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Thread: 1st cycle

  1. #1
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    1st cycle

    I've decided to run my first cycle. Any input would be appreciated.
    The cycle will look like this.

    Week 1-12 250mg/wk test E
    Week 6-12/14. 50 mg ed stanozolol
    Week 6-14 arimixex .25 sod
    Week 15-18. Nolvadex . 40 first wk ed 20 last 3 wks ed

    Brands are kalpa test e
    Balkan stanozolol oral
    Balkan tamox
    Geneza pharm. Arimidex

    I also plan on taking milk thistle, glucosamine, and multi vitamins everyday.
    Workouts are basically
    Strength/weights- 3 times a wk Mon Wed Fri
    Cardio/skill -boxing/running/grappling etc.. 2 times a wk Tue thur
    Like I said any input would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    taaa is offline Junior Member
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    what about clomid for pct and as first cycle I think it would be better to run the test alone before adding a second compound
    Last edited by taaa; 12-10-2012 at 12:52 PM.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Please read this easy to read thread for an idea on how to prepare a first cycle properly.

    Most Common Beginners Cycles

  4. #4
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    I read your beginner cycle post. Well I've already placed the order and the stuff I mentioned is what I have coming so that's what
    Ill be using. Takes 3 weeks to receive so to change something now would be difficult and time consuming. But thanxfor
    The feedback

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00 View Post
    I read your beginner cycle post. Well I've already placed the order and the stuff I mentioned is what I have coming so that's what
    Ill be using. Takes 3 weeks to receive so to change something now would be difficult and time consuming. But thanxfor
    The feedback
    Im trying to tell you that your cycle is a mess!

    But if its too difficult for you to change, then i wish you the best of luck. Btw, when you come back in here after your cycle and you're crying lime a little boy because you have no idea why you're experiencing ED and a host of other sides, don't say i didn't try to warn you.

    Oh, and youre welcome.
    Last edited by MickeyKnox; 12-10-2012 at 01:26 PM. Reason: Removed "dumb ass"

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00 View Post
    I read your beginner cycle post. Well I've already placed the order and the stuff I mentioned is what I have coming so that's what
    Ill be using. Takes 3 weeks to receive so to change something now would be difficult and time consuming. But thanxfor
    The feedback
    I guess you should have asked before you ordered. I personally like my health too much to run what and how you have proposed.
    Like Mickey said if its too much trouble to do it right good luck

  7. #7
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    The reason why its a mess would be a lot more helpful rather than bitching at me and sending me a
    link to something u suggested someone use. From what I read in your post the only differences were no whinny
    And adding Hgc.

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00 View Post
    The reason why its a mess would be a lot more helpful rather than bitching at me and sending me a
    link to something u suggested someone use. From what I read in your post the only differences were no whinny
    And adding Hgc.
    Well, then you need glasses.

    Good luck.

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Is the intention to run 250mg EW or did you mean to say 250mg X 2 per week???

  10. #10
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    250 a week. I'm not trying to be a body builder also my first time kinda wanted to go light.
    really I was only interested in doing the whinny but I read you shouldn't do whinny without
    Running test cuz it shuts down test production so Im running test with it.

  11. #11
    10nispro's Avatar
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    What is your goal with this cycle? Also, whats your stats? Height Weight Bf% Sorry if I missed in an earlier post

  12. #12
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    Also I get pretty good gains natural and I dont want to blow up

  13. #13
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    My goal is to get lean gains not bloated water gains. I'm 34. 6 foot 210 lb not sure of bf probably a lil
    More than normal I had surgery about a month ago so been off for a month just starting back training
    This week.

  14. #14
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00
    My goal is to get lean gains not bloated water gains. I'm 34. 6 foot 210 lb not sure of bf probably a lil
    More than normal I had surgery about a month ago so been off for a month just starting back training
    This week.
    If your just getting back in the gym you shouldn't even think about starting a cycle yet. Concentrate on diet and train consistently for at least a few months to get your base back.

  15. #15
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00
    The reason why its a mess would be a lot more helpful rather than bitching at me and sending me a
    link to something u suggested someone use. From what I read in your post the only differences were no whinny
    And adding Hgc.
    My god man how cheeky!!!!! You need to check yourself before disrespecting the vets. They are only here to help you!!!! And you obviously haven't read the link Mickey sent you properly. Your cycle is a mess and you shouldn't be putting chemicals in your body if you haven't a clue!!!!!
    I suggest you apologise and hopefully you can start again and get some good advice.

  16. #16
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    I havent stated yet I didn't plan on it for atleast a month.

  17. #17
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Ok thanks, that helps.

    Before you start that cycle you need to get a better base of gyn work and clean up the diet and get BF down. Higher BF means more sides while on the cycle. Also, if this is your first cycle, keep it to one compound. If you were to get sides, using more than one compound, you want know how to correct the problem. Gear is not a magic potion. Diet and pct are the most important things with a cycle. Get that diet down using the nutritional forum gurus first and start from there. Im guessing you want to use gear one time, jump start weight loss, no more gear, and continue on. Try the diet first and go from there.

  18. #18
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro
    Ok thanks, that helps.

    Before you start that cycle you need to get a better base of gyn work and clean up the diet and get BF down. Higher BF means more sides while on the cycle. Also, if this is your first cycle, keep it to one compound. If you were to get sides, using more than one compound, you want know how to correct the problem. Gear is not a magic potion. Diet and pct are the most important things with a cycle. Get that diet down using the nutritional forum gurus first and start from there. Im guessing you want to use gear one time, jump start weight loss, no more gear, and continue on. Try the diet first and go from there.
    Good advice right there^^^^

  19. #19
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    Apologize for what? I simply stated what I had ordered and said that's what I'd be using changing brands or what not
    Would take an extra 3 weeks that's disrespectful? Geez u guys r sensitive. My apologies if I offended but like I said before reasons
    Y would be more helpful

  20. #20
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    Yeah good advice thank you

  21. #21
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00 View Post
    I've decided to run my first cycle. Any input would be appreciated.
    The cycle will look like this.

    Week 1-12 250mg/wk test E Bump this up. This is a glorified TRT dose.
    Week 6-12/14. 50 mg ed stanozolol Forget the Winny. Test ONLY first cycle.
    Week 6-14 arimixex .25 sod Begin wk 2 otherwise you may experience E2 sides
    Week 15-18. Nolvadex . 40 first wk ed 20 last 3 wks ed Include Clomid for restart and increased Test production. 100/50/50/50

    Include hCG on cycle @ 250iu 2/wk day before you Test shot for optimum results. Have everything on hand before you begin.

    Brands are kalpa test e
    Balkan stanozolol oral
    Balkan tamox
    Geneza pharm. Arimidex

    I also plan on taking milk thistle, glucosamine, and multi vitamins everyday.
    Workouts are basically
    Strength/weights- 3 times a wk Mon Wed Fri
    Cardio/skill -boxing/running/grappling etc.. 2 times a wk Tue thur
    Like I said any input would be appreciated.

  22. #22
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00
    The reason why its a mess would be a lot more helpful rather than bitching at me and sending me a
    link to something u suggested someone use. From what I read in your post the only differences were no whinny
    And adding Hgc.
    Rather than bitching at me.........
    It's nothing to do with being sensitive its to do with manners. If the guys are willing to give you their time and advice the a bit of respect and appreciation would go a long way.
    The cycles for beginners give you all the info you need to do a good first cycle that's all that was suggested.
    You might have ordered your stuff and intend on using it but when you start having problems and getting sides you can't handle you will be back here asking for advice again.

  23. #23
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    Thank u very much

  24. #24
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Mick hooked ya up with the issues in red...great advise but befor considering you should def think about what 10 said as well. Get that weight off naturally and build your base. This is thie best way to have a safe and effective cycle.

    That 250mg like Mick said is a high TRT dose, there is no sense simply replacing your test with another...thats a waste. Please consider all the advise given as it comes from guys with years of REAL experience and a plethora of knowledge.

    Stick around and learn as much as you can from the nutrition forum and all of the to go into a cycle armed with all of the knowledge and then some!

  25. #25
    spix00 is offline New Member
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    Thanks man I appreciate it

  26. #26
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by spix00 View Post
    Thanks man I appreciate it
    Just relax, take your time, educate yourself and you will be thankful you did....

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