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Thread: If not a mild dose of Anavar then what would I use?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    No, I am going to wait and read up on all of it. I researched the Var a lot, so i'm not as up on the standard test. I do see where there are blends and then just 1 now though.
    I really would avoid the blends. You are looking for either Test E...or Test C!!! Both pretty much the same thing!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    Right, I got that... I was just checking to make sure that I was correct on that, so yeah each ML=whatever the test is... IE if it's a 250 mg @10 ml then each ML is 250 instead so I would have to inject 2 ML per week to = the suggested 500 mg.
    Yes sir...your getting it Befor you ask...cause you will lol. 1 ML is the same as 1 CC on the syringe lol

  3. #43
    Yeah, I do understand that there are a lot of things that need to be learned. I know that test SHOULD be the base for just about any cycle, I know that you need some sort of help to keep the body from reacting to the added T by causing the production of to much estrogen hence the reason for the arimidex that you had suggested. I know that PCT such as clomid or several sometimes to help the body re-adjust back to the natural test production to not "crash" so to speak.

  4. #44
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    The point in the testosterone at that dose would simply be to prevent a low testosterone condition and you would allow the other steroids to help you reach your goals.

    Currently, I run my TRT script. If I were to ever do another full blown cycle that's still probably all the test I'd use but would add in a bunch of other things. I have no desire to grow. I have no desire to be huge anymore and have no thoughts of competing anymore. Sometimes the desire pops in my head but not often.

    I know a lot of guys say there's no point in cycling if you're not trying to grow, but I couldn't disagree with that any more than I do. You can run the best diet on earth and train your tail off and you still won't look as good as you would if you had done the same thing with some gear. A TRT dose of test and a strong additional item at a higher dose can do wonders and give you a great transformation.

    Then you have athletes, actual performance athletes, not bodybuilders and not gym rats. Low test doses in conjunction with a mild steroid is very very common. Low doses of test with possible Deca, Winny or Var are all very common.
    True....but his initial message said his natty levels were ranging from 633-796 so how is a TRT going to elevate his levels beyond this point? Given his current levels, a TRT dose would seem useless.

    ....and I don't disagree. I'm getting to a point were healthy is becoming more of a priority than trying to be massive. I don't disagree on that.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Yes sir...your getting it Befor you ask...cause you will lol. 1 ML is the same as 1 CC on the syringe lol
    yeah, that part I remember the ML to CC being the same when I had to inject my dying dog :-( Poor guy.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    Yeah, I do understand that there are a lot of things that need to be learned. I know that test SHOULD be the base for just about any cycle, I know that you need some sort of help to keep the body from reacting to the added T by causing the production of to much estrogen hence the reason for the arimidex that you had suggested. I know that PCT such as clomid or several sometimes to help the body re-adjust back to the natural test production to not "crash" so to speak.
    Good job...keep up the research,your getting it!

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    True....but his initial message said his natty levels were ranging from 633-796 so how is a TRT going to elevate his levels beyond this point? Given his current levels, a TRT dose would seem useless.

    ....and I don't disagree. I'm getting to a point were healthy is becoming more of a priority than trying to be massive. I don't disagree on that.
    Yes, I would rather what i'm using be healthy and not get to complicated. Like I said, being strong and putting on some lean mass is what I am looking for. I have scoliosis for instance and my back is weak, my chiropractor told me to do a lot of pull ups because he could see and feel the difference in one side of my back being weaker than the other. Adding more strength to that area (which is still weak) would help my spine greatly. I was a slow developer when I was a child and my bones were soft for many years over what they should have been. Lat development would be a HUGE part of my lifting to try to get it stronger. It has helped as my spine had gone from 40 degrees to 37. Better than nothing.

  8. #48
    actually, thinking back now... I had a soft spot in my head until I was about 5 years old... I probably could have benefited from HGH back then lol.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    True....but his initial message said his natty levels were ranging from 633-796 so how is a TRT going to elevate his levels beyond this point? Given his current levels, a TRT dose would seem useless.

    ....and I don't disagree. I'm getting to a point were healthy is becoming more of a priority than trying to be massive. I don't disagree on that.
    I understand what you're saying. On the basis of where his test levels are now there is no point in a TRT wouldn't be a step forward or would be simply standing still. However, if he's going to use another steroid (not test) he's still going to lower his test levels and while a TRT dose want increase his total levels above where they are now, it will ensure he doesn't fall into a low level. The overall point is simply being able to use other steroids without having to worry about low test and nothing more...the test itself is not providing any benefit, in his case the added benefit is the Anavar.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I understand what you're saying. On the basis of where his test levels are now there is no point in a TRT wouldn't be a step forward or would be simply standing still. However, if he's going to use another steroid (not test) he's still going to lower his test levels and while a TRT dose want increase his total levels above where they are now, it will ensure he doesn't fall into a low level. The overall point is simply being able to use other steroids without having to worry about low test and nothing more...the test itself is not providing any benefit, in his case the added benefit is the Anavar.
    you all are gonna confuse the shit out of me lol

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    you all are gonna confuse the shit out of me lol
    If you use any anabolic steroid your natural testosterone levels will decline. It does not matter which steroid you choose, your natural levels will fall. Now how great they fall will be dependent on the steroid you're using. If you use Anavar, it will suppress your natural testosterone, it won't be completely and it could be possible to use it without falling into a low testosterone state, but your levels would still be much lower than they were before you started using Anavar. Now, if you use Anavar along side a therapeutic level dosing of testosterone, you'll receive all the benefits of Anavar while maintaining your higher testosterone levels.

    Hope that made sense.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    If you use any anabolic steroid your natural testosterone levels will decline. It does not matter which steroid you choose, your natural levels will fall. Now how great they fall will be dependent on the steroid you're using. If you use Anavar, it will suppress your natural testosterone, it won't be completely and it could be possible to use it without falling into a low testosterone state, but your levels would still be much lower than they were before you started using Anavar. Now, if you use Anavar along side a therapeutic level dosing of testosterone, you'll receive all the benefits of Anavar while maintaining your higher testosterone levels.

    Hope that made sense.
    True....but if the net benefit isn't really significant, why bother messing with his endocrine system in the first place? Yes, Anavar is relatively mild but suppressing his natty test and then bumping it slightly with var just seems pointless. I know some prefer var for lean gains but if my natty test was 600+ I'd be focusing on diet more if I was only looking to lean out and achieve that shredded "aesthetic" image some of the younger dudes are obsessed with.

    You CAN achieve a shredded look with diet, exercise, and good old discipline.

  13. #53
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Never seen 500mg/MG sure???
    i have some from a ugl thats 500mg/ml all long esters...

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    i have some from a ugl thats 500mg/ml all long esters...
    Hows that feel gon in Ghetto??? Ouch, not much room for some BB in that!

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    True....but if the net benefit isn't really significant, why bother messing with his endocrine system in the first place? Yes, Anavar is relatively mild but suppressing his natty test and then bumping it slightly with var just seems pointless. I know some prefer var for lean gains but if my natty test was 600+ I'd be focusing on diet more if I was only looking to lean out and achieve that shredded "aesthetic" image some of the younger dudes are obsessed with.

    You CAN achieve a shredded look with diet, exercise, and good old discipline.
    Sure you can, I agree but the look is still going to be better with a little gear. IMO, the look would be better with Anavar and a TRT dose of test than just dieting with your natural high test levels. At least that's my opinion.

  16. #56
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1;62***33
    Hows that feel gon in Ghetto??? Ouch, not much room for some BB in that!
    it has quite a bite but i only use it when im running tren or deca so i can "cut"the test thus causing far les pip for me...

  17. #57
    ok, so it's either let the Var do the work and keep the test level even wit 250 mgs, or a higher dose of strictly test. Which is safer? I'll just ask that one.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30
    ok, so it's either let the Var do the work and keep the test level even wit 250 mgs, or a higher dose of strictly test. Which is safer? I'll just ask that one.
    A lower dose of test = lower possible sides.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    A lower dose of test = lower possible sides.
    but a pretty elevated mood and such though. I know i'd get zits because i'm already prone to them. I don't know about the hair.... I guess I would use some of that shampoo (I forgot the name of it).

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    but a pretty elevated mood and such though. I know i'd get zits because i'm already prone to them. I don't know about the hair.... I guess I would use some of that shampoo (I forgot the name of it).
    Dont let Metel get ya all twisted...just stick to the original Test only plan for the first go! Your confused enough

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Dont let Metel get ya all twisted...just stick to the original Test only plan for the first go! Your confused enough
    I'm here to confuse, only to confuse, lol! Actually, I thought everything I said was pretty basic and straightforward but maybe I'm confused myself, lol!

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm here to confuse, only to confuse, lol! Actually, I thought everything I said was pretty basic and straightforward but maybe I'm confused myself, lol!
    No...what you said makes perfect sense to you lol. Look at the ops post history in this thread. Crawling before he walks seems like the best approach

  23. #63
    Like I had posted before... I started looking at different things that would help lean me out a bit, but still being able to rest and recover from back and shoulder problems. Especially later on if I go through with shoulder surgery. I am able to push myself enough to build muscle because I have been doing it, but quite slowly. Leaning out is just something that would be a nice added benefit. I read a lot about the Var, but the liver issues put me on the fence about it. I'm also getting older, and while 34 isn't "old" it's not young anymore either. One of my tests last year revealed a low total test % but the endo I saw basically brushed it off. I asked him about getting the E2 test done while I was there and his answer was " why? are you growing boobs?" I guess he wants me to get a nice pair like he had. It was quite obvious at that point he wasn't to worried about how I was feeling, which was drained, tired a lot, my mood was and is to aggressive. Honestly though, it had not been like that. There's been a lot of stress in my life from anxeity to getting married (which was a good thing but you know what I mean), we bought a house, we have 6 dogs... found out my Wife is pregnant. I can't work because I cannot stand on my feet all day long because of my back... I can't sit all day because of my back. I've just grown very tired of feeling like this and not being able to lift to my absolute potential. I know inside that I do not feel the same way I did, and when my test comes back low they say "well it was only 1 or 2 points under the low mark" wtf difference does that make? I should be in the middle of the range if nothing else. What good is having a high total test if my body can't use it all?

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    Like I had posted before... I started looking at different things that would help lean me out a bit, but still being able to rest and recover from back and shoulder problems. Especially later on if I go through with shoulder surgery. I am able to push myself enough to build muscle because I have been doing it, but quite slowly. Leaning out is just something that would be a nice added benefit. I read a lot about the Var, but the liver issues put me on the fence about it. I'm also getting older, and while 34 isn't "old" it's not young anymore either. One of my tests last year revealed a low total test % but the endo I saw basically brushed it off. I asked him about getting the E2 test done while I was there and his answer was " why? are you growing boobs?" I guess he wants me to get a nice pair like he had. It was quite obvious at that point he wasn't to worried about how I was feeling, which was drained, tired a lot, my mood was and is to aggressive. Honestly though, it had not been like that. There's been a lot of stress in my life from anxeity to getting married (which was a good thing but you know what I mean), we bought a house, we have 6 dogs... found out my Wife is pregnant. I can't work because I cannot stand on my feet all day long because of my back... I can't sit all day because of my back. I've just grown very tired of feeling like this and not being able to lift to my absolute potential. I know inside that I do not feel the same way I did, and when my test comes back low they say "well it was only 1 or 2 points under the low mark" wtf difference does that make? I should be in the middle of the range if nothing else. What good is having a high total test if my body can't use it all?
    Just stick to the Test cycle that MuscleInk suggested. Var will do NOTHING for you unless you are quite lean already! No AAS cuts or bulks like so many believe, Diet determines the outcome...not which compound you take. Since Test should be your base its best to become famaliar with it....

  25. #65
    Ok, for reference, here are my most recent numbers from 10/11

    TT 636
    Free test 11.2 Labcorbs "normal areas" 8.7 - 25.1
    No free total test done (last one was the low one)
    E2 13.1 out of 7.6 - 42.6
    Cholesterol 166 100-199

    GH (last year) 0.2 range 0.0-2.9

    Kidney function is a bit high, so I was told to cut the creatine.


    22 6 - 20 mg/dL


    1.17 0.76 - 1.27 mg/dL

    Any thoughts on any of this? Namely the kidney function?

  26. #66
    Anyone have any info on my numbers? Anything look off at all?

  27. #67
    Well, i've been looking more and more at the sticky'd threads and I think that test C @ 500 mg's per week is worth a try. I find myself today very depressed, and an overall anger about things. I hate that I have these injuries that don't allow me to work out to my full potential, I hate where I live. I hate the kids that live in this town and how I can't drive down my road without seeing some thug wannabe. I just want to beat them into the ground tbh. My aggressiveness is getting worse it seems by the day. I thought for a while that adding test would only make that worse, but the more i've been reading the more it seems it may be the opposite. I am going to write my Doctor and tell her that I understand based on what current "medicine" says that i'm going to get on the stuff one way or the other. I just have to do what is best for me. If it makes me more aggressive, then i'll come off of it and that will be that. I've been to therapists for anxeity for several years and then it started to turn to frustration after the anxeity was actually under control around 28 or 30 IIRC. I'm tired of it. Something else has to be done because I just can't take this sh*t anymore.

  28. #68
    Hey Muscleinc. Doc, can I get your thoughts on my above post?

  29. #69
    Bump for a check on my numbers?

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