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  1. #1
    Tay-Dawg is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up First Cycle of test p-100

    So i am running a six week cycle of test P-100 by hulk labs, picked up three vials from a buddy who has been running it for a while now. My Plan is to take the Dr. Michael Scally PCT program and to use it with my cycle, i have on hand Clomid, Nolvadex , and HCG . Now sense this is my first cycle, i will be doing .5ml EOD test p-100. and using 10 mg Nolvadex/ 50mg clomid along side throughout my entire cycle along with HCG 1000 IU twice per week. I have dumbed down the Scally PCT and the dose of Test P by 1/2. So my question is... by dumbing it down is it pointless and a waste of product, or am i more likely to have a successful cycle just not a Drastic one? Again i plan to run it 6 weeks.
    170 lbs Lean and mean
    Bodybuilding for 6 months, Lifting 6 years

    I have also tried some other test products but this is my first cycle of the good stuff. i Would Love any and all constructive Criticism!

    P.S. Going to use GHRP-2/ CJC 1295 after completing test p cycle, Can GHRP-2/CJC 1295 be ran DURING CYCLE?

  2. #2
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tay-Dawg
    So i am running a six week cycle of test P-100 by hulk labs,

    You need to run test P at least 8 weeks

    picked up three vials from a buddy who has been running it for a while now. My Plan is to take the Dr. Michael Scally PCT program and to use it with my cycle, i have on hand Clomid, Nolvadex , and HCG
    Now sense this is my first cycle, i will be doing .5ml EOD test p-100

    1ml eod would be a half decent start that will yield 350mg if test a week still a little shy 500 is usually standard

    and using 10 mg Nolvadex/ 50mg clomid along side throughout my entire cycle

    This should be your pct NOT during cycle. You need an A.i during cycle arimidex or aromasin
    Hcg throughout cycle 250ius x2 week
    Pct should be nolvadex 40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50

    along with HCG 1000 IU twice per week.

    Way too much

    I have dumbed down the Scally PCT and the dose of Test P by 1/2. So my question is... by dumbing it down is it pointless and a waste of product, or am i more likely to have a successful cycle just not a Drastic one?

    You will shut down your natural test fir a dosage which will be a little higher pointless IMHO

    Again i plan to run it 6 weeks.
    170 lbs Lean and mean
    Bodybuilding for 6 months, Lifting 6 years

    I have also tried some other test products but this is my first cycle of the good stuff. i Would Love any and all constructive Criticism!

    P.S. Going to use GHRP-2/ CJC 1295 after completing test p cycle, Can GHRP-2/CJC 1295 be ran DURING CYCLE?
    Not sure on this last section but read through the notes that will give you an idea if what you should do. You need to do a little more research on Aromatise inhibitors and Pct first

  3. #3
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Wrong thread

  4. #4
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    500mg/wk for 6 week is a nice short cycle. You should see nice gains. Wait 3 days then PCT. HCG at 1000iu twice a week is a little much you don't want the HCG to be anabolic . 250iu twice a week is fine. You can run a little clomid during your cycle but I'd recommend you run .25mg/eod of arimadex. Save your PCT for after your cycle.

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    My concern is you are light for 5-10 @ 170 lbs. you need your diet in check before you start or it will be a waste.
    That being said I would go 8 weeks with the prop.

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    My concern is you are light for 5-10 @ 170 lbs. you need your diet in check before you start or it will be a waste.
    That being said I would go 8 weeks with the prop.
    Agree with this ^^

  7. #7
    Tay-Dawg is offline New Member
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    My diet is in check ive been on a steady muscle/strength gain for the last 6 months, im eating about 4,000 calories a day high protein and high carb, along with healthy fats.
    By saying im light for 5-10 what exactly do you mean??

    And thank you bigsiv! that was good advice. Where is the right thread? sorry first post.

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Not that I don't believe you but can you list everything you ate yesterday @4000 cals.
    Thank You

  9. #9
    Tay-Dawg is offline New Member
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    Wake up 2 Cups Pumpkin Flax granola 300 cal Per 3/4 cup. (About 800 Cal) 2 scoops Whey protein (240 Cal)= 1,040 Cal Breakfast
    Post workout 5 eggs, 2 slices Cheese, chopped veggies. (about 600 Cal)
    2 1/2 hours later Ham Sandwhich With Mayonaise (no cheese) 1/4 cup Walnuts, 1 apple. (about 700 cal)
    2 1/2 hours Later 1 cup wheat noodles, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 3 tilapia pieces. (680 Cal)
    Homeade Pizza for dinner dont know Cal but it was high.

    What i know for sure is at 3,020 Cal not including the pizza so i was just about 4,000. This is about an average day of food for me the last 2 weeks. within the last 2 weeks i went from 3,000 cal to 4,000 cal for my daily goal. but yeah is this recommend for me at my size and trying to Put on bulk through cycle, seems that size is Hard and cutting is very easy for me. I also work hard in the gym.

  10. #10
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Here is an example of a 4000 cal day Yours seems a little light

    6:00 am Breakfast

    1 1/2 cups Yogurt, plain, low fat
    6 Egg whites
    1 cup Pineapple
    1 2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils
    3 Eggs, whole
    2 slice Whole grain bread

    63g P - 81g C - 15g F - Calories: 711

    9:00 am Snack

    1 cup Cottage cheese, light/low fat
    28 grams Protein powder
    1 cup Grapes
    3 tbsp Barley
    1 oz Sunflower seeds

    56g P - 72g C - 15g F - Calories: 647

    12:00 pm Lunch

    5 oz Cheese, low or non fat
    3 cups Vegetable soup
    1 1/3 cups Oatmeal
    4 Crackers
    12 Peanuts
    1 cup Milk, low fat (1%)

    63g P - 81g C - 15g F - Calories: 711

    3:00 pm Mid Meal

    9 oz Turkey breast, skinless
    1 3/4 cups Chickpeas
    1/2 cup Mushrooms
    1/4 cup Onions
    1/2 head Lettuce, iceberg
    1 1/2 cups Cherry tomatoes
    5 tbsp Almonds, slivered

    63g P - 81g C - 15g F - Calories: 711

    5:00 pm Dinner

    8 oz Beef, lean cuts
    1/2 cup Tomato, puree
    2 cups Celery
    3 cups Carrots
    1 2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils
    1 cup Rice
    1 cup Milk, low fat (1%)

    63g P - 81g C - 15g F - Calories: 711

    8:00 pm Snack

    35 grams Protein powder
    2 cups Milk, low fat (1%)
    2 cups Raspberries
    1 1/2 tbsp Barley
    1 2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils

    49g P - 63g C - 15g F - Calories: 583

    Total Daily Portions

    Protein: 350g
    Carbohydrates: 450g
    Fat: 90g
    Calories: 4010

  11. #11
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Here's another...

    4000 Calorie Diet (Calories/Fat/Carbohydrate/Protein):

    Meal 1: 60g Oatmeal
    1 scoop protein powder
    Total: (~230/5/45/35)

    Meal 2: 100g Banana
    250g Pineapple
    227g Fat Free Greek Yogurt
    Total: (~355/0/60/20)

    Meal: 3 200g Whole Wheat Pasta
    200g Premade Vodka Sauce
    Total: (~455/5/80/5)

    Meal 4: 141g Tuna(1 can)
    2 slices Whole Wheat bread
    10g Mayonnaise
    Total: (~390/10/40/30)

    Meal 5: 200g Chicken Breast
    200g Sweet potato
    Green Veggies
    Total: (~420/5/35/45)

    Meal 6: 250mL Whole milk
    50g Peanut Butter
    100g Banana
    Total: (~550/35/45/20)

    Meal 7: 200g Chicken Breast
    200g Sweet potato
    Green Veggies
    Total: (~420/5/35/45)

    Meal 8: 200g Apple
    50g Peanut Butter
    Total: (~400/25/40/15)

    Meal 9: 2 String Cheese
    250g Pineapple
    Total: (~285/10/30/15)

    Meal 10: 5 Whole Eggs
    40g Shredded Cheese
    Total: (~490/35/0/40)

    Total: (~3995/135/410/270)

  12. #12
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tay-Dawg
    My diet is in check ive been on a steady muscle/strength gain for the last 6 months, im eating about 4,000 calories a day high protein and high carb, along with healthy fats.
    By saying im light for 5-10 what exactly do you mean??

    And thank you bigsiv! that was good advice. Where is the right thread? sorry first post.
    Yeah that wrong thread was an edit was meant for another thread.
    You should listen to cape and Mickey they are right about you being a little light and 6 month steady training is not enough.
    If you go on cycle you will be lifting more weight then your ligaments and tendons can handle.
    You might bloat up and get big but it won't last long if everything else is not in place.
    Here's what you should do:
    Hold off the cycle just for now, post that diet in the nutrition section so the guys can pick it apart.
    Then head over to the lifting section and post your routine out so that can be improved.
    Take 8 months - 12 months perfecting your diet and training aim for a target weight say 190-195 lbs at 12-15% bf.
    In the long run it will be worth it cause you will LEARN how to train, eat and keep muscle.

  13. #13
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Here's another...

    4000 Calorie Diet (Calories/Fat/Carbohydrate/Protein):

    Meal 1: 60g Oatmeal
    1 scoop protein powder
    Total: (~230/5/45/35)

    Meal 2: 100g Banana
    250g Pineapple
    227g Fat Free Greek Yogurt
    Total: (~355/0/60/20)

    Meal: 3 200g Whole Wheat Pasta
    200g Premade Vodka Sauce
    Total: (~455/5/80/5)

    Meal 4: 141g Tuna(1 can)
    2 slices Whole Wheat bread
    10g Mayonnaise
    Total: (~390/10/40/30)

    Meal 5: 200g Chicken Breast
    200g Sweet potato
    Green Veggies
    Total: (~420/5/35/45)

    Meal 6: 250mL Whole milk
    50g Peanut Butter
    100g Banana
    Total: (~550/35/45/20)

    Meal 7: 200g Chicken Breast
    200g Sweet potato
    Green Veggies
    Total: (~420/5/35/45)

    Meal 8: 200g Apple
    50g Peanut Butter
    Total: (~400/25/40/15)

    Meal 9: 2 String Cheese
    250g Pineapple
    Total: (~285/10/30/15)

    Meal 10: 5 Whole Eggs
    40g Shredded Cheese
    Total: (~490/35/0/40)

    Total: (~3995/135/410/270)
    Trade ya. I like yours better.

  14. #14
    kingcali is offline New Member
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    why would someone reccomend that this person take arimidex ???

    you dont even know if he is pron to gyno, so why take something that you might not even need???

    yes it might be smart to keep it on hand but for your safety dont take it cause someone said so.. but do follow the advice as to look up pct, side effects from prop, side effects from arimidex, and just look up everything that someone tells you to take...

    arimidex is a serious drug that can cause some even worse side effects and possibly ruin your joints for life,, every drug has different effects for every person..

  15. #15
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingcali View Post
    why would someone reccomend that this person take arimidex ???

    you dont even know if he is pron to gyno, so why take something that you might not even need???

    yes it might be smart to keep it on hand but for your safety dont take it cause someone said so.. but do follow the advice as to look up pct, side effects from prop, side effects from arimidex, and just look up everything that someone tells you to take...

    arimidex is a serious drug that can cause some even worse side effects and possibly ruin your joints for life,, every drug has different effects for every person..
    Arimidex performs by actively blocking the aromatase enzyme; this is important for steroid users as the aromatase process is what is responsible for many of the negative side-effects commonly associated with anabolic steroid use . As many anabolic steroids convert to estrogen such side-effects as Gynecomastia and excess water retention can become a problem to name a few but with supplemental Arimidex such problems can largely be reduced and often eliminated altogether. Through supplemental Arimidex use we actively block the estrogen conversion and reduce the total amount of estrogen in the body thereby preventing what isnt there from binding to the receptors of the body.

    While Arimidex can be used while on cycle as well as during post cycle therapy (PCT) most will find its use is best served while on cycle and the using of SERMs to be the best bet during a PCT. However, for on cycle purposes AIs such as Arimidex will prove to be far more beneficial and effective; more so than SERMs although they can be used here as well. While an AI such as Arimidex will actually reduce estrogen a SERM such as Nolvadex or Clomid will not; these SERMs will only block the estrogen from binding and they will not block all of it and will not reduce. However, as Arimidex will reduce total levels too much will do so to a degree that will actually hinder the athletes progression as some estrogen is needed for tissue gains and more importantly a well-functioning body.

    The manner by-which Arimidex reduces estrogen is really the main reason why its not a preferred PCT medication. Yes, it will increase testosterone levels during the PCT period, the entire purpose of the PCT process to begin with but the estrogen reduction is too much for this purpose and SERMs will prove to be a better choice to meet this end. A solid plan for most to follow is a small dosing of Arimidex while on cycle; generally 0.5mg every other day will get the job done, although some will need to go as high as 1mg every other day in order to prevent side-effects from anabolic steroid use. As 1mg will prove to be our general max dose those in the competitive bodybuilding world will often supplement with 1mg every single day shortly before competition. Short periods of high dosing will provide a physique a much harder and dryer look but in this case such dosing will generally only last 7-14 days in total duration as some estrogen is needed in the body for the long haul. Once the cycle of anabolic steroids is complete and the PCT period begins dropping all Arimidex and anabolic steroids and beginning therapy with SERMs such as Nolvadex and Clomid will prove to be optimal as they will increase natural testosterone production while allowing enough estrogen in the body to perform the designated tasks.

  16. #16
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Great post Cape ^^^^^^^

  17. #17
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    ^^^^ Agreed. Great post about running an AI on cycle. Not sure why there are still people that think it is just for gyno.

  18. #18
    kingcali is offline New Member
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    Short periods of high dosing will provide a physique a much harder and dryer look but in this case such dosing will generally only last 7-14 days in total duration as some estrogen is needed in the body for the long haul.

    why i say it can be bad for the joints....^^ when u get dry ur joints get dry with the body..some people cant repair the joints after this and somes body have no problem repairing the joints...

    i mean realisticly everything you take has a side effect and it all depends on what you are willing tolerate

  19. #19
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingcali View Post
    Short periods of high dosing will provide a physique a much harder and dryer look but in this case such dosing will generally only last 7-14 days in total duration as some estrogen is needed in the body for the long haul.

    why i say it can be bad for the joints....^^ when u get dry ur joints get dry with the body..some people cant repair the joints after this and somes body have no problem repairing the joints...

    i mean realisticly everything you take has a side effect and it all depends on what you are willing tolerate
    You didn't quote anyone directly so I am not sure what you are responding to.

    Are you saying that AI use should be avoided because some estrogen is needed and you don't want to dry out the joints?

    If so, the AI is not used to get rid of all estrogen (to address your first point) and it won't dry out the joints if you don't bottom out our estrogen (your second point). AI use is not meant to kill your E2, it is just to keep it in the normal range and keep it from being highly elevated.

    Anyone taking high doses of Test is going to get elevated E2. It doesn't matter if they "feel" like their E2 is is just a fact that some Test will convert. Everyone should do blood work to find out what dose of AI they need for whatever Test dose they are taking.

  20. #20
    kingcali is offline New Member
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    im most deff not saying AIs should be avoided.. for some people i just think they may not need the use of certain AIs.

    i was implying arimidex would dry out the joints if one bottoms out on it... and just stating that dry joints or joint pain is a side effect of taking arimidex.. i see alot of people pushing arimidex into cycles and most never speak about the issues that it can cause on the joints if one takes to much for to long..

  21. #21
    Tay-Dawg is offline New Member
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    Thanks for lookin out cape Mickey and bigsiv. I do see that my diet is not perfected yet, and I started my cycle today so now I'm dead set on following through. But I'm dedicated to the bone, and will strive to perfect each aspect. I'm going to take those diet plans and mimick them to my best ability. I hope to keep some good gains, and either way ill learn from this cycle and come into my second with greater knowledge! I'm gonna get a few photos up as well! This forum is tight.

  22. #22
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingcali View Post
    im most deff not saying AIs should be avoided.. for some people i just think they may not need the use of certain AIs.

    i was implying arimidex would dry out the joints if one bottoms out on it... and just stating that dry joints or joint pain is a side effect of taking arimidex.. i see alot of people pushing arimidex into cycles and most never speak about the issues that it can cause on the joints if one takes to much for to long..
    I cannot imagine anyone taking high levels of Test and not having elevated E2. I don't need an AI for my TRT dose (200mg/wk) so I know what you are talking about...but triple that dose and there is going to be some conversion.

    You are totally right about joints and low E2. It is as important to not bottom out as it is to not have high levels. I don't think we should have either.

  23. #23
    kingcali is offline New Member
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    @johnnyvegas yes sir i agree 100%

  24. #24
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    good luck champ.

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