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  1. #1
    ELicit23 is offline New Member
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    Test E, most effective for a newbie? Prices and PCT?

    Hi, everyone.

    I'm a newbie here, and also a newbie to the world of anabolics. I have never used them, but have read about them, cycles, PCT, side effects etc. I'm looking to start a cycle of Test E, the kind I inject.
    So here are my questions.
    Is Test E the best to start with?
    I want to do a cycle of 8 weeks, is this enough?
    For PCT, he has clomid, nolvadex and aromasin . Will these be effective PCTs?
    I've had heart conditions before, will it be wise to even start a cycle?
    Finally, for that 500mg of Test E a week, how many times a week do I use it? Twice a week at 250mg each? Maybe one day 200 mg and another 300mg?

    All help is appreciated.
    Last edited by ELicit23; 11-11-2012 at 05:17 PM.

  2. #2
    K.Shinedling's Avatar
    K.Shinedling is offline Junior Member
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    No price discussions! 500mg a week is good for starting, but usually Test E is ran for 12 weeks. You would pin Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. If you're considering an 8 week cycle, use test c or p. Also, what are your stats and how long have you been looking into anabolics?

  3. #3
    ELicit23 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Shinedling View Post
    No price discussions! 500mg a week is good for starting, but usually Test E is ran for 12 weeks. You would pin Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. If you're considering an 8 week cycle, use test c or p. Also, what are your stats and how long have you been looking into anabolics?
    Sorry about the price discussion. Well im at 230 pounds, 17% body fat, im 6'2''. Lifting heavy, on caloric surplus. Been working out natural for a year, seen the usual gains naturals see. Been using Test boosters to help me out, but damn they are PRICEY. Seems to me Test E would be cheaper. In 9 weeks im traveling for a week thats why i want to do 8 weeks... i dont want to bring steroids through the TSA lol... i want to make quick gains but i really want to burn off fat fast AND make gains. Any suggestions?

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by ELicit23
    Sorry about the price discussion. Well im at 230 pounds, 17% body fat, im 6'2''. Lifting heavy, on caloric surplus. Been working out natural for a year, seen the usual gains naturals see. Been using Test boosters to help me out, but damn they are PRICEY. Seems to me Test E would be cheaper. In 9 weeks im traveling for a week thats why i want to do 8 weeks... i dont want to bring steroids through the TSA lol... i want to make quick gains but i really want to burn off fat fast AND make gains. Any suggestions?
    Your gains are going to be determined largely by your nutrition, NOT your gear. 8 weeks isn't bad but shorter than what I would ever run. Dose your AI at 0.25mg q.a.d (EOD).

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    17% bf a bit too high.
    If you can't do a whole cycle then don't start it...
    1 years lifting is FAR from enough to reach your full potentiel naturally.
    Continue lifting naturally go check the nutrition and training forum they will be able to direct you in the good direction.
    BTW the test booster is for most, piece of shit. Don't touch that you'll waste your money.
    You want to drop some fat. Go check gw-501516.

    Wish you best of luck

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Welcome Elicit23.

    As mentioned above, please edit your original post and delete the pricing portion. Thank you.

    When youre done, take a moment to look at this thread and pay particular attention to the links at the end of the first post.

    Most Common Beginners Cycles

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