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Thread: 2nd cycle question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Istanbul / Turkey

    2nd cycle question.

    Hello dear fellas..

    Age : 33

    Height : 6.4

    Weight : 225lbs

    Bf : %14

    My Test e ( 500 mg, ew ) only first cycle will be over in 9 days. It has been a very very good first cycle.She was not naughty at all. Almost zero sides I have faced. I used Spectral DNC and nizoral shampoo in order to fight hair loss but to be perfectly honest DHT is a slight winner.

    But overall I'm very satisfied with the gains and how my muscles look.

    At this point I'd like to kindly ask some questions regarding my 2nd cycle which I plan to start on March. My source will go abroad in a week for some reason and wont be back until may hence I need to move and decide quickly about my 2nd cycle roadmap.

    Week 1-8 :100 mg test e

    week 1-8 : 300 mg tren

    Hcg : 250x2 ew

    a-dex : .25 eod

    Caber : 1 mg ew

    Spectral dnc and nizoral shampoo.

    Zinco 50 mg ed.

    Diet : 330 gr protein Carb : 220 gr Fat: 70 gr

    I 'd love hear your valuable critiques and suggestions.

    All will be appreciated.

    And my apologies for my english.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I suggest you run test again. Especially if you only ran it for 8 weeks like you propose here. Run test e for 12 weeks to get the most out of it. You can bump up your dosage to 600mgs if you want.

    Hold off on the tren as it has some nasty ass sides that a person on their second cycle won't be ready for.

    What's your PCT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Istanbul / Turkey
    Hello Stpete.

    I've ran test e for 12 weeks. But yeah when it comes to tren I have some hesitations thats why I wanted to be in 8 weeks cycle. Just wanted to give it a try. Believe I can handle the sides. If I cant manage the process with Tren successfully then I'd drop it and go on with 600 mg test e.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Istanbul / Turkey
    Here is my PCT : clomid 100/50/50/50 and novla 40/20/20/20 I ll start 14 days after my last injection.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Just because you're running the test for 12 doesn't mean you can't run the tren for 8. If you must run the tren, stick to acetate. And i would run the tren in my last 8 weeks.

    Better yet, is to get yourself some prop and run that w/the tren for 8 weeks. That's really your best option. Start PCT 3 days after last injection.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Istanbul / Turkey
    Much appreicated Stpete. Thank you very much..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    To be honest at this stage you really dont need tren.You will get great results with other compounds.Everyone is in a hurry to run tren thinking it is going to make them skip a few steps and get huge.The truth is you grow in steps not all at once.The smart guys wait and get as big on the other compounds.Then when things get tough they bring out the big boy.Use these compounds to your advantage.You will still grow from running your 1st cycle again.Just have a good diet beacuse diet is key.Good luck Bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Istanbul / Turkey
    Thanks for your reply,Songdog.

    In life, I always ask to my self right before I'm about to make a decision '' if it is rational or not''. Well, the truth to be told regarding tren my answer is a huge NO. But in a strange way Tren is strongly pulling me in it's sphere of influence. Seducing me..

    I completely agree with you. Maybe I should go with Deca and test on my 2nd cycle.

    Can I kindly ask how the doses should be for Deca ?


  9. #9
    At your size you need a lot more food if you're bulking...I would add another 100g protein at least to start.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Istanbul / Turkey
    I am in need of last clarifications about my 2nd cycle plan.

    I've read couple days ago that Kelkel was suggesting to use adex at only pinning days for test&tren cycle.

    So, should I use it .25 adex eod or only pinning days ?

    I couldnt decide yet whether I should run deca or tren. If I'd go with deca , how the doses should be ?

    And one last question about caber. Should I use it .25x2/week or 1mg/week.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulixar View Post
    I am in need of last clarifications about my 2nd cycle plan.

    I've read couple days ago that Kelkel was suggesting to use adex at only pinning days for test&tren cycle.

    So, should I use it .25 adex eod or only pinning days ?

    I couldnt decide yet whether I should run deca or tren. If I'd go with deca , how the doses should be ?

    And one last question about caber. Should I use it .25x2/week or 1mg/week.

    Adex, or any other AI for that matter, should be used between the first day and up until PCT in any cycle. I don't see what makes a Test & Tren cycle different than any other cycle when it comes to proper estrogen management. Are you sure this is the advice you were given?

    You should use Adex EOD. Dosing depends on cycle compounds, doses and how your body responds to the given AI at that given dose. Aromasin is the better choice, which should be administered ED, FYI.

    Unless you have run pretty much every compound available, go with a reasonable dose of Deca. Songdong gave you a rational explanation regarding why you should do so, you'll benefit from listening to him or guys with his level of experience, knowledge and sensibility on forums like this.

    Regarding your Deca dose, have you run it before? If yes, what was your dose? You can run Deca at any dose between 200mg-800mg EW in your cycles (then of course, I have talked to people who run it at over 1000mg EW). You need to figure out a dose you can handle, a dose that will serve your goals. IMO, there is no point in going over 600mg unless you want to gain lots of weight (backed up with proper diet, of course) and be huge, estrogen related sides and overall HTPA damage with any 19-nor should be the real concern when cycling them. In sum, we can't really give you a specific weekly dose, only you can figure it out for yourself...

    ... and lastly, you don't need caber as long as your estrogen management is a successful one. Again, Aromasin at 12.5mg ED alone between the first day of your cycle and up until PCT will most likely take care of this.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Im going to give you the same advise i got a while back! If you got results from first cycle with a certain compound, dont change it to a stack or stronger one, keep riding that horse till it breaks!!! Once your body starts getting used to it do what others suggested, up the dose or than start trying different compounds or stacking them. Just my .02 cents

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Istanbul / Turkey
    Thank you for your kind answer,Tj ( Çok teşekkür ederim. Sizin ilgilendiğinizi görmek daha mutlu etti ) Sorry for this, just thanked him in turkish.

    As I indicated above this will be my 2nd cycle. And I really not sure which path I should follow. Kinda confused...

    My heart is beating for test p 100mg ,tren a 250 or 300 mg /week

    According to the experienced ppl on this forum that I feel highly respect , I shouldnt take the path with tren on my 2nd cycle..

    Thus my deca question pops up in my brain '' the dose ? '' I just dont want to exaggerate the dose. Trying to find out the appropriate dose for me,for a newbie..


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulixar View Post
    Thank you for your kind answer,Tj ( Çok teşekkür ederim. Sizin ilgilendiğinizi görmek daha mutlu etti ) Sorry for this, just thanked him in turkish.

    As I indicated above this will be my 2nd cycle. And I really not sure which path I should follow. Kinda confused...

    My heart is beating for test p 100mg ,tren a 250 or 300 mg /week

    According to the experienced ppl on this forum that I feel highly respect , I shouldnt take the path with tren on my 2nd cycle..

    Thus my deca question pops up in my brain '' the dose ? '' I just dont want to exaggerate the dose. Trying to find out the appropriate dose for me,for a newbie..

    Wow, Turks are everywhere nowadays, ha

    Your welcome.

    Now, I'll keep it short but I'll be also providing you with my best advice.

    Since now I know that you are a newbie who is about to get on his 2nd cycle, I'll give the most basic yet most useful advice that can be given to any newbie for his second (or third, even fourth cycle for that matter) cycle.


    Simple and plain: my first 4 cycles were Test only cycles and I grew in each and every cycle by gradually adding lean muscle mass due to Test, spot on diet, training and quality life-style that included lots of rest...

    You want to fuk yourself so early into your AAS journey in life? Then go ahead and jump on the Tren wagon, chances are that you'll eventually have more regrets than joy for doing so ARE REALLY HIGH (statistically speaking).

    Forget about Deca too, you don't need it. Learn how to drive a go-cart before you get behind the wheel of an Formula-1 car. You can always NOT take this advice and do vice versa, but beware you will crash that car and it will cost ya...

    As long as you don't have anything against needles, go ahead and run Test Prop alone anywhere between 375-700mg EW and as long as diet, training and quality rest are spot on, you shall grow like weed.

    You know how there are ''sources'' recognized for selling quality gear, I am recognized for giving out quality advice only (no narcissism intended whatsoever), so why not listen and benefit from it.

    Keep your first 5-6 cycles very simple, learn how your body responds to pure injectable Test at different doses, no need to complicate things by introducing secondary compounds to your cycles, orals and 19-nors are especially a must ''stay away'' from during the rookie phase IMO.

    All you need is Aromasin other than Test Prop; Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT.

    Following an injection protocol of HCG Pregnyl @250iu E3D throughout the cycle will be very beneficial also.

    Keep it simple, make it work.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Istanbul / Turkey
    Thanks a lot ,TJ.

    I assure you that I will be sticked to test only cycles for more 4-5 cycles.

    Bowin' before ya,mastah.

    Also I'd like to thank to Stpete,Songdog and Papiriqui who haven't preserved their valuable suggestions.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Good luck Soul.....

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