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Thread: Need the help of the Pros, Newbie on a mission.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Question Need the help of the Pros, Newbie on a mission.

    Hi I would like to say hello to everyone on this board and hopefully you will welcome me with open arms. Let me begin on this note, Ive never used before and I'm to the point where I'm going to start. I have a supplier but his prices are extremely high i'm 6,0 205lbs if Id have to say bf id say 12-15 but have no idea. I've been lifting for a year and a half. I recently bought 2 bottles of test 250 and have them saving for the time being until I know more about what it is i'm going to be taking. I want that huge but lean look and my question is since this will be my first cycle most of the guys at the gym that roid thinks I'll keep most of the size and strength but I'm wondering what I should take with this test 250 X 2 so test 500 to get me to that huge and lean look. I do have some fat especially in stomach that makes me want to go sell my truck and get lipo lol when I stand up its not so bad and with a shirt you can't tell at all but when I sit that is another story and around my lower side,back and upper chest thats about all of the trouble areas. So what else should I get to get me to that leaner look winny? 300$ for 100mg here . I would also like to mention I have crohn's in my stomach or I would take the ephdra/caffine/asprin stacks but I can't take this because it tears my gut up.

    I know this is super huge but I just feel like typing forever to explain my situation, and I also know when I take this test I'm going to swell like a sob and get huge but after that cycle what do you suggest I add to it to cut that water weight and fat down and slim up to see those huge mucles thanks. sorry this was a story of my life just tired of having this gut and I can't get it off.

    stats again,
    205, 6 ft, arms 17 inch
    bf- guessing 12-15

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    How old are you?

    Welcome to AR


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I'm 24

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    My suggestion would be to get yourself on a strict diet and start doing lots of cardio. Try to drop that bodyfat, then you can think about taking something like Test/Winny.
    Winny won't burn fat. Yes it can help in dieting by retaining muscle/Building muscle etc.. But Diet and cardio are the key when trying to get lean.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I do cardio for 30 min 4 times a week. On a strict diet, no sugars, was doing no carb was losing fat but losing muscle to I don't eat heavy grease/fat or sat. fat. My diet consist of tuna, chicken, beef, oatmeal, wheat breads, cheese/milk/cottage cheese, and veggies and fruits this is some of the stuff I eat. And I drink 2 liters of water every day I do stomach twice a week but going to start monday doing it every night.

    So my diet is there just need to know what to add with this test to help get me there. I know your thinking I'm some kid that wants fast results and only looking at steroids to get me there, I've trained hard for a year and half and now I'm to the point where I'm stuck, my bench is stopped at 315 reps of 4 I can't seem to get past it and so on. So bascially what I'm saying friend is I'm trying to get past my sticking point and will more than likely go back natural.

    So if you don't care help me with the steroid problem because like I said I have the clomid, nolvadex and 500mg of test enth. I'm just looking for help after that cycle of what to take to help slim me down.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    My dad has crohn's disease. That is terrible shit. Make sure you are careful of your diet. As you get older you gut will statr flushing everything out. i would suggest a great diet and hard work in the gym.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    that is my problem now rhino, all the protein all the shit I need is outie I could be super huge if it wasn't for that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    Not much you can do. There are some good meds out there. But most give you the shits. Ask you doc what you can do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I would go see a good sports doctor and address your concerns. Im not sure if there are any docs on this board, but that would be the safest way for you to go. Be honest and tell him exactly what your planning to do. There is a doctor/patient confidentiality!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    yah I appreciate it but I'm not really concerned with steroids and crohn's I know someone that has crohns and did steroids and nothing happened at all course I'm not him and you never know, But what the doctor will tell me is he can't condone the use of taking steroids and will pretty much be a wasted 110$ dr visit. So to help me cut after my mass building would you all recommend winny I can get 100mg for 300 bucks which that is high and the 50mg is 250 and thats high as well but that is the price some people pay with gym prices. I would take clenbuterol with the winny but I heard nasty side effects from a user at the gym.

    Any help would be much appreciated because this friday the guy is putting in the order and then going out of town as soon as it comes in so if I don't catch him by this friday then I won't be able to put in a order until month later.

    So far I have 500mg of test and need something to help cut the bulk to show the shreded muscle. Thanks again
    Last edited by Six Pack of Rolls; 05-05-2003 at 02:45 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Well is anyone going to lead me on the right path please.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Run your test for 8 weeks, and start running that winny weeks 8/15! If you can get your hands on it, get some Equipose to run with the winny. I would get some vitamin b-12 to mix with the winny..when you inject winny it tends to stay in the area you inject. When you add the b-12 it tends to spread alot better throughout the muscle...

    I would recommend doing some cardio, for the heart, and for some calorie burning..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    O yea, as for the clen.. I think that pump is garbage, the pills are alot better.. just my opinion though!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Living my life to the fullest!
    If you simply want you strength to go up just go Anavar 40mg every day for 8 weeks(combine with 5g of creatine), I dont know if you even need testosterone for that. But like suggested above, clenbuterol works great for cutting, also maybe try Miotolan at 20mg ED(although I doubt that you will find it/that guy has it to order).

    Supplementing with CLA 4 grams per day helps too, because it makes the body use fat for energy instead of muscle. Also 1 study found that drinking a cup of green tea every day caused a 4% rise in fat oxidation in humans, so that can help. know...use glutamine and creatine like that...but no ECA right? Hmm...Low carb diet is the other best thing I would recommend(if you want more details on how you should best set up a low carb diet you can PM me).
    Last edited by WiLLpOwEr; 05-07-2003 at 05:35 PM.

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