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  1. #1
    grit is offline New Member
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    question on short burst cycles

    I get the concept , now is the short burst cycle a good option for beginners who are worried about sides and how they will react?wondering if this might be the best option for a beginner as a short 30 day cycle, if you had any neg sides it would be out of your system fairly quickly.
    any idea of a SBC for a beginner with just test P, I take it you would still incorporate the hcg twice a wk, and arimadex eod .25 etc...
    now would your pct be alot shorter as well


  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    You could do a short burst cycle with a short ester, but why not run an 8 wk'r (with a short ester) to really take advantage of the gains? Short bursts are typically reserved for HRT guys, but can also be utilized by the any AAS user.

    I see that you are 41. What are your full stats?

    Have you read this thread? There are several Beginner cycles that are laid out and explained for you to chose from.

    Most Common Beginners Cycles

  3. #3
    grit is offline New Member
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    Oct 2012
    Hi I did get advise on test e cycle on this site a few weeks ago, and have recieved my test e,hcg ,arimedex, clomid and nolv. so am ready to go.just concerned with sides on a 12 wk cycle, hair loss etc.. I would like to start cycle next week
    I am 5'4" 170lbs, 12-14%bf.
    Have worked out for many years.

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Wk 1-12 500mg test e 2/wk @ 250mg every 3.5 days
    Wk 1-12 Adex .25mg eod and monitor sides
    Wk 3-14.5 hCG 250iu 2/wk day before test injections

    Wk 15-19 pct
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Looks good. Run it and keep us posted.

    p.s. did you find this cycle in the Beginners Thread?

  5. #5
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think they are crappy myself.
    long, steady and easy.

  6. #6
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Wk 1-12 500mg test e 2/wk @ 250mg every 3.5 days
    Wk 1-12 Adex .25mg eod and monitor sides
    Wk 3-14.5 hCG 250iu 2/wk day before test injections

    Wk 15-19 pct
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Looks good. Run it and keep us posted.

    p.s. did you find this cycle in the Beginners Thread?
    good cycle. only i would go to 14 weeks with test, but not needed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I run 12 week cycles for Test E but I normally notice I'm not gaining at about week 10. I like shorter cycles with Test Prop. The cycles are shorter, gains are quicker, and I only have to wait 3 days before PCT.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Short burst cycles are the best way to cycle IMHO, Ive built far more tissue with less sides on SBC than any other cycling protocol. If you know what your doing and how to manipulate the situation, open the growth window and use the correct compounds at the right dosages no other way of cycling can beat them. But if your new to cycling then I suggest to just run a standard 10-12 weeks cycle and slowly see how you react to test first.

  9. #9
    grit is offline New Member
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    on a test P cycle as apposed to a test E cycle,everything would be the same ? .25 arimedex or adex eod, hcg twice a week
    expect test P is 1ml eod as appose to E which is every 3.5days?
    and pct starts 3 days after cycle on P and cycle lasts 6-8weeks?

  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    But 1ml Prop EOD will give you about 350mg/wk, as apposed to 500wk with test E.

    If you are interested in a Prop cycle, 150mg EOD = 1.5ML EOD = 525mg/wk

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