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  1. #1
    sc2only is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012

    Live in alberta canada taking test and needles on plane staying in alberta

    So i fly to work within alberta canada Is it safe to bring my test and needles up north in alberta ?

  2. #2
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2012
    The Great White North
    a buddy of mine does this from golden BC to Grande Prairie. Just take what you need gear wise, you can get pins up there. Put it in your checked bag, like in your shaving kit, NOT your carry on. You'll be good to go. He's on TRT, but gets his own gear, so he never has his script. It always is there when he lands, and he's been doing it for years. i hope you have a camp big enough to have a gym. I stay on site, so I get shafted in that regards.

  3. #3
    banehallow's Avatar
    banehallow is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2012
    best for you to mail it to where you're staying, no hassle no customs, peace of mind

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