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Thread: Ttokkyo Winny Fakes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Diego, but from out the Midwestside

    Exclamation Ttokkyo Winny Fakes

    Me and WTC jsut got our gear back from TJ and our supplier threw some fakes in there. The most noticable was the Ttokkyo winny. Compared to a real bottle it is shorter, fatter and taste like penut oil. Also the cap is a generic "flipp top" cap, instead of the normal "ttokkyo" top. Look out for this brothers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Kick his ass Seabass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    RRRRRRRR, I'm mad I hate fucken people like that. When you go there again just beat the shit out of him, grab some free gear and comeback.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Diego, but from out the Midwestside
    To those that care we brought the 3 in question bottles down, 3 out of 30, exchanged them and picked them up later, the guy was cool, no problems, he told us he idn't have the stock so he went elsewhere, no big deal at all.

    I was one of those guys who never thought TToykko's would be faked, even through all the bottle differences and top differences, the taste test really did it. The fakes tasted sweetm wher as the real deal tasted, well, like Stanol-V does, if you've tasted it you will never forget the taste.

    Ta TownBacker

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