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Thread: clen/t3 & muscle loss?

  1. #1
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    clen/t3 & muscle loss?

    so hypothetically, say a man with a higher bf, say about 20-25% or even possibly higher was to take clen and t3 without using an AAS. would the clen and t3 be more likely too burn the fat or loose muscle? taking into account that he has a good amount of muscle.

    why would the t3 eat muscle instead of the extra fat?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    t3 depletes atp stores so rapidly that in an attempt to not only provide adequate fuel to the body , but too replenish those atp stores, your body has to turn to muscle tissue as well as to body fat.

  3. #3
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    Your body isn't gonna say " hey let's burn just the fat so this guy can look good" no its gonna burn whatever it wants rather fat or muscle . I'm on my 5th week of t3/clen and i must say personally I haven't noticed any muscle loss. Though yesterday my strength decreased on bench press but I'm recovering from the flu. Been out the gym for 3 days and barely ate because of it. That's more than likely why my strength decrease not t3.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny
    Your body isn't gonna say " hey let's burn just the fat so this guy can look good" no its gonna burn whatever it wants rather fat or muscle . I'm on my 5th week of t3/clen and i must say personally I haven't noticed any muscle loss. Though yesterday my strength decreased on bench press but I'm recovering from the flu. Been out the gym for 3 days and barely ate because of it. That's more than likely why my strength decrease not t3.
    yeah i know what you are saying, your not running an aas?

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    well clen helps offset the catabolic effect t3 can exhibit. They have a few ways they are synergistic. t3 upregulates beta 2 receptors and clen is mildly anabolic offsetting to a degree the catabolic proerties of t3. There is a reason they are such a talked about combo.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    well clen helps offset the catabolic effect t3 can exhibit. They have a few ways they are synergistic. t3 upregulates beta 2 receptors and clen is mildly anabolic offsetting to a degree the catabolic proerties of t3. There is a reason they are such a talked about combo.
    The "mildly anabolic" affects that you say Clen exhibits was only found when experimented with mice. Whereby, the dosage/body weight of the mice was much greater than that of what a human could safely take. Also, it was suggested that mice have more beta receptors? (i think it was that) hence, allowing for a greater anabolic affect.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kernal View Post
    The "mildly anabolic" affects that you say Clen exhibits was only found when experimented with mice. Whereby, the dosage/body weight of the mice was much greater than that of what a human could safely take. Also, it was suggested that mice have more beta receptors? (i think it was that) hence, allowing for a greater anabolic affect.
    There are several studies showing that activation of b2 receptors elicits an anabolic effect. Swifto posted in a thread here linking to at least 3 studies proving so. One even showed the mild stimulation provided by ephedrine was enough to do so ..and that primarily acts on b1 receptors secondarily on b2. There a great read you may wish to google. I believe its "actions of beta adrenergic agonists on muscle and adipose tissue". Its a good read will like and learn from it.
    A good read as well , compliments of the late Nandi :

    More evidence for anabolic properties of albuterol

    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004 Jun;75(6):505-11

    Albuterol helps resistance exercise attenuate unloading-induced knee extensor losses.

    Caruso JF, Hamill JL, Yamauchi M, Mercado DR, Cook TD, Keller CP, Montgomery AG, Elias J.

    Exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA. [email protected]

    INTRODUCTION: While resistance exercise (REX) attenuates knee extensor (KE) mass and strength deficits during short-term unloading, additional treatments concurrently administered with REX are required to reduce the greater losses seen with longer periods of unloading. METHODS: To determine whether Albuterol helps REX attenuate unloading-induced KE losses, two groups of subjects strength trained their left thigh three times per week, and otherwise refrained from ambulatory and weight-bearing activity for 40 d while receiving a capsule dosing treatment (Albuterol, placebo) with no crossover. A third group served as unloaded controls (CTRL). On days 0, 20, and 40, the following data were collected from the nonweight-bearing (left) thigh: cross-sectional area (CSA); integrated electromyography (IEMG); and concentric and eccentric KE strength measures. Thigh CSA was estimated using anthropometric methodology. IEMG was used to provide root mean square (RMS) values from submaximal (100 nm) and maximal isometric contractions. Concentric and eccentric strength were measured from eight-repetition unilateral leg press sets. RESULTS: Repeated-measures mixed-factorial 3 x 3 ANCOVAs with day 0 values as a covariate showed group by time interactions for concentric and eccentric total work (CTW, ETW). Tukey's post hoc test showed REX-Albuterol evoked significant (p < 0.05) day 40 CTW and ETW gains vs. within-group day 0 and within-time REX-placebo and CTRL values. By days 20 and 40, CTRL subjects incurred significant decrements. CONCLUSIONS: Albuterol augmented the effects of REX to increase CTW and ETW. Research identifying possible mechanisms responsible for such changes, as well as the safety of REX-Albuterol administration in other models, is warranted.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-20-2012 at 05:24 PM.

  8. #8
    Clen is (was) the steroid of choice for bovine farmers outside of the US. Clen's also used as a steroid on racing horses. If we're injecting horse steroids in our butts why not put clen into animals right? LOL Clen makes the pork looking red and juicy for the consumer. The only problem is that people died from ingesting too much clen. The body would prefer to burn muscle as energy over fat. It's pretty tough to lose fat without losing muscle. jimmyinkedup so eloquently pointed out the synergistic relationship between T3 and Clen. I just never run T3/Clen without some Test. I find a small dose of Test along with T3/Clen and Keto works wonders in burning fat and keeping muscle.

  9. #9
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    If you do a keto with t3/clen lose all your muscles. assured

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    well clen helps offset the catabolic effect t3 can exhibit. They have a few ways they are synergistic. t3 upregulates beta 2 receptors and clen is mildly anabolic offsetting to a degree the catabolic proerties of t3. There is a reason they are such a talked about combo.
    Sounds like a good combo. Although, surely one's heart would get majorly ****ed up from this? Here is a hypothetical question - if one was around 12% bodyfat right now, and started a Clenbuterol/T3 combination, realistically how much bodyfat could they lose in a month of using them? I'm quite interested to know.

  11. #11
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    I am curious about the effects of using T3 without AAS. Doctors regularly prescribe this to people. Yes, OK, those people have a problem with their thyroids, but a friend of mine is prescribed 175mg/day - He doesnt work out, but there clearly isnt major muscle wastage. So how comes it doesnt effect the average user in the same way as bodybuilders? If he started to work out, would he suffer majorly? Food for thought, whilst doing research for my upcoming course I found that actually quite a lot of people are on dosages of upto 175mg/day, this is some serious dosing!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    I am curious about the effects of using T3 without AAS. Doctors regularly prescribe this to people. Yes, OK, those people have a problem with their thyroids, but a friend of mine is prescribed 175mg/day - He doesnt work out, but there clearly isnt major muscle wastage. So how comes it doesnt effect the average user in the same way as bodybuilders? If he started to work out, would he suffer majorly? Food for thought, whilst doing research for my upcoming course I found that actually quite a lot of people are on dosages of upto 175mg/day, this is some serious dosing!
    The dosgae is in mcg ....not mg. Also I feel fairly confident in saying your friend is prescribed levothyroxine (t4) at that dosage ....not lithothyronine (t3). There is a big difference.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gioz View Post
    If you do a keto with t3/clen lose all your muscles. assured
    Good point as t3 rapidly depletes atp stores and without carbs to replenish them the catabolism will be even greater. That is why many will not run it(t3 or clen/t3) solo but only alongside an aas as someone above made good mention of. This esp holds true on a keto type diet.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup

    The dosgae is in mcg ....not mg. Also I feel fairly confident in saying your friend is prescribed levothyroxine (t4) at that dosage ....not lithothyronine (t3). There is a big difference.
    Yes, sorry you are correct! It is mcg, and Levothyroxine!
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter View Post
    Sounds like a good combo. Although, surely one's heart would get majorly ****ed up from this? Here is a hypothetical question - if one was around 12% bodyfat right now, and started a Clenbuterol/T3 combination, realistically how much bodyfat could they lose in a month of using them? I'm quite interested to know.
    It is not the healthiest situation for your cardiovascular system - definitely true. While I understand your desire to know what to expect its really impossible to say. Also re: your point re: heart health ...I think its prudent if your going to use this combo to do so with reasonable dosages and durations.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Good point as t3 rapidly depletes atp stores and without carbs to replenish them the catabolism will be even greater. That is why many will not run it(t3 or clen/t3) solo but only alongside an aas as someone above made good mention of. This esp holds true on a keto type diet.
    Hey Jimmy you know your shit. Could you possibly answer my above question please? I'm quite intrigued and interested lol. EDIT: nevermind lol. I was saw a thread online where someone used a T3/Clenbuterol combo and they were at an extremely high fat level. They also said at the beginning that their diet would be shit and they just wanted to trial to see what sort of effect it has on the body lol. Some members posted saying they think it would work better on someone trying to get to single digits, than on someone at a high fat level.

    I'm actually really, really interested in what it could do for me. I'm almost tempted lol. Could I use it whilst on my current cycle?
    Last edited by Doont-Hunter; 11-21-2012 at 06:09 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Yes, sorry you are correct! It is mcg, and Levothyroxine!
    No need to apologize bro. Easy mistake to make. Just dont want anyone going out taking 175mcg of t3!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup

    No need to apologize bro. Easy mistake to make. Just dont want anyone going out taking 175mcg of t3!
    Fair point!! I've sent you a PM

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Good point as t3 rapidly depletes atp stores and without carbs to replenish them the catabolism will be even greater. That is why many will not run it(t3 or clen/t3) solo but only alongside an aas as someone above made good mention of. This esp holds true on a keto type diet.
    Jimmy, thanks for the above read! I will google that info about clen when I got a spare moment.

    The question that I've been trying to find an answer to is: What would be the most effective diet to use whilst on clen? And how many calories would you consume/day? (Given your maintenance calories is 2500)

  20. #20
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    well for your information im about to run a t3/clen combo without an aas.

    i only have 1 bottle of t3 liquid 30ml at 100mcg, still trying to organise a decent dosage plan, thinking 50mcg first week and then 100mcg for the rest of the bottle, a short 4-5 week cycle should be enough to get me summer ready. i dont mind loosing a bit of

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by nvrtd View Post
    well for your information im about to run a t3/clen combo without an aas.

    i only have 1 bottle of t3 liquid 30ml at 100mcg, still trying to organise a decent dosage plan, thinking 50mcg first week and then 100mcg for the rest of the bottle, a short 4-5 week cycle should be enough to get me summer ready. i dont mind loosing a bit of
    How old are you, and do you have any experience with T3 or Clenbuterol?

  22. #22
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    i have used clen a numerous amounts of times, my sweet spot is anywhere from 80-120mcg. but due to my job i like to stay closer to 80 because my hands shake alot

    this will be my first time using t3. i have done some reading on dosages and i know starting
    on 50mcg is steep, but i havent fully decided about that yet

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by nvrtd View Post
    i have used clen a numerous amounts of times, my sweet spot is anywhere from 80-120mcg. but due to my job i like to stay closer to 80 because my hands shake alot

    this will be my first time using t3. i have done some reading on dosages and i know starting
    on 50mcg is steep, but i havent fully decided about that yet
    What was the Clenbuterol like? How much bodyfat percentages did you lose? I'm sitting around twelve percent and trying to get to ten percent and get some visible abs by new years eve. I think it will only be possible if I use Albuterol or Clenbuterol.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doont-Hunter

    What was the Clenbuterol like? How much bodyfat percentages did you lose? I'm sitting around twelve percent and trying to get to ten percent and get some visible abs by new years eve. I think it will only be possible if I use Albuterol or Clenbuterol.
    well i was sitting at around 15 when i started and i got down too 10-12. if your sitting at 12 alwready then 10 should be easy

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by nvrtd View Post
    well i was sitting at around 15 when i started and i got down too 10-12. if your sitting at 12 alwready then 10 should be easy
    Really? How long did it take you to lose that much bodyfat though?

  26. #26
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    12% and no abs? That don't sound right...

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