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  1. #1
    Deacon is offline New Member
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    Traveling with gear

    So I am travelling to Brazil in the beginning of January for 6 -8 weeks, and I will be right in the middle of my cycle. (Test and Para)
    I will be taking two shots per week which means 12-16 total.
    I can not ship the gear.
    I need some advice on travelling and transporting the gear.
    Should I check it in the baggage?
    Should I preload the syringes or should I take them unloaded and separate?
    Should I just take the bottles of gear and one syringe? Ive heard of people cleaning the tips with alcohol swabs.
    What about one syringe and multiple tips?
    If I do get stopped, what is the best excuse I can use?
    Ive flown with HGH and pins before because I know you can just claim insulin but this is a little different.
    Any advice on the most careful way to transport is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Curious? Why can't you ship it?
    What are the laws in Brazil? Buy it there?

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I'm on TRT so I usually just load my prescription vial with my own gear. Never traveled over seas with gear tho. maybe ship it?

  4. #4
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Just traveled last month to Singapore and took some products from ar-r so I was worried. I just put it in my shaving kit that was in my checked baggage and had no problems. I was singled out in Singapore and all they did was put it through X-ray no problem. I only took two bottles so I don't know about alot gear.

  5. #5
    Deacon is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies so far.
    I cant ship it because I am staying at a private residence and theres no explanation as to why id be shipping something there when Im flying there anyway.
    Im not sure about the laws there but I dont have a connection and I wouldnt really feel comfortable buying gear there.
    Not sure what the best way to get through customs is.
    Lots of prefilled sticks?
    Four bottles, one syringe and 16 tips?
    I dont know. Just wanna get through without a whole midnight express scenario.
    Dont wanna get an ass infection either. haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I always worry about customs. If they want to make your life tough they can surely do it.

  7. #7
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Should have planned your life around your cycle bro. But i always use the domestic post to send my juice around. Never faild me yet. The key is to not put a name or senders address so if you pick it up and get busted you can
    Just deny....

  8. #8
    njs's Avatar
    njs is offline Junior Member
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    I kinda have a little problem like that too. I have to go out of state for a week all of a sudden for work i cant ship anything so how bad is it if i miss a week of test e 250 2x a week. I will be back on the following week so its 2 shots ill miss will this mess me up?

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    From the sounds of it you have not started the cycle. Why not wait till you get back?

  10. #10
    Tin-Man's Avatar
    Tin-Man is offline Junior Member
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    Shaving kit is the way to go. I travel overseas quite a bit and always put my gear in my shaving kit.....I never preload. In fact I keep syringes in a separate bag as my gear just in case the syringes cause them to search my bag.

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin-Man View Post
    Shaving kit is the way to go. I travel overseas quite a bit and always put my gear in my shaving kit.....I never preload. In fact I keep syringes in a separate bag as my gear just in case the syringes cause them to search my bag.
    Just tear the labels off the vials and put them in your toiletry bag (in your checked luggage).
    Put the syringes in a different bag, or at least as far as possible from the vials. And put something that makes you look old near the syringes (as the elderly tend to need syringes for things other than steroids ), maybe adult diapers or denture bond.
    Remember, they don't have a face to put next to your checked luggage when searching it, so paint yourself as someone who would never be transporting AAS.

  12. #12
    fusion777 is offline Junior Member
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    i wouldnt take syringes at all .

  13. #13
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    What about using an empty vial? or using an empty b12 vial. take the test out of the test vial and transfer it to the b12 vial? If they happen to see it, just say you take b12 shots?

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