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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question Cycle No.4, Tren E (minimal Testosterone)

    Here's my background:

    1st Cycle: Testosterone (Sustanon )

    2nd Cycle: Testosterone (Sustanon), Nandrolone (Deca -Durabolin ), Methandrostenolone (Dianabol )

    3rd Cycle: Oxandrolone (Anavar)

    It's been 2 years since I did AAS.

    I started my 4th cycle 2 days ago. Here's my supplies:

    • A load of Sustanon ampules (1mL = 250mg)
    • Vials of Tren E (200mg per 1mL)
    • Tamoxifen for PCT

    I've only done one injection so far, and it was 1ml of Sustanon mixed with 1ml of Tren E (so that's 250mg of Testosterone and 200mg of Tren E).

    The good news: Neither the Sustanon nor the Tren E is painful to inject (I've heard some steroid oils can be painful), so I'm glad about that. Also I didn't get any cough at all whatsoever, so that's good. (By the way, my Tren E is made by Bio*****Ph****).

    Since Trenbolone is supposed to be outrageously anabolic , I don't see the need to go mad with the Testosterone dosage (I'd only be wasting my money and putting my body through unnecessary stress).

    Here's what I'm thinking for my 12-week cycle:

    Inject 1ml of Tren E mixed with 1ml of Sustanon in the same syringe.

    Inject 1ml of Tren E.

    I'd like to ask what people think about this regimen of injecting Sustanon once every 6 days, and injecting Tren E once every 3 days? Sustanon has the long ester in it so I reckon I'm OK dragging it out to 6 days. I'm going for clean hard gains, no bloat or water retention.

    It's only been 2 days since I took my first injection but I've already seen the first symptom.... I just woke up at 4am outrageously hungry and went straight to the kitchen -- yes, my appetite has hit the roof. (I always experienced drastically increased appetite when my Testosterone level is high).

    If I'm lucky, I won't suffer undesirable side-effects from the Tren E. Thankfully I didn't get any cough at all from my first injection. I'll be very interested to see how the next few weeks go for me, especially in terms of strength.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Sus once a week isnt a good thing.You you should be doing it at least twice a week.As for the Tren I would start out at 300 to 350 per.You need to run HCG @250 ius x2 a week.A ai like [email protected] to start.Pct Clomid n Nova.

  3. #3
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Sus once a week isnt a good thing.You you should be doing it at least twice a week.As for the Tren I would start out at 300 to 350 per.You need to run HCG @250 ius x2 a week.A ai like [email protected] to start.Pct Clomid n Nova.

    OP take on this advice. your knowledge is quite poor even having a break from steroids

    tren shuts you down hard the HCG will be much needed to help with recovery

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    im assuming your reason is since you break open the vile you use it all at one time. I would transfer all the amps to a 10 or 20 ML vile. Then you can dose how you want.

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