Will be running another cycle starting beginning of next year. Simple Prop/Var run. Couple questions for those of you who have run it before.
1. Planning to pin .75 mg ED. Good or go to 1.5 EOD to reduce scar tissue? (Have read ED pinning can increase this)
2. Originally planned to run Var at 80 mg/day for 6 weeks. Have enough to bump it to 100 for 6 weeks or possibly 75 for the whole 8 week cycle. Suggestions?
3. First run with Prop (Prior was Enth) and have heard PIP can be extreme... Does anyone suggest going the route of baking the gear before use? Does this really help? My gear has super thin oil and, from what I've read, is not terrible when it comes to PIP but, looking for anything to reduce it as I will be pinning a lot. Can anyone post a "how to" or link for this just so I don't mess it up going off a "semi experienced" bro science spouting friend.
Since I'm sure it will be asked, my stats/experience:
29 YOA
6'3 228 (hoping to cut to around 220 before start of cycle)
Hovering around 13-14% BF, hoping to reduce to 12-13 for cycle start.
Prior experience of 12 week run of Test Enth only.
Goals... simple, more mass/strength with little bloat/sides.
Will certainly continue reading in the Nutrition section as, despite a solid effort, I think I was lacking in cals on last run. (Gear was under-dosed as well but... no excuses)
Open to any and all suggestions. Have always received solid input and greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.