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  1. #1
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Clenbuterol during PCT.

    Hey lads. I'm currently on an Anavar only cycle (libido pretty much gone now I'd say) and experiencing some pretty nice lean gains. I've read that a few people have used Clenbuterol during PCT due to its anti-catabolic properties, and its effect on perserving gains made. Would anyone recommend it during PCT and if so, at what dose? I'm not looking to go for a really high dose, not just because I've never used it before, but because I just want to use the lowest dose possible to achieve reasonable results.

    I've also heard about this new product GW50156 which has apparently great reviews. I've heard it has no terrible sides like Clenbuterol, and isn't all that bad for you. The only down side is the cost and that there are no studies on the long term effects of it. Any opinions on this supplement?

    Finally, I've never really experienced a lack of libido before because I've never cycled so I'd like some opinions on this. Basically after having sex and ejaculating etc, I usually need to piss like five or ten minutes after (been drinking a lot of water recently). So anyway, not only does it kinda hurt to ejaculate, but it really ****ing hurt to piss. But then the morning after, I'm fine again with no pain. Does a loss in libido make it kinda feel painful to ejaculate and also piss like not long after? I was like, wtf is going on.

    Any help would be great guys. Thanks.

  2. #2
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Clomid probably for an Anavar only cycle(libido gone, no shocker. You were warned, lol). 3 weeks should suffice if it is the 6 weeker you proposed a while back. Someone with more experience with an oral only cycel could probably help better than me, I just saw no one had posted. Clen could be used on cycle if you wanted, but I would just give your body a break. Good Luck!

  3. #3
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    This is why you ALWAYS run test with a oral. Yes you can run clen to help save muscle on pct.

    Im not sure what your trying to do thought? gw501516 or clen on pct?

  4. #4
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Clomid probably for an Anavar only cycle(libido gone, no shocker. You were warned, lol). 3 weeks should suffice if it is the 6 weeker you proposed a while back. Someone with more experience with an oral only cycel could probably help better than me, I just saw no one had posted. Clen could be used on cycle if you wanted, but I would just give your body a break. Good Luck!
    I'm doing seven weeks of Anavar at 60MG a day. My PCT is Nolvadex 40/40/20/20. May as well keep it on the safe side and do everything properly. Anyway, does that hurting to ejaculate and hurting to piss make any sense with relation to libido loss? I was seriously like wtf this actually hurts lol. I'm not too keen on running Clenbuterol whilst running Anavar, would there be any negatives from running both? I'm leaning towards running it the day after I finish my Anavar and start my PCT. How long should the two weeks on, two weeks off go for with the Clenbuterol for it to work?

    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    This is why you ALWAYS run test with a oral. Yes you can run clen to help save muscle on pct.

    Im not sure what your trying to do thought? gw501516 or clen on pct?
    Testosterone still shuts you down though, yes? If not probably more than a simple Anavar only cycle. That's what I'm asking above. Not sure whether to go with the Clenbuterol or GW. The GW might help me with football next season with the endurance and stamina properties. Do you know if endurance increases greatly or is it only minimal? Do you feel like you could run for a while and keep on running etc?

    Also, which one has a great anti-catabolic property?

  5. #5
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Yes test will shut you down, BUT gains will be SO much better then just anavar only. And your penis still works while on. test is a no brainer to run with EVERY cycle.

    Well as for the next question it has multi answers. Clen can be ran during PCT time if you want. Clen will help save muscle while gw501516 isnt met for this. IMO, gw501516 is better in fat burning, and endurance. Im only using clen right now until my powder gets here of gw501516.

  6. #6
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Yes test will shut you down, BUT gains will be SO much better then just anavar only. And your penis still works while on. test is a no brainer to run with EVERY cycle.

    Well as for the next question it has multi answers. Clen can be ran during PCT time if you want. Clen will help save muscle while gw501516 isnt met for this. IMO, gw501516 is better in fat burning, and endurance. Im only using clen right now until my powder gets here of gw501516.
    Thanks buddy. I can't really find any GW powder. Anyway when does yours arrive? I'd love to know how it goes and if you'd recommend it. Clenbuterol still contributes to fat loss though yeah? Probably more so than Anavar?

    If I was to use Clenbuterol in a two weeks on, two weeks off cycle, how long should it go for to see noticeable results?

  7. #7
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Thanks buddy. I can't really find any GW powder. Anyway when does yours arrive? I'd love to know how it goes and if you'd recommend it. Clenbuterol still contributes to fat loss though yeah? Probably more so than Anavar ?

    If I was to use Clenbuterol in a two weeks on, two weeks off cycle, how long should it go for to see noticeable results?

    I would run the liquid first and see how you go with it.

    In a month or so Ill be posting a log/thread of my next cycle. With it will be Gw501516, ill be running 35mgs a day with it. Clen will cut fat, but imo anavar is way better. It is also again in my next cycle. Diet and cardio is what will make the big difference with clen. If thats not right, clen is useless.

  8. #8
    Doont-Hunter is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    I would run the liquid first and see how you go with it.

    In a month or so Ill be posting a log/thread of my next cycle. With it will be Gw501516, ill be running 35mgs a day with it. Clen will cut fat, but imo anavar is way better. It is also again in my next cycle. Diet and cardio is what will make the big difference with clen. If thats not right, clen is useless.
    Awesome. I'll definitely be keeping a look out for your log. By the way, you know if anyone has used the Clenbuterol listed by AR-R ? Is it reliable?

  9. #9
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Awesome. I'll definitely be keeping a look out for your log. By the way, you know if anyone has used the Clenbuterol listed by AR-R? Is it reliable?

    Yes they are a good source if you choose them.

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