Originally Posted by
Johnny re-read his amount of test. He's only planning on doing a maintenance level of test so if he went eod with an AI he'd end up crushing his E down to nothing and having problems. At a maintenance level he may not need any at all or if he does, it will be the bare minimum. The op has to know how his body (hint BW) and choose a path. Otherwise he is only guessing.
I'm in favor of the caber, but again I feel only the minimum is required, that being .25 x 2 per week. .5 x 2 per week may very well be over-kill and again should be based on BW. The minimum dose will crush your prolactin level and I've done BW several times while running it bearing that out. More is not better. Save the money and product for future use.
Op, there's really nothing more anyone can add. Choose a method and monitor for sides. Good luck and be safe.