Is it better ed or EOD. I keep seeing different reviews....
Is it better ed or EOD. I keep seeing different reviews....
No difference for me. Results are the same.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Sealed vial
I did water winny injectables before ED. Was way to brutal, I just couldn't handle the pain of the injection site the next day. By far the worst.
Ended up having to take it orally like Lunk mentioned. Takes away 25% passing through the liver from what I remember when I researched back when I was on it. So my normal .5 that I would normally inject I would draw .75 to compensate for the percentage lost passing through the liver.
Might want to double check this, I can't remember the percentage off the top of my head :P.
Yep, OP it is 20% of the injectable dose that will be lost when it goes through its 2nd pass metabolism through the liver.
So compensate, or just get tabs next time.
the pain! Did mine eod before, could barely walkOriginally Posted by getfit28
Neg, I'm saying that if he is going to take the injectable orally anyawys, then just acquire tabs next time.
Although the injectable is far more superior being that you get more nitrogen retention and is put right into your bloodstream and undergoes far less extensive 2nd pass metabolism. as compared to the oral which is must under go the gut and liver on its first pass before ending up in your bloodstream.
I personally cannot take the ED/EOD injections of winstrol. I wasted money on injectables because I ended up changing and taking it orally anyways.
If the OP can take the injections ED/EOD then by all means go for it.
K, I need some help here please.. this stuff I have is white liquid assuming its not oil right? If it were oil it be thicker I would be thicker... this being said I will try to inject and if to pain full I will take it orally. Your thoughts?
Again....all of this bioavailability BS aside. Water based injectable AAS is highly noted for causing bacterial related infections....I would never inject it. I am an infection from injection OCD MOFO!
Thank you all .. I've decided I will take it orally.. I'm getting tired of injections
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