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  1. #1
    sirlatsalot72's Avatar
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    5th cycle critique and advice

    Hey guys. I'm about to start up another cycle with test prop and winstrol . Prop at 100mg eod 12 weeks and winstrol 50mg day weeks 6-12. will be running hcg throughout cycle. will be using nolva during cycle if estro becomes a problem, always wanna be prepared. I know this may be low dose to most but i don't feel the need to go any higher since i still make gains very well on low doses. I can give cycle history if needed. this will be a cutting cycle since i just came off of a 26 week bulk about 6 weeks ago. I have no trouble recovering if i run hcg throughout and for pct. let me know what you guys think and if this is a good run? I have no experience with winny. I have always been a test and tren a man but tren is starting to destroy my blood pressure so i'm laying off of it for a while.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    So you came off a 26 week cycle 6 weeks ago and you are wanting to run another cycle now?

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Did you get blood work done?

  4. #4
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What are your current stats?

    I would run an AI during cycle, not a SERM.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    5th cycle and only 23 years old?

    A SERM to control E2 rather than an AI?


  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    My point exactly
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    5th cycle and only 23 years old?

    A SERM to control E2 rather than an AI?


  7. #7
    sirlatsalot72's Avatar
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    Nolva works great for me to inhibit estrogen. Yes blood work is perfect I have had no problems at all. Yes i have ran five cycles all of which were done with extensive use of hcg throughout and hcg and sometime clomid as well during pct. I have no problems recooping. recoop very quickly have regular hard-ons off cycle and have done nothing over 400mg a week. most of my cycle have been 50mg prop 25mg tren a eod. I have had excelent results with this and have had no problems blood work or other wise.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirlatsalot72
    Nolva works great for me to inhibit estrogen. Yes blood work is perfect I have had no problems at all. Yes i have ran five cycles all of which were done with extensive use of hcg throughout and hcg and sometime clomid as well during pct. I have no problems recooping. recoop very quickly have regular hard-ons off cycle and have done nothing over 400mg a week. most of my cycle have been 50mg prop 25mg tren a eod. I have had excelent results with this and have had no problems blood work or other wise.
    Minor aren't inhibiting aromatization of estrogen. You're simply reducing the binding affinity with your SERMS. Still unwise during a cycle. Better for PCT.

  9. #9
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Do you know what Tamox does?

    Why would you not run an AI, just curious.

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnnyBlazzze
    Do you know what Tamox does?

    Why would you not run an AI, just curious.
    Lol.....same point I was trying to make.

  11. #11
    sirlatsalot72's Avatar
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    i've ran letrozole before just could not get my hand on it this time around. So i decide to use the nolva since that works for me well too. I have extensive access to hcg since one of my best friend is a doctor who owns a weight loss clinic. I think hcg is about top dog in my opinion for during and post cycle to keep the nuts in check. Like i said have had no problems thus far and this is my life so i see no reason why not to try and improve. i have already reach my natural max or so i was told by a competition trainer 2 years ago. so i see no reason why i should not run low dose cycles to try and improve myself beyond these limitations?

  12. #12
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Lol.....same point I was trying to make.
    I thought you painted a clear picture .

  13. #13
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirlatsalot72 View Post
    i've ran letrozole before just could not get my hand on it this time around. So i decide to use the nolva since that works for me well too. I have extensive access to hcg since one of my best friend is a doctor who owns a weight loss clinic. I think hcg is about top dog in my opinion for during and post cycle to keep the nuts in check. Like i said have had no problems thus far and this is my life so i see no reason why not to try and improve. i have already reach my natural max or so i was told by a competition trainer 2 years ago. so i see no reason why i should not run low dose cycles to try and improve myself beyond these limitations?
    HCG does nothing for estro sides.

    Letro should be kept on hand when gyno pops up, not the best to use as an AI IMO.

    Adex/Aromasin is available in the banner above, as well as Letro.

    Just because you feel fine and get "boners" doesn't mean you are perfectly healthy...

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirlatsalot72
    i've ran letrozole before just could not get my hand on it this time around. So i decide to use the nolva since that works for me well too. I have extensive access to hcg since one of my best friend is a doctor who owns a weight loss clinic. I think hcg is about top dog in my opinion for during and post cycle to keep the nuts in check. Like i said have had no problems thus far and this is my life so i see no reason why not to try and improve. i have already reach my natural max or so i was told by a competition trainer 2 years ago. so i see no reason why i should not run low dose cycles to try and improve myself beyond these limitations?
    Much of the questions have been directed at your AI and not the test dose per se.

    A SERM is going to reduce binding of E but not the aromatization of test to E. It's like trying to put a fire out by blowing on it. If your BF is a doc, can't he help you obtain a proper AI? If not, the Board sponsor, AR-R has the ancillaries you need.

  15. #15
    sirlatsalot72's Avatar
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    I never insenuated that i was using hcg as an estro assistant. I said using hcg throughout cycle and after is the best for hpta. I recover extremely quickly with a good hcg regimen and clean diet along with high weight low rep training during recovery. I actually fount one of my buddies that has some letro on hand he is not using so i picked that up today and no my doctor friend does not have access to AI he does have access to hcg and HRT test cyp but is monitored by the fda. do many of you guys not cruise or stay on for longer periods? I find that best results and less harsh sides come for me on smaller dose cycles with longer run time. i pretty much run a trt dose of test with my other anabolics which have been mosyl tren ace which i have never ran over 50 mg eod.

  16. #16
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    How long has it been since your last cycle?

  17. #17
    sirlatsalot72's Avatar
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    going on eight weeks now. I did very long cycle i know but doses were at trt levels. very low but i grew very well. I've been on hcg until today and including the whole time during cycle.

  18. #18
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    honestly i don't think you have given yourself enough time off to know if you have truly recovered. I am not trying to bash you but if you continue to only take short breaks in between cycles you could end up on TRT sooner than later.

  19. #19
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You'd do a lot better to wait another 8-10 weeks. Get that BF down as best you can in that time. This not only gives your body a well deserved break, but you will benefit more from the prop, and especially winny w/lower bf.

    I would do something like this: Again, lower the bf=better results.

    Prop-1-10 @ 150mgs EOD
    Winny-4-10 @ 50mgs ED

    Use HCG during your cycle like mentioned up to PCT.

    Nolva and Clomid for PCT.

    Use your AI.

    This is a much better cycle imo.

    Good Luck.

    Of course, only if you're hell bent on doing it. I agree w/ the other guys w/your age, but like you said, it's your body.

  20. #20
    TexasGiant1177's Avatar
    TexasGiant1177 is offline Associate Member
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    26 week cycle??!? Please wait some more before cycling again.

  21. #21
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    My point exactly You are going to end up on TRT if you do not let yourself recover. I do not think anyone can recover from a 6 month cycle in 8 weeks. IMHO

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