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Thread: Tren A 3rd Cyle

  1. #1
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    Red face Tren A 3rd Cyle

    I have done 2 cycles in the past. 198lbs, 13%, 29. I have 5 vials of tren a and a vial of prop.

    What do I need to change in the following 8 weeks cycle? Tren A 150mg eod, 30mg prop, armidex .25, hcg 250mgx2/week, nolva/clomid for pct. Do i need an adex at 105mg prop a week?

    Hope to get useful replies.
    Last edited by DurdenTyler; 12-02-2012 at 01:23 AM.

  2. #2
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    Anybody wanna help tyler durden? I will send you free soap

  3. #3
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    You're running 30mg Prop EOD? Seems low...

    Have you ran Tren A before?

    What were your last cycles?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    You're running 30mg Prop EOD? Seems low...
    I would like to use minimal prop required, cause i want to avoid bloat. What would you recommend? 20mg ed?
    Have you ran Tren A before?
    What were your last cycles?
    Test e 12 weeks, test p 8 weeks
    thanks jhonny.

  5. #5
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    What were your dosages for your 8 week prop cycle?

    I wouldn't worry about bloat if you keep your diet clean and take your AI.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    What were your dosages for your 8 week prop cycle?
    Test e 500mg, Test p 600mg
    I wouldn't worry about bloat if you keep your diet clean and take your AI.
    1 vial of prop, so 125mg a week? Can you tell me more about prolactin? Is there anything else that i should be worried about on tren, i read tren sticky a while ago. I think i am g2g.
    Last edited by DurdenTyler; 12-02-2012 at 01:18 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DurdenTyler View Post
    1 vial of prop, so 125mg a week? Can you tell me more about prolactin? Is there anything else that i should be worried about on tren, i read tren sticky a while ago. I think i am g2g.
    I would run at very least 250mg-300mg Test alongside the Tren.

    Have you already made the determination of running higher tren/test or same amount test/tren ratio?

    I would run an AI as well as something to counter-act progesterone sides (Prami/Caber)

    Some will argue that if you keep your estrogen in check you shouldn't need to worry about prolactin sides, and only need to run an AI.

    Personally, I run both Prami/Aromasin when using a 19-nor.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    I would run at very least 250mg-300mg Test alongside the Tren.

    Have you already made the determination of running higher tren/test or same amount test/tren ratio?

    I would run an AI as well as something to counter-act progesterone sides (Prami/Caber)

    Some will argue that if you keep your estrogen in check you shouldn't need to worry about prolactin sides, and only need to run an AI.

    Personally, I run both Prami/Aromasin when using a 19-nor.
    I get a bad moon face, while using both p & e. This time I was thinking of lowering the p, what is the benefit of running it at 300mg? 125mg would be enough for normally body functions ? I'll check back tomorrow morning, thanks for help much appreciated.

  9. #9
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    Tren can cause some libido and limp issues and may require more than 125mg of test a week if you want to be having any sex. Everyone responds a little different. what brand adex have u been using? You shouldn't be bloating that bad off just test.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Tren can cause some libido and limp issues and may require more than 125mg of test a week if you want to be having any sex. Everyone responds a little different. what brand adex have u been using? You shouldn't be bloating that bad off just test.
    I have used ar-r, so 250/week prop? Can i mix both in the same syringe? I am not sure about prami, can i get away without it at 525mg of tren a week? Will i still gain lbm muscle mass even if i go on caloric deficient diet?

  11. #11
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    With Tren, anything is possible! Ha.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DurdenTyler View Post
    I have used ar-r, so 250/week prop?Yes Can i mix both in the same syringe? Yes I am not sure about prami, can i get away without it at 525mg of tren a week? Probably Will i still gain lbm muscle mass even if i go on caloric deficient diet? Why would you want to do that?
    I would not go on a caloric deficient diet unless you want to rapidly loose any gains you make.

  13. #13
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    1) Your amount of Test is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!

    2) You MAY not need an AI at all with that Test dose BUT you would have to run the Caber or prami and keep the AI on hand. (important that you know what E2 sides to look for)

    3) Yes you can be calorie deficient and gain LBM on Tren (just not too deficient) 500 cals or even at TDEE will do the trick

    Again...with the low dose of test you suggested you would need either the AI OR the Prlt control (Caber or Prami) and keep the other on hand FOR SURE! If you do run the AI I would go .25 2X per week since your test dose is so low!

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Look at that^^^^

    Lunk's on point. You have to know how YOU respond. That simple.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Look at that^^^^

    Lunk's on point. You have to know how YOU respond. That simple.
    I really liked the info we discussed the other day and when things make sense,, I listen. Contrary to what my wife says lol.

  16. #16
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    I need to interrogate her then.

  17. #17
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    I just made a post in this section on TDEE on and of cycle that you may find interesting as far as TDEE on Tren/Test cycles.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I need to interrogate her then.
    She doesn't break easily...I went old school with a phone book and a rubber effect!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunk1 View Post
    1) your amount of test is fine!!!!!!!!!!!
    lol, 125? or 250?
    2) you may not need an ai at all with that test dose but you would have to run the caber or prami and keep the ai on hand. (important that you know what e2 sides to look for)
    how should i dose pram/caber at this amount of tren a? What signs should i look for changing the dose? I need to read that tren sticky again.
    3) yes you can be calorie deficient and gain lbm on tren (just not too deficient) 500 cals or even at tdee will do the trick
    my main goal is to hit 8-9%, i have clen on hand will use if needed. should i get back to maintenance or above maintenance during pct?, after would be just maintenance
    again...with the low dose of test you suggested you would need either the ai or the prlt control (caber or prami) and keep the other on hand for sure! If you do run the ai i would go .25 2x per week since your test dose is so low!
    thanks lunk!!!!!
    Last edited by DurdenTyler; 12-02-2012 at 12:43 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I would not go on a caloric deficient diet unless you want to rapidly loose any gains you make.
    The main idea is to cut as i said earlier, get ready for the summer. I can't hit below 11% naturally, tried it

  21. #21
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    never used prami, but caber i dose .5mg 2x a week

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by DurdenTyler View Post
    The main idea is to cut as i said earlier, get ready for the summer. I can't hit below 11% naturally, tried it
    lack of dedication plz gtfo

  23. #23
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    shameless bump

  24. #24
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    bump for what? You have more questions???

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    bump for what? You have more questions???
    Yes it was in previous post, i quoted it.

    + do i need higher dose than .25 adex if i dont run caber/prami?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DurdenTyler View Post
    Yes it was in previous post, i quoted it.

    + do i need higher dose than .25 adex if i dont run caber/prami?
    .25 Adex how often?

    Are you going to try to get any caber or prami or no? If you don't get it I would drop the deca.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze View Post
    .25 Adex how often?

    Are you going to try to get any caber or prami or no? If you don't get it I would drop the deca.
    .25 2x a week. Deca? lol? there is no deca.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DurdenTyler View Post
    .25 2x a week. Deca? lol? there is no deca.
    Sorry man all jumbled with other threads Well it's Tren another 19-nor so same thing about the Prami or Caber.

    So you're getting only .5mg Adex a week? I would boost it to EOD.

    Get some caber or prami though

  29. #29
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Johnny re-read his amount of test. He's only planning on doing a maintenance level of test so if he went eod with an AI he'd end up crushing his E down to nothing and having problems. At a maintenance level he may not need any at all or if he does, it will be the bare minimum. The op has to know how his body (hint BW) and choose a path. Otherwise he is only guessing.

    I'm in favor of the caber, but again I feel only the minimum is required, that being .25 x 2 per week. .5 x 2 per week may very well be over-kill and again should be based on BW. The minimum dose will crush your prolactin level and I've done BW several times while running it bearing that out. More is not better. Save the money and product for future use.

    Op, there's really nothing more anyone can add. Choose a method and monitor for sides. Good luck and be safe.


  30. #30
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    Johnnny...consider how low he plans to run his test. This is a TRT dose at best and therefore your talking about bringing or keeping test levels at near normal. I would advise against running an AI at that high of a dose with such a low TRT dose of test (although you would need to use either the AI or the prolactin control) throughout. If he knows how to spot E2 related sides he could easily get by with making sure an AI is on hand. But I would run Caber for prolactin!

    Edit: Kel can type fast for a more mature gentleman

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Johnny re-read his amount of test. He's only planning on doing a maintenance level of test so if he went eod with an AI he'd end up crushing his E down to nothing and having problems. At a maintenance level he may not need any at all or if he does, it will be the bare minimum. The op has to know how his body (hint BW) and choose a path. Otherwise he is only guessing.

    I'm in favor of the caber, but again I feel only the minimum is required, that being .25 x 2 per week. .5 x 2 per week may very well be over-kill and again should be based on BW. The minimum dose will crush your prolactin level and I've done BW several times while running it bearing that out. More is not better. Save the money and product for future use.

    Op, there's really nothing more anyone can add. Choose a method and monitor for sides. Good luck and be safe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Johnnny...consider how low he plans to run his test. This is a TRT dose at best and therefore your talking about bringing or keeping test levels at near normal. I would advise against running an AI at that high of a dose with such a low TRT dose of test (although you would need to use either the AI or the prolactin control) throughout. If he knows how to spot E2 related sides he could easily get by with making sure an AI is on hand. But I would run Caber for prolactin!

    Edit: Kel can type fast for a more mature gentleman
    I'm sorry OP, I thought you were the guy running 750mgs Test...

    I need to keep tabs on these things better I apologize :P.

    Long morning

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Johnny re-read his amount of test. He's only planning on doing a maintenance level of test so if he went eod with an AI he'd end up crushing his E down to nothing and having problems. At a maintenance level he may not need any at all or if he does, it will be the bare minimum. The op has to know how his body (hint BW) and choose a path. Otherwise he is only guessing.

    I'm in favor of the caber, but again I feel only the minimum is required, that being .25 x 2 per week. .5 x 2 per week may very well be over-kill and again should be based on BW. The minimum dose will crush your prolactin level and I've done BW several times while running it bearing that out. More is not better. Save the money and product for future use.

    Op, there's really nothing more anyone can add. Choose a method and monitor for sides. Good luck and be safe.

    kel only have liquid prami at 1MG/ML, my source has nothing thats why i thought I can skip it, what sides should i look for if I have to use prami or caber? Maybe i wont need it. So i would need .25 ml ml twice a week, does that mean every 3.5 days?

  33. #33
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  34. #34
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    If you are looking mainly to cut adding some Mast A with the Tren will provide that in spades.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    If you are looking mainly to cut adding some Mast A with the Tren will provide that in spades.
    Ops BF% is 13%...for Mast to really shine one needs to be below 12%, not that it can't be brewed but I have never seen mast A...only Prop and E

  36. #36
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    really wont see the mast difference til like 10%. but the sexual aspect is there regardless. use it!

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DurdenTyler View Post
    The main idea is to cut as i said earlier, get ready for the summer. I can't hit below 11% naturally, tried it
    Yeah I was probably reading to much into it. I was not thinking on the lines of only 500 cal or just dropping a couple % but I'm use to reading post from guys who need to drop 10% bf in the first place and planning on only eating 1500 cal a day and expect to gain muscle.

  38. #38
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    There is no problem with running test p 30mg eod! That will put you in normal range therefore maintaining normal bodily functions that test is responsible for. Some people dont seem to understand the reason for adding test to a stack. Sure you can go higher on the dosage but you dont have to. Tren is powerful enough to where it doesnt matter... Unless of course youre Mr Olympia status.. But I doubt most of us here are. I personally run trt dose of test cyp (100mg/wk) all year long and then I cycle in tren but tet dose doesnt change. I have never had libido or erection issues... And no bloat. I too get get somewhat bloated on higher doses of test and I rather not take an AI if I can avoid it so i just keepmit at trt dose. The less chemicals in my body the better. 100mg of cyp and 350mg of tren works absolutely perfect for me with hardly any sides. Why change what works?

  39. #39
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    Hey CB714...the OP was banned lol

  40. #40
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    please please stop saying mast wont do anything with this and this amount of body fat. mast is a great chemical and can hold its own, people dont dose it right and so they dont know. when you start using 800-1200mg a week of mast then you can give sound advice on what it does, not what you read from 11 year old drug profiles.


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