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  1. #1
    DjCbr is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012

    first test cycle with a blend.

    hey guys im 24, been lifting hard for about 2 years now. im 5"10 165 pounds, not sure on the body fat. to give some insight on where im at currently i can bench 275 twice( Ive never tried a 1 rep max ). i hit 405 on the squat last week, unfortunately i couldn't get down to at least a 90 degree angle, but i was damn close. i can confidently hit 325 twice on dead lifts. at this point ive noticed that i can squeeze alot of power into my lanky physique, mainly because my body the last year has basically told me this is how big it wants to be( my older brother is all natural and is pretty much the same way). when i started lifting 2 years ago i was a measly 110 pounds. anyway i wanted my first cycle to be one kind of test but a friend of mine got his hands on some extra test 400 that has 100mg prop, 150 cyp 150 e. i was thinking i would go with 400mg a week for 10 weeks with .25mg of arimidex every other day. for post cycle i wanted to do clomid at 50/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/40/40.
    any input at all will be greatly appreciated, also would like to know how i should dose the test due to the short ester of prop in there.

    most of that is a repost from my new member post, ive gotten one reply and he told me to pick up a fork >.< which is understandable i am a bit on the light side. but lets say if i do go through with this would using a blend like the one above be ok or should i wait and get something that's just cyp or e .

    i do take in a little over 3k cals a day. all real food. with a before and after protein shake on workout days. i find anything over this and i seem to just bloat and the weight put on is more fat than anything. ill leave a quick photo just to give you guys an idea of what i look like

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    wow, after looking at the photo i look alot smaller than i thought i did. i may just end up waiting till im in that 170-180 range. BUT if i didnt would that cycle work? i know the nolva stays a bit high but im scared of bitch tits, i allready have puffy/big nipples that pop through my shirts no matter what lol.

  2. #2
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Agreed. Man I only read into like the first cpl sentences after I read ur stats,

    Do not cycle. Gain diet knowledge.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  3. #3
    BR0DIE is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011
    I stopped reading when you said you are 165lbs, you should try gain more naturally first. There is definitely no need for AAS.
    However you are 24 so if you have your heart set on cycling then do so.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    At 5'10" I would def. suggest trying to tweak your diet and lifting heavy till you hit around 190. This would give you a rock solid base to start from. Honestly you look pretty good though man, Lean but some nice size through the arms and shoulders.

    I am not going to say a cycle would not be a benifit at this point because it would help put some nice size on IF you are eating enough to support it!

    Post your diet with complete macro breakdown in the nutrition forum. Also use the stickys at the top of that forum for ideas on a bulking diet and how to figure your TDEE. This is all important.

    BB is like building a house man. Your diet is the foundation that supports everything, your gym routine is the framework and the AAS is the roof that caps it off. What have you got without building the foundation first? A pile of garbage!

  5. #5
    DjCbr is offline New Member
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    Nov 2012
    my heart is definitely not set on it, and i got exactly what i came here for. more views on my current situation and seems you all agree at this point. buti will deff go post my diet and read up on those stickys

  6. #6
    BR0DIE is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DjCbr
    my heart is definitely not set on it, and i got exactly what i came here for. more views on my current situation and seems you all agree at this point. buti will deff go post my diet and read up on those stickys
    Good choice man, there is nothing stopping you cycling it's just better for you to get a decent diet and build some more muscle natural first. Good luck bro

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