailed, and he keeps true to that in this thread in which he explains short burst cycles!
    You have to start reading a little better. So read what I said again and don't change topics. I referred to fast weight gain. I never said anything about muscle tissue development besides retaining what you developed. Hence the reference to water retention where OP would suffer.

    If you think that shoving a ton of gear in your muscle at the start of a cycle will yield massive, retainable tissue, I will seriously slingshot you back to Meso.

    I've done more short cycles than you could fathom. I'm a fan of short cycles. But again, you missed the most important part of marcus' thread that you posted; in relation to OP. It's even in CAPS AND BOLD! Also priming, GH, etc... NOTHING to do with this thread. He recommends it for folks who know how to control retention, know how to eat, train, sleep, etc...

    Have a powerful day

  18. #18
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    I don't think you are understanding the concept of frontloading let me boil it down for you.

    Esters are time-release.

    Say for mathematical ease that Cypionate has a 7 day half life and lets compare it to Testosterone suspension . If you want to "use" 100mg/day of Testosterone how much would you have to inject of each compound in that week first week to equal 700mg/week(100mg/day)?

    Let's inject 1400mg Testosterone Cypionate on day 1, which is "a ton of gear in your muscle at the start of a cycle". That amount will be the same as doing 100mg/day of Testosterone suspension, because remember, we do not care about the ester(yes I am aware that suspension doesn't have an ester attached). 1400mg Test C on that first day is the same as 100mg/day test suspension. So, you aren't trying to shove a ton of gear into your muscle to yield massive retainable tissue. You are merely manipulating the injection volume depending on the ester to get your desired amount you want to do/week.

    My example shown will yield the same amount of tissue because. It's the same amount of testosterone being administered, not counting the ester weight in cypionate.

    I hope this example makes it clearer.

    Marcus' thread was just to show that you can get good gains in short cycles, I must have misinterpreted " Forget fast gains, that's junk weight anyway. Keep it slow and steady for better retention after cycle ." as Marcus clearly states in that thread that gains are better with shorter cycles. If you are going to do a 6weeker with Deca you better frontload it or use another ester to achieve your 400mg/week nandrolone goals because if you just inject 400mg deca in the first week you will not be using 400mg of nandrolone.

    YOU have a powerful day!

  19. #19
    austinite's Avatar
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    lol. You're very passive aggressive. This is why you've been combative with Marcus, Bonaparte, Jimmyinkedup, Swifto, Atomini and several others that could bury you and your pal Bill with experience-based-knowledge. You still don't get it, none of this is in relation to OP, just like the majority of your advice that tends to take a thread to Mars.

    I understand how frontloading works. And I don't think ANY beginner should bother with it. Believe me, Sworder, There really isn't anything you can offer me, sworder. Stay on topic or stop posting in threads if you can't.

    Also, you should learn the half life of compounds so that you can refrain from passing along your junk advice in so many threads.

    Go to your room, kiddo. Come back in a decade or so when you're experienced. Until then, give Bill a swift kick in the nads for me -- Don't quote me anymore please, and don't PM me asking stupid questions anymore, either.

  20. #20
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Story of my life. Discussion starts, other person doesn't know what to say so insults ensue.

    For the record, I don't have a problem with any of the people you mentioned. This is the way I interact with people, if there is a difference in opinion I will attack the argument as I have done in my above message. Then it gets derailed as a result of the other person's frustration.

    I learned the half-life of compounds, go back and check my references.

  21. #21
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sworder View Post
    Story of my life. Discussion starts, other person doesn't know what to say so insults ensue.

    For the record, I don't have a problem with any of the people you mentioned. This is the way I interact with people, if there is a difference in opinion I will attack the argument as I have done in my above message. Then it gets derailed as a result of the other person's frustration.

    I learned the half-life of compounds, go back and check my references.
    The difference between us is I am straight forward rather than making smart ass remarks passively to trigger an argument. I refer to people like you as Cancer. The only way to fix it is to remove it, hopefully sooner than later. Face to face conversation and your knees would buckle in 20 seconds, because you wouldn't have google and your boy Bill Roberts to cut & paste off of.

    Enough is enough bro, this isn't Meso. Remember, sworder, you're literally still a kid and you will think differently a decade from now.

  22. #22
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    If admin would decide to ban me that is his decision. I have been insulted by a handful of people now and I refuse to return the favor. I honestly do not know how to respond to your message. I enjoy discussing steroids and the application of them, not a drama queen or get into personal disputes. If you are not interested in furthering the discussion based on steroids, I do not know how I can help you. I can hold my own in steroid discussions; which is why it always ends up like this.

  23. #23
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Wow... Holy war of the world's.. not that it really matters but, I'm going with NPP instead of deca .. not because I want it all right away or that I believe front loading is garbage.. only because 12 weeks is way to long of a cycle at this point in my life with my career.. Thanks Aust. And sworder for the inside to the pros and cons of this topic.

  24. #24
    Sworder is offline Banned
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    Good choice

  25. #25
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psaletta View Post
    Wow... Holy war of the world's.. not that it really matters but, I'm going with NPP instead of deca.. not because I want it all right away or that I believe front loading is garbage.. only because 12 weeks is way to long of a cycle at this point in my life with my career.. Thanks Aust. And sworder for the inside to the pros and cons of this topic.
    Seriously sorry for the way your thread got derailed. Anyway... NPP is sexy

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