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  1. #1
    db12 is offline New Member
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    New member - Athlete needs advice

    Little bit of background.

    I am a professionally trained athlete with a full support staff of doctors, physical therapist, athletic trainers and nutritional advisors. With all the support I have, I do not feel comfortable approaching anyone with steroid questions.

    I have done a fair amount of research, yet am not an expert by any means. I've read conflicting bits of advice(opinions) on multiple forums. I value the information I get here.

    I have read you don't want to do oral only cycles, and I have read you can get away with it.
    I have run an 8 week 50mg/day oral only cycle of Stanozolol from Kalpa Pharm with decent results. I also ran a half cycle of Winny with pins, but my house robbed and and the remainder of my cycle was destroyed.

    Adding additional size is not my goal. I want to avoid bulking cycles. In addition it makes me slower. Speed and endurance is my main concern.

    I have been considering an Anavar only cycle. With my training and diet, I see it being effective. I've considered stacking it with something to increase strength, but I guess that's where I am looking for advice since I don't want a huge gain in weight. I don't like the idea of using test as a base.

    Any suggestions, and what kind of PCT should I employ?


  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A course of Anavar would give you a boost. It will suppress your natural test production but not completely. Will it send you to a low test level range? Hard to say, would depend on the person. A moderate dose and you might be OK. You could always consider a testosterone gel with your Anavar. This is very common among a lot of athletes. This will keep your test levels from going to low but it will not cause you to grow a bunch of muscle mass, which as you said you want to avoid.

    If you're not going to use a test gel, you could consider testocaps and get the same thing as the gel. If you're not going to use those, I would at least consider a little proviron with your Anavar if you can get it and run your plan in 6wk increments.

  3. #3
    db12 is offline New Member
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    Would starting the test gel or testocaps at the same time as the anavar be the way to go, or should I leave a gap and be using the test after the cycle of anavar runs out.
    I didn't notice the normal low testosterone indicators when taking winny. Is that an indication of how I would response to anavar as far as my testosterone goes?

    The test gel would be used to keep my levels from going low. Would that fetch the strength increase I'm looking for?

    And what kind of differences/advantages would anavar offer compared to winny?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Test is pretty much test. Gel is just a different delivery method. Putting on weight and gaining strength are mostly products of your diet and training which are totally within your control. Many people do AAS cycles and basically gain nothing due to a poor diet/training regimen. Do you happen to know what your current T levels are now?

    And welcome to the forum! Be sure to check out all the different ones there are.


  5. #5
    db12 is offline New Member
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    My fault, I use weight and bulk interchangeably. I increase muscle mass relatively easy, so when I took wnny, I noticed a fair amount of size. Looks great in the mirror, just not real great on the track.

    So I assume any AAS is going to add more muscle mass for me than usual, I just want to minimize that as much as possible because my training regime incorporates, swimming, HIT Training, distance running and weight training 4x week.

    I don't know what my current T levels are, I assume asking that question will raise flags.

  6. #6
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by db12 View Post
    Would starting the test gel or testocaps at the same time as the anavar be the way to go, or should I leave a gap and be using the test after the cycle of anavar runs out.
    I didn't notice the normal low testosterone indicators when taking winny. Is that an indication of how I would response to anavar as far as my testosterone goes?

    The test gel would be used to keep my levels from going low. Would that fetch the strength increase I'm looking for?

    And what kind of differences/advantages would anavar offer compared to winny?
    People often assume if they don't have any sexually related symptoms their testosterone levels are not low. There are numerous low testosterone effects, and while sexually related symptoms are the most common it is possible to have low testosterone levels without sexually related symptoms. However, extremely low levels would almost always result in the sexually related.

    You would use the gel at the same time as the Anavar. The purpose is to use the gel in order to maintain adequate testosterone levels. If you do, you'll get better results from your Anavar and you'll simply feel better.

    Quote Originally Posted by db12 View Post
    My fault, I use weight and bulk interchangeably. I increase muscle mass relatively easy, so when I took wnny, I noticed a fair amount of size. Looks great in the mirror, just not real great on the track.

    So I assume any AAS is going to add more muscle mass for me than usual, I just want to minimize that as much as possible because my training regime incorporates, swimming, HIT Training, distance running and weight training 4x week.

    I don't know what my current T levels are, I assume asking that question will raise flags.
    You can gain size with most any steroid , that's true, but certain steroids are more apt for promoting size than others. Like was said above, your diet will determine how much if any size you actually put on. If you're not eating for size, while testosterone is a great muscle mass promotor it's highly unlikely a little gel is going to produce unwanted size. It really takes a lot of gel to get a true anabolic boost for growth.

  7. #7
    db12 is offline New Member
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    So taking an oral test and anavar together is not discouraged ?
    I plan on:
    Anavar 50mg QD
    Andriol testocaps 40/mg BID
    Milk thistle 300mg BID
    Pct clomid ???

    I have no problem with injections, would inj test be a wiser choice because of a reduced liver toxicity?
    If it is easier to get another 8weeks of oral winny, is it still advisable to stack oral test.

  8. #8
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    If you have no problem with injecting test, then thats the way to go. You can keep it low if you want 150-200mg/week.
    I would run the Var slightly higher. I like Tbol more than Var though.
    Forger the milk thistle, its crap in my opinion.
    Pct nolva/clomid

    And with orals, you should worry about cholesterol levels more than liver toxicity.
    Forget the winny

  9. #9
    bikeracer2012 is offline New Member
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    Some great feedback here...

  10. #10
    bikeracer2012 is offline New Member
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    assuming the same, if I were to replace (Andriol testocaps 40/mg BID) with injecting test, would you reco testosterone -propionate at 100mg/eod? Or too low?

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