Okay so i have been looking for a good first cycle and was planning on doing test buy maybe i should try an oral first and see how i react
My Stats
25 years old
5 10
Been training for 8 years
8% body fat
Options for cycles
Option 1
Week 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
Week 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/ED
Option 2
Week 1-6 Tbol 60mg/ED
Option 3
Week 1-6 Anavar 60mg/ED
Option 4
Week 1-6 Tbol+Anavar 60mg/ED
Pct for all cycles
Option 1
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Option 2
Toremifene 120/90/60/30
To gain as much lean muscle mass as possible but what i like about these orals is that i will be able to find out if i am prone to any hairloss, instead of jumping into test and going in blind
Also which pct would be best, if possible could anyone explain pros and cons of all my cycles above and pcts
I know test should be first, but i think i might see how i react to a mild steriod before i do test, and then save test for my second cycle, i already have all of them, planning on doing many cycles, but just wanting to be as safe as possible and take care of my body
Also will be taking 1000mg ED milk thistle while
on and off cycle