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Thread: Question Regarding Gear, Genetics, and Muscle Memory

  1. #1

    Question Regarding Gear, Genetics, and Muscle Memory

    Hi everyone. New to the forum and trying to inform myself and progress my knowledge in the subject.

    I've been working out and weightlifting off and in for a few years now and had an above average physique. There are a few weak points, such as chest, that I'm trying to pay particular attention too. This may be extra difficult as I was born with pectus excavatum. Not an extreme case, mind you.

    What I'm looking into here specifically is if I could overcome the stagnation in my chest with a bit of chemical help. I'd also like to speed up my progress.

    One thing I was wondering about in particular is this - if a person uses gear to expedite progress and then loses those gains for whatever reason (injury, whatever), does this person have the muscle memory which would make getting those gains back easier off of gear? Of course, this only applies to gains up to the person's genetic potential without gear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Unfortunatly having "that chest" is alot to do with genetics. I will never have that flat chissled chest no matter my BF or AAS! Just isn't in my genetics!

    I believe in muscle memory but it has it's limatations. It would depend on how long the person had "lost the gains" for. Like if you gained 10lbs of muscle and then took a year off from lifting then no...I dont think the memory is that good lol

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