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  1. #1
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    second cycle, everything look good? may need help with dosages.

    roughly 100kg
    15% bf
    6foot 3
    training for 3-4 years solid, 5-6 times a week

    first cycle was
    test ent: 500 a week for 12 weeks. AI: adex @ 0.25 eod but bumped it up too 0.5 for the last 4 weeks. Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

    my next cycle.
    testosterone prop : 350mg (100mg/1ml eod) x 10 weeks.
    cymotel/t3: im still not sure on the dosage i want too take, my source said 50mcg first week, 100mcg second, 150mcg 3rd, 50 mcg next then 25mcg untill end of cycle.. but i have been reading and this dosage sounds very very high in my books.
    clen : 2 on/2 off, 80 mcg is my max i feel comfortable with, will possibly try 120mcg.

    cannot get hcg

    AI: adex @ 0.25 eod

    pct: Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

    everything look good?

    i just need help with sorting my t3 dosage. only problem is i have 1 bottle of it.. 30ml @ 100mcg/1ml, whats do you think?

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks good, idk about the t3 dose, but i do know that it has to be tapered up and down like a pyrimid.

    also you can get an other bottle of t3 from ar-r (just click the banner at the top of the page)

    obviously this is a cutting cycle, what are your goals?

  3. #3
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    after a quick browse in the educational section i found:

  4. #4
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    funny you post that because i was just reading that after i posted.
    i honestly dont know if t3 will get into australia through customs, plus all my pct stuff had taken 4-5 weeks for me to get..

    loose fat and retain/ add more muscle, i opted for a bit higher than a trt dose just so i can add some gains aswell, but mainly want to get beach body ready

  5. #5
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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  6. #6
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nvrtd View Post
    funny you post that because i was just reading that after i posted.
    i honestly dont know if t3 will get into australia through customs, plus all my pct stuff had taken 4-5 weeks for me to get..

    loose fat and retain/ add more muscle, i opted for a bit higher than a trt dose just so i can add some gains aswell, but mainly want to get beach body ready
    yea customs are a b!tch

    i think t3 is legal in Australia, not clen tho..

    im planning to go with prop + winny, can't wait

  7. #7
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    oh really? i might try get a bottle through then haha.
    im testing out prop because my next cycle will mostly consist of a prop/tren combo. im sick of hearing about how good it is, but then people saying you shouldnt use it haha.

    as for the t3, i still havent made up my mind haha

  8. #8
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nvrtd View Post
    oh really? i might try get a bottle through then haha.
    im testing out prop because my next cycle will mostly consist of a prop/tren combo. im sick of hearing about how good it is, but then people saying you shouldnt use it haha.

    as for the t3, i still havent made up my mind haha
    you don't have to use t3, prop and clen , or just prop will be fine as long as your diet and training are good..

  9. #9
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    t3 is not legal in oz. nor is clen .

    your t3 dose is to high.

    start on 25mcg and then go to 50mcg. no need to go higher. more doesnt mean more results all the time

  10. #10
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    tren is fine to use mate. the idea is to have experience so you can determine the sides when / if they come.

    its a great steroid my favorite. ive even used 200mg a week and got good results from it.

  11. #11
    nvrtd is offline Junior Member
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    t3 isnt legal? dammit! i just placed an order on the net for some.. that means im going to get a letter or what!? :/

    yeah ill only use a very small dose of tren first up anyway.

    i heard 125 of prop and 300 tren a works wonders.

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