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just want to see what ppl think of this cycle maybe some advice with doses and also what could be altered or improved
weeks 1-12 test enanthate 400 mg/wk
weeks 1-12 primobolan depot 800 mg/wk get rid of this.
weeks 1-4 dbol 3 mg a day get rid of this too. not enough anyway.
arimadex .5 mg EOD twelve weeks .25mg eod to begin. titrate up form there based on felt or observed sides.
i wanna take hcg also not sure about the dose or anything all i know is it should be taken with cycle good thing to take from what ive heard 250iu 2/wk on cycle
then pct i would take clomid and nolva would like to know how long to take and what dose would be best. clomid 75/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20 14 days after last test pin
wanna make sure i have everything planned out before i even order anything gonna probly go get some blood work done and see what my hormone levels are like and all that good stuff excellent!
anything im missing or left out please let me know im not very knowledgeable im just going off what ive read on this site and from what ive been told by ppl i know who have cycled in the past and had good results