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  1. #1
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Possible infection? (pic inside)

    So I have this before but it lasted about 4-5 days and it was gone

    However this time its much worse.

    It might not look so bad but it is.
    I am currently sitting in a wheelchair becouse the leg WONT MOVE. its PARALYZED. Any movement that requires even the slightest use of the thigh muscle wont work. Its like its out of function

    And if anything tpouches the leg even if i spill a drop of water on the leg it feels like someone is bashing on my leg with a baseball bat. Not that bad but you get the point.

    I have an extremly high tolerance for pain but never felt anything like this.

    Going to the doc tomorow but I would like to know what treat I am in for this timePossible infection? (pic inside)-img_20121114_145116_0.jpg
    That little thingie that I am holding with my fingers around is like a pile of water/zit inside that I can push around by knee :S

    On the picture you can see all muscle defenition is gone and you cant see my knee very well any longer. It might not look that bad but its not going away. Its getting worse and worse
    Last edited by Dan55; 11-14-2012 at 08:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You are making the right decision going to the doc, although the ER may be a better option as he/she may or may not be comfortable treating this sort of situation.

    Curious where you pin your gear, I would have to assume you are going way to low on the leg. You never want to pin any closer than 6-7 inchs above the knee joint. This is why I hate people saying they pin quads, rather than pin thighs. The muscles you actually should be pinning are the vastus lateralis or rectus femoris. Either way you want to pin mid thigh, nowhere near the knee joint or the area most consider their quads.

    Hopefully they will be able to drain the area with a large gauge needle and then possibly inject some antibiotics locally in addition to either an oral or IV therapy.

    If the abcess is worse they may have to slice it open and pack it with guaze. This is no fun but do not let it scare you... believe me it beats the hell out of disablity or loosing the leg due to infiltration into the joint capsule.

    In all likelyhood you will probably be taken care of without major trauma so don't worry and whatever you do watch as many videos etc of intramuscular injection techniques so that you have more information.

  3. #3
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Holly shit bro.... What did you do??

  4. #4
    beans14's Avatar
    beans14 is offline Associate Member
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    That looks like the inside of your leg. Your not injecting there are you?

  5. #5
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    looking very close at the pics, and this retina pixels screen watever you wanna call it--you have 4 red dots in that general area, those are not where you pinning is it?

    other than that--FFM hit the pints all on head!
    good stuff broski.

  6. #6
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    You are making the right decision going to the doc, although the ER may be a better option as he/she may or may not be comfortable treating this sort of situation.

    Curious where you pin your gear, I would have to assume you are going way to low on the leg. You never want to pin any closer than 6-7 inchs above the knee joint. This is why I hate people saying they pin quads, rather than pin thighs. The muscles you actually should be pinning are the vastus lateralis or rectus femoris. Either way you want to pin mid thigh, nowhere near the knee joint or the area most consider their quads.

    Hopefully they will be able to drain the area with a large gauge needle and then possibly inject some antibiotics locally in addition to either an oral or IV therapy.

    If the abcess is worse they may have to slice it open and pack it with guaze. This is no fun but do not let it scare you... believe me it beats the hell out of disablity or loosing the leg due to infiltration into the joint capsule.

    In all likelyhood you will probably be taken care of without major trauma so don't worry and whatever you do watch as many videos etc of intramuscular injection techniques so that you have more information.

    Wont say that did not scare me abit but

    Yes the swelling is right above the knee cap but thats FAR where I am injection from.

    Mid thigh would be the best explenation for where I pin.

    But somehow it seems to have developed some swelling right above my knee cap, again far from where I inject

    Going to the doc now. Keeping you updated when I get back

  7. #7
    Squats33's Avatar
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    I wanna know what the doc said.

  8. #8
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squats33 View Post
    I wanna know what the doc said.
    I am now home after a rather painfull experience at the doc.
    Infection (absess) and they cut it open and squeezed out some nasty smelling puss for about 10-15 minutes. The area thats swollen was only the start of the absess.
    They pushed all the way at the top of my thigh and there was puss coming out at my KNEE so you can imagine there being ALOT of stuff in there.

    Painfull, yes becouse they did not put my whole leg to sleep so when they squeezed every single part of my leg it hurt, alot.

    And they filled the whole in my knee with some paper looking thing that has to be replaced soon.

    Glad i went to the doctor.

    Said it were from a B-12 shot but the wierd thing the last time i injected in my leg was 30 days ago. And it started 10 days ago.

  9. #9
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    eww, sounds rather disgusting..10-15 mins of squeezing puss

    but at least you got it taken care of.

    what in the b-12 woda did it? or how did he no thas where it came from

  10. #10
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    That acutally makes a lot of sense as it would take a long time for the infection to migrate that amount (thigh to knee area). Really glad you had the sense/heart/bravery to go ahead and bite the bullet.

    Just for other members information, do you have any idea what caused the sterility issues with the b-12 shot?

    Some of the issues that are common are,

    Many RS companies that re-bottle vet grade stuff into little bottles.

    Reusing a large bottle way too long.

    Failing to clean the top of the septum throroughly (anything kept in a refridgerator should be kept inside a jar etc to avoid contamination with food funk).

    Inserting a previously used pin to puncture the septum.

    The paper looking thing serves the same purpose as quaze packing, it allows the cavity to saporate ( if it were not there the opening would seal closed and not allow drainage) after a while the packing will clog up and need to be replaced to allow continued drainage. You were lucky if it had gotten much worse they likely would have had to "deroof" the abcess and scrape the entire inside of the cavity and the fistula to strip out the diseased tissue so that good granular tissue growth could take place.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 11-15-2012 at 04:29 PM.

  11. #11
    Dan55 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    That acutally makes a lot of sense as it would take a long time for the infection to migrate that amount (thigh to knee area). Really glad you had the sense/heart/bravery to go ahead and bite the bullet.

    Just for other members information, do you have any idea what caused the sterility issues with the b-12 shot?

    Some of the issues that are common are,

    Many RS companies that re-bottle vet grade stuff into little bottles.

    Reusing a large bottle way too long.

    Failing to clean the top of the septum throroughly (anything kept in a refridgerator should be kept inside a jar etc to avoid contamination with food funk).

    Inserting a previously used pin to puncture the septum.

    The paper looking thing serves the same purpose as quaze packing, it allows the cavity to saporate ( if it were not there the opening would seal closed and not allow drainage) after a while the packing will clog up and need to be replaced to allow continued drainage. You were lucky if it had gotten much worse they likely would have had to "deroof" the abcess and scrape the entire inside of the cavity and the fistula to strip out the diseased tissue so that good granular tissue growth could take place.
    The doctor did not know the cause of it

    If I seem to recall I forgot to use an alcohol swap. It was early in the morning and I simply forgot.

    I have looked at different things that could cause this and this is the only one I could find so I guess it's my fault.

    Now I know to be way more careful becouse I would never want to go through that again. That was not very pleseant.

    And I am glad I went. I tend to stick to '' the body will heal naturally ''. Even changed my mind more when you wrote about that ''deroof'' thing

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