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  1. #1
    itsmetomm is offline New Member
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    Want to start a NEW CYCLE / WHAT SHOULD I TAKE.....

    Im a new member. i'm 22 years old, at 5'11 and around 175lbs

    working out on and off.. last year i took a cycle of dbol which gained around 15lbs. but i lost those gains..

    Ive been working out now for the past few months but its been on and off, not really steady...

    I want to start a new cycle of something, have ideas for anavar possibly.. or test/ something but not sure.. and not sure what mg to take.. n what should i do for post...

    I know if i take something i will be steady with it and ill keep a good diet.

    Please help me out, i wanna get bigger and leaner.

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Dosen't make any sense did a d-bol cycle lost those gains due to lack of commitment proper training and diet. Now go lift a bit and want advice on a cycle.
    So did you not learn from that?
    What do you think your gonna keep this time?
    The only thing going on here is you screwing up you HPTA and wasting your money!

    At 22 you need commitment hard work and a good diet

  3. #3
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    U may be steady on the diet and training while you're on it but being steady with it afterwards is more important. Using Aas is a lifestyle my friend, it isn't a fad. Besides ur a tad young to b on the juice, are u aware of the sides associated with being young and using aas?

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Just beacuse you are using aas dont mean you will train the way you should.Being truthful you dont have enough time traing to be cycling.Your weight shows us that.Not trying to be rude but you are looking for a shortcut.

  5. #5
    itsmetomm is offline New Member
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    i stopped working out due to an accident after dbol .. couldnt walk for a while.. n just couldnt do anything ( motorcycle accident )....

    for the past few weeks im steady but i know the feeling on something n want to go back on it..

  6. #6
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsmetomm
    i stopped working out due to an accident after dbol .. couldnt walk for a while.. n just couldnt do anything ( motorcycle accident )....

    for the past few weeks im steady but i know the feeling on something n want to go back on it..
    You need to have a better base any how, ur diet needs to b in check and most importantly you need to slowly work up to strength or it may mess u up.

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsmetomm
    i stopped working out due to an accident after dbol .. couldnt walk for a while.. n just couldnt do anything ( motorcycle accident )....

    for the past few weeks im steady but i know the feeling on something n want to go back on it..
    Listen to what you're being told. You lack commitment right now. You will simply lose the gains you achieve if you aren't sticking to a nutritional plan and training regimen.

    Steroids DON'T make gains. Nutrition does and steroids help maximize gains - not the other way around.

    Until you learn these lessons there is absolutely no point cycling anything.

    Learn from your mistakes. Don't repeat them.

  8. #8
    itsmetomm is offline New Member
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    i know that. but overall what would u recommend... test alone.. or anavar ...

  9. #9
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsmetomm
    i know that. but overall what would u recommend... test alone.. or anavar...
    NOTHING bro, ur not dedicated, or even showing a little bit if interest in becoming dedicated guy. If u get any advice from anyone on this board I'll b surprised. My advice would b jump over to the nutrition side and start there. Eat right and u will make gains until u reach ur genetic potential. And don't tell me ur there cu when I started I was 6 ft 160 up to 200 just by changing my diet and being dedicated! I tried cycles when I was younger, guess what? I lost all my gains and even more weight then I had before I started and now I'm 27 and my test levels are a 290, it'll eff u up man. Just listen to what ur being told....

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsmetomm
    i know that. but overall what would u recommend... test alone.. or anavar...
    Test alone.

    Keep the following in mind:

    1. You will achieve and retain NOTHING with poor nutrition and training. Steroids are not a magic pill.
    2. If you have committed to lifting long enough, you WILL injure yourself.
    3. Steroids have serious side effects that effect everyone differently.
    4. Why are trying to help. You can out advice, do this correctly, and get the most out of your experience, or think you know best and screw things up.

    I'm being more blunt than usual but I see this behavior time and time again. Guys come here voluntarily for advice and then do whatever the hell they please.....and they show up in a few months asking for help dealing with problems that have since occurred.

    I'd rather see you succeed than fail miserably.

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219

    NOTHING bro, ur not dedicated, or even showing a little bit if interest in becoming dedicated guy. If u get any advice from anyone on this board I'll b surprised. My advice would b jump over to the nutrition side and start there. Eat right and u will make gains until u reach ur genetic potential. And don't tell me ur there cu when I started I was 6 ft 160 up to 200 just by changing my diet and being dedicated! I tried cycles when I was younger, guess what? I lost all my gains and even more weight then I had before I started and now I'm 27 and my test levels are a 290, it'll eff u up man. Just listen to what ur being told....
    I agree with Tron. Unfortunately some guys will NEVER listen to sound advice because they think they know better.

  12. #12
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    I agree with Tron. Unfortunately some guys will NEVER listen to sound advice because they think they know better.
    I know I'm trying to take a page out of job's...Uhhh I mean lunks book lol but my patience wear thin quickly and get awfully blunt lol my apologies for being blunt lol

  13. #13
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I know I'm trying to take a page out of job's...Uhhh I mean lunks book lol but my patience wear thin quickly and get awfully blunt lol my apologies for being blunt lol
    Patience is a learned trate....You too will get there my son! Just stop blabbing to MI in Pm's LMAO!

  14. #14
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Patience is a learned trate....You too will get there my son! Just stop blabbing to MI in Pm's LMAO!
    I've been trying for has my dad, idk if it will ever come lol


  15. #15
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219

    I've been trying for has my dad, idk if it will ever come lol

    That's ok...the big Lunk still can't spell but I love the poor bugger.

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