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Thread: Losing strength and pump mid cycle

  1. #1

    Losing strength and pump mid cycle

    Tren 100 eod, prop 100 eod, dbol 40 Ed.

    Got sick, took time off, first workout back was awesome but the rest have been shit. No pump, weaker, diet it on point. Gaining weight like normal but seems more fat than anything. Feels like I'm off juice to be honest. Any ideas? My e2 could be high, would it cause this?

    Not very impressed with tren either. Maybe my shit is bunk, got night sweats but no other tren sides, Cept ocassional aggression but could be the test. I get that taste in my mouth when I pin though.
    Last edited by S&S_ShovelHead; 11-19-2012 at 10:17 PM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    what lab tren? How long have you been on? And when you said you took time off, was that from gym or from gear? Your stuff could be underdosed.

  3. #3
    Innovegan. I felt different on first bottle but this one looks the same and I get same taste in mouth but I grabbed it a few weeks after first. Took 3 days off gym, not gear. Switched to some puregear tren last night so we'll see if it makes a diff. Didn't get taste though and little pip and it didn't smell like the other tren, bad signs?

  4. #4
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    Bro, tren will make you tired... and then not let you sleep at the same time! Lol. The fat though is probably from the test. Estro levels are probably high causing bloat and water retention. Are you taking aromasin? You taking prami or caber for the tren?

    I find what works best for me is to be on a constant trt dose of 100mg of test c or e per week and then work in tren at about 350-400mg per week. Everyone has a sweet spot where sides are minimal and yet still produce nice results. You dont have to do an equivalent amount of test to tren. Tren is super potent on its own, you just need the small dose of test to keep your body functioning properly.

  5. #5
    That's another thing, I'm sleeping great which has me wondering about my tren. Not taking an ai, took one at start but dropped it and havnt had any estro sides so decided to not take it. Started with prami but it gave me horrible sleeps so dropped it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    That's another thing, I'm sleeping great which has me wondering about my tren. Not taking an ai, took one at start but dropped it and havnt had any estro sides so decided to not take it. Started with prami but it gave me horrible sleeps so dropped it.
    So you're taking Tren/Test and running no AI or anything to counter PRL?

    Of course your E2 levels could be high, or your PRL.....

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    So you're taking Tren/Test and running no AI or anything to counter PRL?

    Of course your E2 levels could be high, or your PRL.....
    I was but dropped it since I had no sides so decided to stay off. No acne, oily skin, no erectile disfunction. Im sure it's probably high though, going to hop back on tonight. Would high E2 or prolactin cause this?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    I was but dropped it since I had no sides so decided to stay off. No acne, oily skin, no erectile disfunction. Im sure it's probably high though, going to hop back on tonight. Would high E2 or prolactin cause this?
    What AI and PRL were you running and at what dosages? For how long?

  9. #9
    .5 Ed Adex, my estro was huge at .25 ed which was weird because I wasn't on much test at the time (trt does). And prami at .125 mg Ed cause shit sleep so I decided it wasn't worth it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    .5 Ed Adex, my estro was huge at .25 ed which was weird because I wasn't on much test at the time (trt does). And prami at .125 mg Ed cause shit sleep so I decided it wasn't worth it.
    Did you have blood work done to see your E2 levels?

    .125mg of Prami? So you were taking it at the .1 on the oral syringe, that's nothing. Have you thought about getting caber?

    I wouldn't completely stop your AI and Prami, that's not good. You can always taper down, just don't cold turkey stop.

  11. #11
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    What week are you into your cycle and how long is it going to last?

  12. #12
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    Just a for the record comment, it's never a good idea to judge the quality of a steroid based on side effects. I've used good Tren and pure garbage and in either case I've never once had an issue with a single side effect.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    Did you have blood work done to see your E2 levels?

    .125mg of Prami? So you were taking it at the .1 on the oral syringe, that's nothing. Have you thought about getting caber?

    I wouldn't completely stop your AI and Prami, that's not good. You can always taper down, just don't cold turkey stop.
    Yea, estro was in 400's with top op range being 125 (canadian lab so cdn standard units) and my total t was only 890, slightly above top of range.

    Yes, i was taking a little over .1 of prami. Havnt tried caber because I dont have access to it. What are symptoms of high prolactin? I thought it was mostly gyno and sexual sides, neither of which Im having.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    What week are you into your cycle and how long is it going to last?
    Week 6

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