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Thread: If not a mild dose of Anavar then what would I use?

  1. #1

    If not a mild dose of Anavar then what would I use?

    First let me point out, i'm not big, don't want to be big, I just want to add some strength to my size. That can be gained naturally as well. Many seem to down Var as a weak steroid, but may be missing that I would rather have an athletic body than a bodybuilding one.

    That's not my reasoning for wondering about different types of AAS. Obviously because of buldging discs and a shoulder problem I cannot workout nearly as hard as I would like to. Rest is what I need more than anything. My diet is not perfect, but good enough to hold my current weight of about 168 now I think it is.

    At 34 I do realize i'm not getting any younger. Relying on Doctors and endocrinologists that really don't have the first clue about most of these compounds is a no go for me and i'm not putting how I feel in their hands any longer. They don't even know what to test for when it comes to finding the correct problem. For instance, a few months ago my total test was 796, but my free total was a bit under the normal level. Of course 796 is a good number at my age IMO anyway. However, the more I petaled on my stationary bike, the more my back began to hurt. Therefore my last total test had fallen to 633. Still not a bad number. Free test was not done.

    Aggressiveness has been an issue for me over the last few years. I have to take several different meds for anxeity and one of them is known to cause this problem. Although i've always been a bit hot headed, it was never to the point that it is now which makes me wonder if that free test has dropped even more.

    Money is also an issue, and while Anavar is expensive, it seems to be mild enough in smaller doses that it would be good for me because it does promote the collagen synthesis in the body, which could help a little bit with my back. Keep in mind I do realize that steroids are not my answer for a cure for my pain. What I am looking for is the following:

    1.Something to help me to stay lean while i'm not able to workout as hard as before. (yes, diet I know. Diet for me is not a problem for me to get straight, but some fat still remains no matter what.

    2. I plan on adding 3-5 grams of MSM to my daily supplements to help with inflammation.

    3. Keeping as much strength as possible.

    4. Right now I am limited to push-ups, dips, tricep and bicep work and close to wide pull-ups, but only with palms facing me because the shoulder feels like it will come right out of place and based on x-rays and MRI's i've had done, at some point it was dislocated. Because of this, I wouldn't want anything that would in any way dry out my joints.

    5. I want to feel better overall. I don't feel like my quality of life is as good as it could be. I'm tired more often than I should be, my mood tends to be a little lower much of the time. Definitely not the happy person I once was, and I should be.. I have a great Wife and we have a baby coming in about 7 months. A lot to look forward to, but I still feel pretty dull.

    6. Fat... I want some thing that is shown to help with fat loss, I mean who doesn't? Again though, i'm not looking to be big. That's great for some people, but it's not what I want. If I gained 10 solid lbs of lean muscle that would be fine and about all i'd want.

    Based on this, give me some ideas for why Var might be good or might not be. If not, then give me some cycle ideas. Please do keep in mind that I have to keep prices down as much as I can for a while at least.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    if your not going to use test as a cycle or at least a base you have no biz using steroids in my op.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    also for your goals.... no aas

  4. #4
    thanks for your replies... any other thoughts or input?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    First let me point out, i'm not big, don't want to be big, I just want to add some strength to my size.
    Lift heavier weights.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    Lift heavier weights.
    Well I would do that if my shoulder wasn't so screwed up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you are correct var is mild and at a low dose of something mild its useless.
    If you have this many injuries it makes no sense to use anything
    And i agree with Juiced P i would not cycle with out test
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Much better results adding test with the anavar.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Taking var alone will have some suppressive effects in your natural T. Not as much as other more androgenic compounds, but the effect is dose dependent. If you are running a very low dose so that the suppression is very mild, you wont see any benefit. Any higher, you'll see more benefit, but also more suppression of your natural testosterone and hence, a drop in your quality of life - which you mentioned was a concern.

    So, the short answer is, Anavar alone isn't what you should be doing and if you chose to do it, the benefit is greater when coupled with test-C or test-E, in which case you should run a PROPER cycle.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post

    Money is also an issue, and while Anavar is expensive, it seems to be mild enough in smaller doses that it would be good for me because it does promote the collagen synthesis in the body, which could help a little bit with my back.
    Solution: Vitamins A, C, and E. All have been proven to promote collagen synthesis. I can show a reference, but I figure I shouldnt have too. Take those ED. I honestly feel that if you cannot/are not able to give it all in the gym, then steriods are not something you should consider. I think that an increased level of strength would damage you more than you already are. It is easier for your muscles to lift more weight on cycle, but not easier for your joint damage.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Solution: Vitamins A, C, and E. All have been proven to promote collagen synthesis. I can show a reference, but I figure I shouldnt have too. Take those ED. I honestly feel that if you cannot/are not able to give it all in the gym, then steriods are not something you should consider. I think that an increased level of strength would damage you more than you already are. It is easier for your muscles to lift more weight on cycle, but not easier for your joint damage.
    That's understandable. I was just hoping for something like some guys run Deca with their cycles for joints, so I thought that might help.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Taking var alone will have some suppressive effects in your natural T. Not as much as other more androgenic compounds, but the effect is dose dependent. If you are running a very low dose so that the suppression is very mild, you wont see any benefit. Any higher, you'll see more benefit, but also more suppression of your natural testosterone and hence, a drop in your quality of life - which you mentioned was a concern.

    So, the short answer is, Anavar alone isn't what you should be doing and if you chose to do it, the benefit is greater when coupled with test-C or test-E, in which case you should run a PROPER cycle.
    Ok then big man lol. If I were to consider a full cycle and based on what I have stated above you would recommend what compound/s?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30

    Ok then big man lol. If I were to consider a full cycle and based on what I have stated above you would recommend what compound/s?
    Keep it simple. Nothing more than testosterone cypionate or enanthate, 500 mgs per week split over two or three days per week for 12 weeks. You will need an aromatase inhibitor (arimidex, femara, or aromasin) to block/limit conversion of testosterone to estrogen. My preference is .25mg of arimidex every other day taken at your first injection until your last injection. Adding HCG is strongly advised as is a PCT of tamoxifen and clomiphene.

    You'll have infinitely more success if you have your nutrition reviewed by our experts in the nutrition section. Your nutrition will be the single greatest determinant of lean gains and how much you retain post cycle.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Keep it simple. Nothing more than testosterone cypionate or enanthate, 500 mgs per week split over two or three days per week for 12 weeks. You will need an aromatase inhibitor (arimidex, femara, or aromasin) to block/limit conversion of testosterone to estrogen. My preference is .25mg of arimidex every other day taken at your first injection until your last injection. Adding HCG is strongly advised as is a PCT of tamoxifen and clomiphene.

    You'll have infinitely more success if you have your nutrition reviewed by our experts in the nutrition section. Your nutrition will be the single greatest determinant of lean gains and how much you retain post cycle.
    500 mg's isn't to much? I don't know what's considered a lot. I know a lot of guys use 250 mg's, or is my total T low enough that 500 would be better? Also, would you think that adding Deca or EQ might be a good idea to help with joints during the cycle?

  15. #15
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    Jun 2012
    MuscleInk is right on the money. 500 isnt too much. Take his advice. You will get the desired results if YOU do the work.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    500 mg's isn't to much? I don't know what's considered a lot. I know a lot of guys use 250 mg's, or is my total T low enough that 500 would be better? Also, would you think that adding Deca or EQ might be a good idea to help with joints during the cycle?
    250 mg is a high end TRT dose. A low or begginer cycle dose is 400-500 mg so NO it's not too much. Keep things to one compound so you can decipher the cause of side effects!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    250 mg is a high end TRT dose. A low or begginer cycle dose is 400-500 mg so NO it's not too much. Keep things to one compound so you can decipher the cause of side effects!
    ahhh, I see. So I am to run the HCG at the same time as the test as well as the arimidex or the HCG afterward?

  18. #18
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    Based on what you want to do, your goals, I would consider a TRT dosing of test along with your Anavar. You could easily use injectable test or a gel.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30

    500 mg's isn't to much? I don't know what's considered a lot. I know a lot of guys use 250 mg's, or is my total T low enough that 500 would be better? Also, would you think that adding Deca or EQ might be a good idea to help with joints during the cycle?
    Anything at 300mgs or lower weekly is generally a TRT dose. There certainly is nothing wrong with a sub-500 dose if you are diagnosed with low testosterone but for the purpose of cycling, 500mgs per week is fairly standard for IM delivery.

    I'd leave the deca and EQ off for now. I won't go into a full explanation other than to suggest you keep the cycle simple and see how your body responds to the testosterone alone.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Anything at 300mgs or lower weekly is generally a TRT dose. There certainly is nothing wrong with a sub-500 dose if you are diagnosed with low testosterone but for the purpose of cycling, 500mgs per week is fairly standard for IM delivery.

    I'd leave the deca and EQ off for now. I won't go into a full explanation other than to suggest you keep the cycle simple and see how your body responds to the testosterone alone.
    Just depends on your goals IMO. Sometimes you don't need more than a TRT dose even if you're using other steroids.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Just depends on your goals IMO. Sometimes you don't need more than a TRT dose even if you're using other steroids.
    I agree a TRT dose will suffice in alot of cases where your stacking other compounds but if your goal is to make gains then there is no reason to run anything less than a standard cycle dose. Why shut down for anything less than 400-500mg...seems like a waste!

  22. #22
    ok, by the way, what is the conversion of the ml to mg? If it's 10 ml how many viles for 12 weeks?

  23. #23
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    need to know the mg/ML of your test...for example some Test E is 250mg per ML meaning that each ML of liquid in the vial contains 250 mg of test.

    Thjis would mean that 1 vial would give you 2500 mg of test

    For 12 weeks you would need 12X 500=6000mg

    So you need 3 10ML vials and you will have some leftover
    Last edited by Lunk1; 11-28-2012 at 11:13 PM.

  24. #24
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    Jun 2012
    3 would be about right.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1;627***4
    need to know the mg/ML of your test...for example some Test E is 250mg per ML meaning that each ML of liquid in the vial contains 250 mg of test.
    ok, if it says 450 mg @ 10ml, that means what?

  26. #26
    sorry, it's 500 mg @ 10ml

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30;627***8
    ok, if it says 450 mg @ 10ml, that means what?
    Means it's goint to hurt going in lol.


    450X10= 4500
    You need 6000mg for 500@ 12 weeks

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    Just depends on your goals IMO. Sometimes you don't need more than a TRT dose even if you're using other steroids.
    My concern with a TRT dose for a cycle is that you could shut down your natural test simply to replace a pre-TRT dose level with the same level using the TRT dose. What would be the point in that? If your natty testosterone was 400-500ng/dl before TRT and your TRT level only returns to 500-600, what was really the point in that?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Never seen 500mg/MG sure???

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Never seen 500mg/MG sure???
    Ya, that would be highly concentrated stuff!!!!!

  31. #31
    the one I am looking at now for instance says 400 mg/ml on the bottle. It's a blend of Test E, C and P though.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    the one I am looking at now for instance says 400 mg/ml on the bottle. It's a blend of Test E, C and P though.
    Yes...stay away from the blends, they require more frequent injections and are not as stable for your blood levels. Stick with Test E or Test C...most likely 250mg/ML

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30
    the one I am looking at now for instance says 400 mg/ml on the bottle. It's a blend of Test E, C and P though.
    Simple. 1ml in a syringe would give you 400mg of that compound.

    It would be best to run a single ester on your cycle, not a blend because the concentrations of each ester will vary.

  34. #34
    oh ok, so if it was 400 then I would draw 1 ml and use that 2-3 times a week ... or just make sure that 2-3 injections would equal to 1 ml then?

  35. #35
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    Boxingfan, do you need one of us to stop by 2 times a week and do your injections as well?

    Sarcasm...but my point is that you have months worth of homework to do. The fact that your asking such basic questions means your nowhere near ready. I would love to see you kick back and spend a few solid weeks using the search function (it's in the upper right hand corner) and research all the answers you have. They have all been asked and answered numerous times.

    This is the best way to learn....and you have alot to learn before injecting hormones into your body!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    My concern with a TRT dose for a cycle is that you could shut down your natural test simply to replace a pre-TRT dose level with the same level using the TRT dose. What would be the point in that? If your natty testosterone was 400-500ng/dl before TRT and your TRT level only returns to 500-600, what was really the point in that?
    The point in the testosterone at that dose would simply be to prevent a low testosterone condition and you would allow the other steroids to help you reach your goals.

    Currently, I run my TRT script. If I were to ever do another full blown cycle that's still probably all the test I'd use but would add in a bunch of other things. I have no desire to grow. I have no desire to be huge anymore and have no thoughts of competing anymore. Sometimes the desire pops in my head but not often.

    I know a lot of guys say there's no point in cycling if you're not trying to grow, but I couldn't disagree with that any more than I do. You can run the best diet on earth and train your tail off and you still won't look as good as you would if you had done the same thing with some gear. A TRT dose of test and a strong additional item at a higher dose can do wonders and give you a great transformation.

    Then you have athletes, actual performance athletes, not bodybuilders and not gym rats. Low test doses in conjunction with a mild steroid is very very common. Low doses of test with possible Deca, Winny or Var are all very common.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    oh ok, so if it was 400 then I would draw 1 ml and use that 2-3 times a week ... or just make sure that 2-3 injections would equal to 1 ml then?
    If you were going to use 400mg each week then you would use 1/2 ML of the test 400 2X a week!

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Boxingfan, do you need one of us to stop by 2 times a week and do your injections as well?

    Sarcasm...but my point is that you have months worth of homework to do. The fact that your asking such basic questions means your nowhere near ready. I would love to see you kick back and spend a few solid weeks using the search function (it's in the upper right hand corner) and research all the answers you have. They have all been asked and answered numerous times.

    This is the best way to learn....and you have alot to learn before injecting hormones into your body!
    No, I am going to wait and read up on all of it. I researched the Var a lot, so i'm not as up on the standard test. I do see where there are blends and then just 1 now though.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Boxingfan, do you need one of us to stop by 2 times a week and do your injections as well?

    Sarcasm...but my point is that you have months worth of homework to do. The fact that your asking such basic questions means your nowhere near ready. I would love to see you kick back and spend a few solid weeks using the search function (it's in the upper right hand corner) and research all the answers you have. They have all been asked and answered numerous times.

    This is the best way to learn....and you have alot to learn before injecting hormones into your body!
    ^^^ This! We are here to help but its becoming apparent you need to spend a bit more time learning about anabolic compounds boxingfan. Hormone manipulation is very serious and can undesirable consequences if mishandled or misused.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    If you were going to use 400mg each week then you would use 1/2 ML of the test 400 2X a week!
    Right, I got that... I was just checking to make sure that I was correct on that, so yeah each ML=whatever the test is... IE if it's a 250 mg @10 ml then each ML is 250 instead so I would have to inject 2 ML per week to = the suggested 500 mg.

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