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Thread: first cycle tell me what you think

  1. #1
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    Oct 2012

    first cycle tell me what you think

    just want to see what ppl think of this cycle maybe some advice with doses and also what could be altered or improved

    weeks 1-12 test enanthate 400 mg/wk
    weeks 1-12 primobolan depot 800 mg/wk
    weeks 1-4 dbol 3 mg a day

    arimadex .5 mg EOD twelve weeks

    i wanna take hcg also not sure about the dose or anything all i know is it should be taken with cycle good thing to take from what ive heard

    then pct i would take clomid and nolva would like to know how long to take and what dose would be best.

    wanna make sure i have everything planned out before i even order anything gonna probly go get some blood work done and see what my hormone levels are like and all that good stuff

    anything im missing or left out please let me know im not very knowledgeable im just going off what ive read on this site and from what ive been told by ppl i know who have cycled in the past and had good results

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your stats besides 27 years old? Height, body fat and weight? Cycle history? Training years?

  3. #3
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by plutzz View Post
    just want to see what ppl think of this cycle maybe some advice with doses and also what could be altered or improved

    weeks 1-12 test enanthate 400 mg/wk
    weeks 1-12 primobolan depot 800 mg/wk get rid of this.
    weeks 1-4 dbol 3 mg a day get rid of this too. not enough anyway.

    arimadex .5 mg EOD twelve weeks .25mg eod to begin. titrate up form there based on felt or observed sides.

    i wanna take hcg also not sure about the dose or anything all i know is it should be taken with cycle good thing to take from what ive heard 250iu 2/wk on cycle

    then pct i would take clomid and nolva would like to know how long to take and what dose would be best. clomid 75/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20 14 days after last test pin

    wanna make sure i have everything planned out before i even order anything gonna probly go get some blood work done and see what my hormone levels are like and all that good stuff excellent!

    anything im missing or left out please let me know im not very knowledgeable im just going off what ive read on this site and from what ive been told by ppl i know who have cycled in the past and had good results

  4. #4
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    Oops sorry Aust. I was typing while you were posting. My bad..

  5. #5
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    180 pnds
    body fat percentage not totally sure probly 10 percent i can see my abs but i have a bit of excess fat on the waist line
    training years cant say exact number because its been on and off since high school but i never really ate properly for training i mean like 3 meals a day average joe kinda eating now i eat 6 meals a day of clean foods high protein and my routine has become much better in the last year i started researching training methods and routines and also diet info

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by plutzz View Post
    180 pnds
    body fat percentage not totally sure probly 10 percent i can see my abs but i have a bit of excess fat on the waist line
    training years cant say exact number because its been on and off since high school but i never really ate properly for training i mean like 3 meals a day average joe kinda eating now i eat 6 meals a day of clean foods high protein and my routine has become much better in the last year i started researching training methods and routines and also diet info
    First cycle I assume?

  7. #7
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    Dec 2011
    what are you tryna achieve? mass/cut?
    mickey posted some solid good info.
    your first cycle- as long as gear isnt bunk--that test e will have you big as shit--
    keep eating high pro--upwards of 1.5-2 lbs per lean body weight.

    matter fact what does your diet look like?

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Personally I don't think you weigh enough to start a cycle. I would put on another 10 to 12 lbs at least, naturally of course. Then you can consider cycling so that you have a decent base to build off of.

    The time you spend gaining more, you can use to get your diet in order.

    Once all the above is accomplished, check out this thread:

  9. #9
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    agree--the 180 is very small for 6 ft.

  10. #10
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    thank you mickeyknox for your tips greatly appreciated. your recent thread on begginer cycles is something i actually just took a quik look at tonite im gonna read it more when i have the time gotta sleep but ill leave you with a few questions before i go ill check back tommorow to see what your answers are. why get rid of the primo and the dbol respectivly? i like the idea of dbol for a kickstart maybe more is needed i guess? i think on your thread you said 40 a day? also as for the primo i want to add it because ive read that it had little side effect risk and allows you to keep alot of gains and gives quality gains heard it works quite well with test and good fat burner. my thinking was that primo would work well to keep me more lean and cut on the cycle and also allow me to be able to more easily maintain the gains aqquired is that good logic or no?

  11. #11
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    lol i meant to say 30mg of dbol ED for first 4 weeks

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by plutzz View Post
    thank you mickeyknox for your tips greatly appreciated. your recent thread on begginer cycles is something i actually just took a quik look at tonite im gonna read it more when i have the time gotta sleep but ill leave you with a few questions before i go ill check back tommorow to see what your answers are. why get rid of the primo and the dbol respectivly? i like the idea of dbol for a kickstart maybe more is needed i guess? i think on your thread you said 40 a day? also as for the primo i want to add it because ive read that it had little side effect risk and allows you to keep alot of gains and gives quality gains heard it works quite well with test and good fat burner. my thinking was that primo would work well to keep me more lean and cut on the cycle and also allow me to be able to more easily maintain the gains aqquired is that good logic or no?
    Youre welcome.

    I have to agree with the above, however.. Youre a bit light to be starting a cycle. I neglected to ask for you stats and i should have. Gain a few pounds of lean solid muscle for a solid foundation for your new muscle to grow on. When you have completed that, then you can explore AAS further.

    In the meantime, these are my opinions to your questions:

    On your very first cycle you should stick with test only to see how your body will respond and react to high levels of exogenous test. Should an issue arise, adding a shopping list first cycle only complicates the ability to address it.

    Yes i realize i have included Dbol in my thread, but some people are simply going to go ahead and include it. But my hope is that they will wait until their second cycle. And yes, a second cycle is really just a beginners + cycle, imho.

    And lastly, Primo does not lean you out or cut you. Your diet does. Hit up the Nutrition forum and dial in your diet before beginning this cycle - you'll be glad you did, especially during post cycle. If you don't', you stand a very good chance at losing all your hard work and gains.

  13. #13
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    my goal is to be over 200 pnds and be lean and cut around 8 percent bf goal weight is minimum 200 and maximum 220. probly aiming for somewhere in between like 205-210.

    diet is in a average day these are sample meals of a typical day

    meal 1 eaten between 615 and 630 am i have protein shake the second i get out of bed and then i have a few eggs with a bowl of oatmeal the natural real stuff homemade

    goto work then i get a break at 930 at wich time i eat 2 tuna sandwiches made with one can of albacore tuna a bit of mayo for flavour mashed up all together with some red onion and then a bit of lettuce and natural whole wheat bread from market none of that store bought shit.

    lunch is similar to my break meal and is at 12 noon sometimes i have salmon instead or chicken or whatever but yea you get the jist. 30 or more gs of protein and some healthy clean carbs and i usually also have spinach brussel sprouts and brochilli are my favs. also i throw in sweet potatoes and potatoes

    meal 4 is when im off at 330 at wich time i have some more meat products aiming at 30 plus grams of protein and some good clean carbs from vegetable sources and some fruit i also have throughout the day liek appls and bananas are my favs.

    meal 5 ill have sometimes some pasta of some kind and ill have some lean meat with that

    meal 6 now adays is usually a steak with brussel sprouts and brochilli and spinach or any other green veges

    meal 7 is now cottage cheese before bed 1 cup no fat cottage cheese.

    meat sources vary but usually include chicken tuna beef salmon any kind of fish i can have really. sometimes i handfull of almonds in between meals. protein shake post workout or when i feel i need a bit extra protein.

    i think thats pretty good diet i know on aas i would increase everything in order to get optimal results and then continue to eat impecably to maintain the gains afterwards

  14. #14
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    Dec 2011
    Diet will need some work! Pretty good but not the best.

    At 6ft I'd push it closer to 210-215 if I were u, bus ud still b super lean. Just M.O. Tho.

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  15. #15
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by plutzz View Post
    my goal is to be over 200 pnds and be lean and cut around 8 percent bf goal weight is minimum 200 and maximum 220. probly aiming for somewhere in between like 205-210.

    diet is in a average day these are sample meals of a typical day

    meal 1 eaten between 615 and 630 am i have protein shake the second i get out of bed and then i have a few eggs with a bowl of oatmeal the natural real stuff homemade

    goto work then i get a break at 930 at wich time i eat 2 tuna sandwiches made with one can of albacore tuna a bit of mayo for flavour mashed up all together with some red onion and then a bit of lettuce and natural whole wheat bread from market none of that store bought shit.

    lunch is similar to my break meal and is at 12 noon sometimes i have salmon instead or chicken or whatever but yea you get the jist. 30 or more gs of protein and some healthy clean carbs and i usually also have spinach brussel sprouts and brochilli are my favs. also i throw in sweet potatoes and potatoes

    meal 4 is when im off at 330 at wich time i have some more meat products aiming at 30 plus grams of protein and some good clean carbs from vegetable sources and some fruit i also have throughout the day liek appls and bananas are my favs.

    meal 5 ill have sometimes some pasta of some kind and ill have some lean meat with that

    meal 6 now adays is usually a steak with brussel sprouts and brochilli and spinach or any other green veges

    meal 7 is now cottage cheese before bed 1 cup no fat cottage cheese.

    meat sources vary but usually include chicken tuna beef salmon any kind of fish i can have really. sometimes i handfull of almonds in between meals. protein shake post workout or when i feel i need a bit extra protein.

    i think thats pretty good diet i know on aas i would increase everything in order to get optimal results and then continue to eat impecably to maintain the gains afterwards
    Post this in the Nutrition forum including macros and the pros in there will help fine tune it to your needs and goals.

    Nutritional Forum

  16. #16
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    and as far as my current weight im not rushing to start im just looking into this stuff before hand so that i can have the knowledge at hand and i can do it the right way so ill have some time to continue to gain natty before i start anything im not doing aas till im ready and 100 percent sure its what i want to do. and yes i understand that diet is what will determine my physique at the end of the day im just looking at what roids will best suit my goals and what im trying to acheive obviosly some have different properties and slightly different effects but i know all will have generally the same effects just some work better for certain goals like cutting and bulking. and im also aware that stacking will provide optimal results wich is why im looking into multiple compounds not nessesarily to stack for the first time but at least ill know more about them for future use. just trying to get knowledge and plan out everything got plenty of time im in no rush ill be reading in the nutrion section as well

  17. #17
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    I agree with Mickey. I also agree that you need more weight at 6ft natty.

  18. #18
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    another question i have is about clen could i start taking that during my pct? ive heard it can help to maintain gains while burning fat is this correct?

  19. #19
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    No clen during pct.

    U wana keep as much gains as possible during this time.

    Save clen for after pct.

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  20. #20
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    i was under the understanding that clen allows you to burn fat while maintaining muscle mass or even gaining muscle mass. so i figured this would be ideal for pct as it would allow me to maintain more growth since its mildly anabolic and also i could shed some fat in the process. i guess this is not the case?

  21. #21
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    Dec 2011
    no clen during pct.

    its not ideal. the general consensus is to save it till after.

    but to each his own.

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