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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    Hey all, just got my lab results.

    I was on 200mg cyp/week for 6 months last year and have been off since mid Jan.

    Here are my results:

    Total Test: 336 ng/dL
    % Free Test: 2.21
    Free Test: 74.1 pg/mL

    Bioavailable Estradiol: 5.16 L pg/mL
    % Bioavailable Estradiol: 57.30
    Estradiol: 9 L pg/mL

    What do you all make of that?
    Should i have recovered by now?
    My doc wants me to start hrt again

    32 yo
    9% bf


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Well i decided to start on hrt again. Doc said to use 2 androgel a day so i used 2 midday and then one more at dinner after my workout....and now im having a hard time sleeping. It feels like i stop breathing right before i fall compeletely asleep and it wakes me up.

    I read the sides for androgel and it says to contact your doctor immediatly if you experience breathing problems especially while sleeping.
    Im scared and afraid to go back to sleep.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ottawa, canadian monkey
    bump for you bro
    Hope everything is ok and go see your doc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    If you were on cyp for 6 straight months you should be useing clomid, nolva AND hcg to get the "boys" going again!! Why did your doc keep you on HRT so long?? He should know better than that, and then he puts you on Androgel( a complete waste, IMO). If you are a legit candidate for HRT your cycle would look more like; 250mg cyp/week for 10 weeks followed by post cycle meds(Hcg, clomid,etc..). Ask your doc about this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    thanks paul, i got thru the night ok. i think that i get the same type of thing when i start on cyp but not as noticable and it goes away pretty quick. I also read that sleep apnea usually occures in people that are overweight and/or have lung disese, neither of which apply to me so that gave me some comfort.
    Last edited by dtdionne; 05-06-2003 at 10:49 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    you have nothing to worry about as it is only SARS you are contracting...

    i do agree about that being an awfully long extended HRT though...the numbers speak for themselves, but what were your qualitative gains like?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    righton, i think i am a candidate for lifetime hrt unfortunatly. i was in a very bad motorcycle accident when i was 26 and he thinks that i damaged my baby makers. my test was 210 this time last year and he put me on 200mg cyp/week for 10 weeks. at this point i didnt know anything about anabolics and didnt know that test was a steroid. i was just doing what my doc told me.
    But i started researching it and told him what i learned about estrogen clomid, nolvadex, arimidex and hcg. he didnt know anything about and i asked him what would happen when i came off. he said well im hoping that this will jump start you. and i told him, from what i had read that it would do the opposite and he said well we'll see. so 3 weeks after my last shot i was at 176 and he put me back on and said that i might need it for good.
    well i knew better so i got some adex and clomid on my own and in the beginning of jan i told my doc that i wanted to come off and see if i would i did and i did 20 days of clomid and waited for my blood test which was may 5th.
    in mid feb i started loosing weight and got a little weaker. at this point i was hoping that this was natural. but as each week went by i lost more weight and strength as well as recovering very slowly.
    it was very upsetting to lift half as much weight on everything, get twice as sore and take twice as long to recover.
    so i got my blood test (which is posted above) back yesterday. if my nutz were functioning properly i would have expected my test to be at least 500. i thought for sure that nearly 4 months would have been long enough to restore my natural test.
    im on androgel cause im tired of shots and want to take a break. i dont know about you but androgel works for me and keep in mind that at this point im not doing a cycle, i just want my test to be at normal levels, 500 or so, so that i can keep what i have and not get depressed, lose bone mass, lose libido, etc. and for that matter i wouldnt say that i have ever really done a cycle.
    also this androgel is not over the counter stuff, it has 5 grams of test per pack with 50mg's bio available of which it is estimated that at least 10-20 mg's is used. i am very lean and think that helps with absorbtion and i would guess that i get at least 20 mg's and maybe up to 30 mg's per pack per doc has me on 2 packs per day, so that is somewhere between 20 and 60 mg's a day or 140 to 420 mg's a week which is plenty even at 140 mg's for me. 200 mg's of cyp/week had my total test at 1300.
    another thing is my estrogen levels are low as well which says that estrogen is not supressing my test levels.
    i am hoping that i dont have to do lifetime hrt but at the same time i already have enough scripts for cyp and androgel to last a damn lifetime and my insurance covers it. $10 per cyp bottle and $20 per box of androgel.
    Last edited by dtdionne; 05-06-2003 at 11:01 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    daem, hehe, he said sars, uh..uh..huhu. that is some sheite.
    I was on 200mg's cyp/week and .25mg adex every third day for bloating, i am not prone to gyno and wish i hadnt done the adex, i think i messed up my workouts. i went from 155 to 185@11%bf at my heaviest and was 180 when i came of in jan. i slowly dropped to 164 as of today. i have not stoped trainning and i am extremely good with nutrition and diet (that's me in florida in my avatar sept last year 2 weeks after i came off cyp the first time). i have researched and experimented with nutrition for the last 4 years.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    I too am on HRT thats why maybe you should see a doc that specializes in hormonal imbalances(endocrinologist, alternative med doc) one that can interpit blood results more clearly and see if not only that your not producing enough test but maybe something might be surpressing test production(damaged goods,tumor,etc..).The only reason i like the shots is because i can up the cc's and throw in some other AS and get results i want.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    yeah, my doc is a general practitioner and i go to him cause its covered by insurance. I have talked to some docs that specialize in hormone supplementation and not so much hrt and they aren't covered by insurance but seem to be much more "up to speed". I guess i need to find a doc that specializes in hrt that is covered by my insurance.

    I got a little shook up when i read that hrt will PERMENANTLY shut natural test production down and possibly make u steril. I hadent read that before.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    You can permanently shut down your natural test production if your on any AS too long without taking meds(HCG,clomid,etc..) to stimulate test production. Thats why most cycles are 10-12 weeks long so the "boys" can be started up without them going on permanent vacation.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    DT have you tried HCG to pump them puppies up? Personally I'd ditch the steriods and try a course of HCG followed by a heavy and long-term course of Clomid, then check my blood serum levels. Hope you get sorted.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    In a void
    Originally posted by dtdionne
    I also read that sleep apnea usually occures in people that are overweight and/or have lung disese, neither of which apply to me so that gave me some comfort.
    People without lung disease (and not overweight) can have apnea too!
    Take me 4 example!

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