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Thread: clen#21

  1. #1
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    running clen at the common 20mcg and upping 20 per day till holding at 80-100

    potassium and guana supplements daily

    2gallon water

    2 on 2 off , repeat once if needed

    im confident with that part, being 21 should i have any concern with clen?

  2. #2
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    anahny's Avatar
    anahny is offline Associate Member
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    Clen makes me feel like shit... Good luck

  4. #4
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Besides the god awful cramps whilst having sex, Clen was ok!
    My ego suffered a bit as sex sessions usually ended with my girlfriend laughing at me. Cramps in both hamstrings at the same time!

    I found that 80mcg/day was my limit, anything more and the shakes become really noticeable.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Take about 3g to 5g of taurine. It will help with the clen cramps. The cheapest way to but taurine is to go online and but the bulk package. The capsule are much more expensive. Clen's awesome but the guys are saying clen's awesome except for the cramps. I was just stretching at work on day while I was on clen and I caught a cramp in my abs. Yeah, my abs. It wouldn't go away so I had to drop down on the ground and roll around trying to stretch like a rubber band. Wasn't pretty but I was lean. LOL

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Clen can be pretty harsh bro. everyone reacts different to and you wont know how you will react until you try it. The cramps can be unbearable (I would get them in my hands and feet) so you will def need taurine at a minimum 3 grams a day and a TON of water. Don't be in a big rush to increase your dosages, let your body determine that.

  7. #7
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with taurine.
    I would not run clenched unless you are planning on competing. If you can't lose the bf with diet and cardio you will gain it right back.

  8. #8
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    my personal experience of clen --need 120 mcg--i loved the shakey feeling in my hands, hated the tension place on my upper body--seriously made me hate taking the crap--i never cramped but i was drinking 2+ gals water and eating bananas like crazy daily. 2on2off good protocol.

    alternative--albuterol-- no shakes. no cramps. no tension. same results. (for me at least)

  9. #9
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    haha@double hammy cramp, most likely just jinxed myself!

    alright guys thanks for the advice!! 20mcg and takr it steady, is it possible to increase 10mcg a day?

    also in regards to the diet, i know it plays a big role, so if i put fat back on ill know i need to hit the diet for a while beforr approaching any othee substances

  10. #10
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    ive read that albu doesnt work as well?

    also can clen be used pre workout or is that a myth? just because i train in the pm and i do need to sleep at night

  11. #11
    GorillaNuts's Avatar
    GorillaNuts is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Clen gave me heart flutters. Something to think about. Stuff works great but I didn't like the stress my heart was going through constantly.

  12. #12
    manmanman is offline Associate Member
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    yeah ill have to see how my body reacts too it, thanks for all the feedback ill let you all know how it goes when i get it, ordered from arr so hopefully no issues,

    just a related question, while using i assume no stimulants?

  13. #13
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by manmanman View Post
    ive read that albu doesnt work as well?

    also can clen be used pre workout or is that a myth? just because i train in the pm and i do need to sleep at night
    to each his own,
    but also y i like albut, excellent preworkout and no problem goin to sleep while in effect.

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