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Thread: D-Bol

  1. #1


    Hey guys and gals. Quick question. I have more experience running long Esther's and injectables as opposed to orals. I was curious if you really need to run your orals, specifically D-Bol, on off days? I know some people do not and some do. Is their any science aside from shorter half life, as to which method is better for overall maximized gains? 25mg per capsule for extra info. Just curious for different opinions.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Dont know who told you to run dbol on your off days but please dont listen to them again, they have no idea what they are talking about.

    Whats the full cycle?

  3. #3
    Test cyp (HRT) so that's all the time anyway

    D-Bol 50 mg/day
    Cycle will change as contest comes closer. July, Mr. San Jose
    I have all the dates and everything worked out. Don't feel like writing it out. other than the dbol question I have a solid training regimen, good trainer. I just forgot to ask him when to run the dbol. I think he said prior to training, but I was half listening like a dumbass.

    Stats for shits and giggles
    5'9 220 8% light heavy comp division

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There are many ways to run dbol, pre training is a good one but i much prefer splitting your daily dose up into 3 or 4 segments

  5. #5
    Yeah I agree brotha. When I ran ad-50 had much better success when I split it. Kept levels up all day and through the night. That's what I was thinking. Am and pm split on dose.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenohearn View Post
    Yeah I agree brotha. When I ran ad-50 had much better success when I split it. Kept levels up all day and through the night. That's what I was thinking. Am and pm split on dose.
    Yes depending on dose split them up, I much prefer that way but I have done dbol pre training for a good old pump but for growth I feel splitting them up evenly throughout the day/night is better

  7. #7
    Thank you very much. I appreciate all the info!!

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
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  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    best of luck for the contest

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Dont know who told you to run dbol on your off days but please dont listen to them again, they have no idea what they are talking about.

    Whats the full cycle?
    Why would u not take it just because u aren't hitting the gym? I've always done dbol and anadrol everyday

  11. #11
    38. Last year I was dragging, gaining weight or no gains in the gym. No sex drive, no energy, depressed. Lasted for like 6 months. My MD did labs and my test was 290ng/dl! That's the level of a 75 y/o! Nothing caused it. Didn't abuse aas prior. He just said that sometimes low T can come earlier for some guys. Endo agreed. All other labs normal. Went into TRT and haven't felt better.

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588;626***0
    Why would u not take it just because u aren't hitting the gym? I've always done dbol and anadrol everyday
    I think OP means that he was told to take dbol ONLY on off days.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by kenohearn
    38. Last year I was dragging, gaining weight or no gains in the gym. No sex drive, no energy, depressed. Lasted for like 6 months. My MD did labs and my test was 290ng/dl! That's the level of a 75 y/o! Nothing caused it. Didn't abuse aas prior. He just said that sometimes low T can come earlier for some guys. Endo agreed. All other labs normal. Went into TRT and haven't felt better.
    And felt much better!! I read that and realized it made no sense whatsoever. Lol!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    best of luck for the contest
    Thank you. Nervous and excited at the same time. Dieting is such a bitch and I'm still gaining!! Trainer said I need to suck it up because it just gets harder. But the results are so worth it. Kind of a bucket list accomplishment. Too many tats to ever get really serious or go for pro card

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    I think OP means that he was told to take dbol ONLY on off days.
    Nah. He is saying some ppl told him to take dbol only days he works out. Not to take it when he doesn't workout. And then Marcus responded saying anyone who told him to take it on off days, doesn't know what they are doing.

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite;626***2
    I think OP means that he was told to take dbol ONLY on off days.
    you took the words out of my mouth big boy

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Nah. He is saying some ppl told him to take dbol only days he works out. Not to take it when he doesn't workout. And then Marcus responded saying anyone who told him to take it on off days, doesn't know what they are doing.
    Either way. I can see how a misunderstanding could occur. But Marcus replied based on the understanding that I mentioned, which is what I understood as well.

    Anyway, both would be wrong. You don't just take dbol on workout days only, and you dont take it on off days only. You take it everyday till your planned period is over.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Nah. He is saying some ppl told him to take dbol only days he works out. Not to take it when he doesn't workout. And then Marcus responded saying anyone who told him to take it on off days, doesn't know what they are doing.
    It doesnt read like that on his first post,

    he said "specifically D-Bol, on off days"

  19. #19
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    I read that as the op asking, should I take it on off days as well. Guess we need him to chime in with what he meant. Regardless, we all agree it should be taken everyday. Right?

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I read that as the op asking, should I take it on off days as well. Guess we need him to chime in with what he meant. Regardless, we all agree it should be taken everyday. Right?
    No he didnt say "ASWELL" but the question has been answered and I dont know why your going on about something whats not in question

  21. #21
    So I was asking do I take it everyday? Or only on lifting days? Does that help everybody. Sorry for not being clear


    Lifting days only?

  22. #22
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    No he didnt say "ASWELL" but the question has been answered and I dont know why your going on about something whats not in question
    Because in this response you are saying anyone who takes it off days is dumb. And someone just browsing may see it and take it in the wrong way....

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Dont know who told you to run dbol on your off days but please dont listen to them again, they have no idea what they are talking about
    Its doesn't say anything about Only on your off days.

    And obviously you read it wrong, because the OP has clarified what I initially thought.

  24. #24
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    I will take care of this little misunderstanding/argument! them on days that end in "Y" Problem solved

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    I will take care of this little misunderstanding/argument! them on days that end in "Y" Problem solved
    Now that was funny! Thanks you guys. Appreciate the advice. Didn't mean to start an argument.

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