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  1. #1
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Second Cycle Help

    Hey guys long time lurker first time poster just wanted to get some advice/input on a second cycle I'm putting together.

    Height : 5'8
    Weight : around 175 give or take 5 pounds
    BF: 10% give or take a couple %
    Weight Training for 10 years, seriously for about 7 or 8
    MMA Training for a little over a year
    Dont drink, Dont smoke Eat as clean as possible

    Cycle history:

    First cycle was Sustanon (350 mg/wk) and Var (very low around 30mg/day) cycle length was 8 wks

    I started the sust cycle in late April and ended it in early June 2012 It was great felt great gains almost no sides (got a little bit of acne but that was about it, low/no sides probably due to low dosages of both sust and var).

    PCT was nolva only but I have kept about 15 pounds from this cycle Kept most of the strength so I"m thinking it was pretty successful.

    So I was putting together a second cycle to start shortly and was talked into doing the very popular test prop/tren Ace cycle. However in doing more research I dont think Tren is for me at this point; reasons being there are a lot of sides to it and I dont know if I could handle it. It should be mentioned that I practice MMA/BJJ 3 x a week with a 3x a week weight training regime and because of the former I would rather not do something that affects my endurance levels (as tren is notorious for).

    So Now I"m kind of in a situation where I have 4 X 10 ml vials of Test Prop and 3 X 10 ml vials of Tren Ace

    Now that I"m dropping the Tren, what should I partner the Test Prop with?

    Goals of the second cycle are primarily lean mass and strength; would like to avoid winny cause Ive heard bad shit about its joint properties and I already get achy joints from BJJ. I dont mind pinning ED or EOD.

    Should be noted that Ancillaries/PCT for this cycle would include 250iu x 2 a wk of HCG and Clomid. I have Nolva on hand as well but I can pretty much get anything else I what do you guys think I should do here?

    Thanks for the help and looking forward to the responses.

  2. #2
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Forgot to Add: I'm 27
    Thanks Again.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Your cycle is to short for Sus needs to be ran 2 weeks.That is beacuse of the long ester it has.You are running Var way to low.Run at 80 to 100mg ed.Pct 18 days after last pin Clomid n Nova HCG 250ius x2 a week on cycle.And have your diet checked out by our diet section prior to cycling.

  4. #4
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Hey songdog,

    I should have made this more clear: that (Sustanon and Var) was my previous cycle (The first cycle I've ever done) roughly 6 months ago.

    The second cycle I'm trying to run would include Test Prop but I'm asking for members advice as to what I should pair the prop with.

    Sorry If I wasn't clear

  5. #5
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Alright guys so heres what Ive got so far let me know what you think:

    wk 1-12
    Test Prop 150 mg EOD

    Wk 1-15
    EQ 600mg/wk (split into 3 jabs a wk)

    Halo 30mg/ed

    HCG 250 IU 2x/wk

    Clomid 100/50/50/50/50
    Nolva on hand

    what do you guys think? Ive heard I should start HCG 2nd week of cycle but I have enough on hand to start from the beginning if that's a better way to go about it.

    Thanks for the advice

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Why are you running Prop for 12 wks? That's a lot of unnecessary pinning. Why not use a long ester?

    Include Nolva in PCT, not on hand.

    If you are running a short ester, begin your hCG first wk. And Halo at the front.

  7. #7
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Hey Mickey,

    reason I'm running prop is I was going to do a tren ace/test prop cycle at first got both of them and then did the research and decided tren wasnt for me at this point.

    So now I'm stuck with test prop and figured id use it but with a different cycle...I dont mind pinning anyway its not the worst thing in the world.

    ok sounds good any reason why I should use halo at front instead of back?

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Why are you running the EQ? Really for your second cycle if you are going to be adding another compound i would suggex=st just sticking to one just in case you get sides you will know what compound is causing it. Also do you have an AI?

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by furious_george View Post
    alright guys so heres what ive got so far let me know what you think:

    Wk 1-1210 weeks should be sufficient.
    test prop 150 mg eod

    wk 1-15
    eq 600mg/wk (split into 3 jabs a wk)wouldn't waste my time on it.

    halo 30mg/edwhy do you want to run halo? What are your expectations from the use of halo?

    wk2-wk151-10 if you take my advice on a 10 week cycle.
    hcg 250 iu 2x/wk

    clomid 100/50/50/50/50i think you'd be fine at 50/50/25/25
    nolva on handnot on hand, use it. 40/40/20/20

    what do you guys think? Ive heard i should start hcg 2nd week of cycle but i have enough on hand to start from the beginning if that's a better way to go about it.

    Thanks for the advice


  10. #10
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I agree but he needs an AI IMHO
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post

  11. #11
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Hey Jim,

    I do mma/BJJ 3 x a week and heard the stuff is gold figured id give it a shot

    I dont have an AI cause Ive read it kills gains, and because I'm using prop it inhibits bloat vs using a longer ester anyway what do you think?

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    You need to have an AI on hand bro! If sides come up what would you do without an AI. AI will only kill your gains if you are using to much and crush your E.

  13. #13
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by furious_george View Post
    Hey Mickey,

    reason I'm running prop is I was going to do a tren ace/test prop cycle at first got both of them and then did the research and decided tren wasnt for me at this point.

    So now I'm stuck with test prop and figured id use it but with a different cycle...I dont mind pinning anyway its not the worst thing in the world.

    ok sounds good any reason why I should use halo at front instead of back?
    Ok then if thats all you have go for it. But unless you're hell bent on running Prop for 12 wks you could cut it short to 10 wks as Pete suggested, or even 8 wks is fine too.

    Generally Halo is used in the front of your cycle so that you can continue to build on it with your test after its done. But in your case if you plan on running it for 8wks, you could easily run it alongside Prop for a huge gains.

    What are your goals and expectations with this cycle? It sounds like youre a bit confused on what to do.

  14. #14
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Honestly i am not a fan of any orals. They are mainly used as a jump start before the test kicks in. You mainly gain water weight from them and most loose the gains they think they have made once the compound is discontinued.

  15. #15
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Defiling Myself
    Pay attention
    Prop 8 weeks
    ai from start to finish
    hcg from start to finish
    3 days after last pin clomid and novla

    Easy peasy 2nd cycle

  16. #16
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Pay attention
    Prop 8 weeks
    ai from start to finish
    hcg from start to finish
    3 days after last pin clomid and novla

    Easy peasy 2nd cycle
    ^^ Yes!!! What he said

  17. #17
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Doh! Just noticed this is OP's second cycle! My bad.

    Prop only like Cape suggested.

    Grow Into Your Dose
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 12-07-2012 at 12:18 PM. Reason: Added Link

  18. #18
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Ok well thats good news for my wallet (as I have prop already) haha!

    it sounds like I just have to grab an AI

    Thanks guys for your help I really appreciate it!

  19. #19
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Pick up your AI from AR-R .com. The site sponsor.

  20. #20
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    will do

    quick question: Is there anything I should do to store the excess gear I got? I'm thinking off the top of my head its 1 vial of test prop and 3 vials of tren ace.

    I'll see if I can use it in the future but for now its just kind of sitting in a drawer under my bathroom sink.

    Thanks again guys really appreciate the input!

  21. #21
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furious_george View Post
    will do

    quick question: Is there anything I should do to store the excess gear I got? I'm thinking off the top of my head its 1 vial of test prop and 3 vials of tren ace.

    I'll see if I can use it in the future but for now its just kind of sitting in a drawer under my bathroom sink.

    Thanks again guys really appreciate the input!
    Dark place room temp. GTG

  22. #22
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Pay attention
    Prop 8 weeks
    ai from start to finish
    hcg from start to finish
    3 days after last pin clomid and novla

    Easy peasy 2nd cycle
    This is golden for what you have and your goals

  23. #23
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I agree but he needs an AI IMHO
    Of course he does. I should have slowed down and caught that.

    I think the whole halo thing got me all twisted. haha....

  24. #24
    furious_george is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Of course he does. I should have slowed down and caught that.

    I think the whole halo thing got me all twisted. haha....
    why no love for halo bro?

    From what I've read its extremely effective for strength.

    Not really sure how much strength you'd keep off of it once off but seems to be the goto oral for powerlifters (mind you my only experience with this is what Ive read so it is rather limited).

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