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  1. #1
    Ares12 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012

    First Cycle Test E and Anavar

    Hey everyone, I'm about to start my first cycle and wanted to get some legit advice from experienced users.
    Stats: 20 years old (I'm young but have been training for 7 years)
    On a strict 5000 clean calorie diet (7 meals per day)
    8.4% body fat
    As an extreme ectomorph I've gone from 145lbs four years ago to 220lbs now. I feel like I have reached my natural potential but want to see how I react to anabolics and see if I could gain 10-15 more pounds of quality muscle.

    I plan to run Anavar at 50mg daily with test enanthate at a fairly low dose 200-300mg per week. Anavar weeks 1-10, Test e 3-10. Thinking of doing nolva pct and maybe using erase pro in place of an AI considering my dose of test in very low.

    Does this cycle look good? What should I expect my gains to be? I'm not dead set on doing a cycle if I could do it naturally, but honestly I'm finding it extremely hard to add any more muscle to my frame naturally.

    With this dosage what side effects should I prepare for?
    Any knowledgable input is appreciated! Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    If your asking about side effects you should read alot of the stickies before u cycle bro. Your young so u have alot to learn. Y test dosage so low? Id run at least 500mg a week and at your weight var at 60-80 mg ed. However some run at 50mg with mod results. Remember var will supress so run upto 8 weeks.

    And most important you should be taking an AI! Your estrogen levels need to be maintained to prevent GYNO.

    And for your PCT clomid or nolva

    Hope this helps
    Good luck

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Ares12
    Hey everyone, I'm about to start my first cycle and wanted to get some legit advice from experienced users.
    Stats: 20 years old (I'm young but have been training for 7 years)
    On a strict 5000 clean calorie diet (7 meals per day)
    8.4% body fat
    As an extreme ectomorph I've gone from 145lbs four years ago to 220lbs now. I feel like I have reached my natural potential but want to see how I react to anabolics and see if I could gain 10-15 more pounds of quality muscle.

    I plan to run Anavar at 50mg daily with test enanthate at a fairly low dose 200-300mg per week. Anavar weeks 1-10, Test e 3-10. Thinking of doing nolva pct and maybe using erase pro in place of an AI considering my dose of test in very low.

    Does this cycle look good? What should I expect my gains to be? I'm not dead set on doing a cycle if I could do it naturally, but honestly I'm finding it extremely hard to add any more muscle to my frame naturally.

    With this dosage what side effects should I prepare for?
    Any knowledgable input is appreciated! Thanks
    Those are some impressive stats Ares! 8.4% is pretty darn impressive and I'm sure many members will want to see some body shots of those achievements.

    Before going any further, please read the following great link thoroughly, as posted by one of our very knowledge vets here:***

    At your age, you are taking an immense risk to your health by starting any steroid too soon and before your endocrine system has finished developing.

  4. #4
    Infidel101's Avatar
    Infidel101 is offline Associate Member
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    You should wait till you're at least 23-25 before getting into anything like this. But, you likely won't listen to that so...

    I didn't feel my test e really kick in until the 4th-5th week... you're only running it for 7?? Should be 12 minimum to really see any benefits. I'd bump it to 500mg/wk as well and do legit AI such as Aromasin at 12.5 mg EOD.

    First cycle should be test only. Save the var for an inevitable second cycle after you see how you respond to the test.

    Good PCT as well. Nolva and Torem or Clomid.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^x2 on MI's post

    Id be willing to bet that you could put that size on naturally. You've already made a solid jump. Why not push for for a little more? Definitely take a look at the link MI posted above. There are some pretty dangerous risks you take cycling before your endocrine system is fully developed. Take a few years to play with your diet, and training. See where that takes you. Do some research during this time as well, so when the time comes you'll be well versed in the wonderful world of anabolics.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If you're ready to cycle you should read this post from a vet.

  7. #7
    Ares12 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2012
    Thanks for the prompt replies! Like I said I'm not set on running this I just think it might be a viable option. I'm running a low dose of test because its basically to keep the anavar from lowering my test values too much. It's more of a maintenance dose. I know 500 is optimal but I don't wanna come out above 240 as that would look blocky on my narrow frame. I've been researching the effects on young people but I can't seem to find conclusive research either way. I've been picking my way through forums and medical journals for awhile. Thanks for the support and good info guys I appreciate it!

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Good call Ares. Dont be in a rush to jump on the AAS wagon.

    For the next few years, use your natural Testosterone to make gains and build have a ton of it in you right now! Take advantage of it while you can bro.

  9. #9
    Ares12 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanks for the information guys! I'm gonna hold off on this one and just see where I can get by myself. If I wanna run this later it'll always be there so for now My health and patience are a bigger concern definitely great to have knowledgable feedback on this.

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