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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    First Timer.... Need Help Please....

    Hello first time writing in.... I am in need of HELP.... I am looking to start Juice'ing... I have been Power Lifting since I was 17 yrs old... At 21 or 22 I was Benching 395lb and leg pressing aprox 1000lb..... I am now 30.... However I have been out of the Gym for a very long time due to an auto accident..... Anyway I am ready to get back in - BUT- as where I once was Nats-U-Ral (save using Speed) I now am wanting to Juice'..... I am looking at 2 cycles 1) Sust 250/14cc total + Deca /7cc total + Premobolin/8cc total over 10wks OR 2) Sust 250/500mg per wk + Deca/400mg per wk + Dianabol /30mg per day over 10wks....
    What in a Professionals opinion would be the better Stack for someone who has never Juiced-about 33% body fat-aprox 300lb @ 5'10" (Lean I am aprox 195lb I think)and want the most possible gaines.... I am not interested in getting Vascular but I would not mind help with loosing some of this body fat.... I am more interested in getting BIG again.... If Whom ever feels that there would be a better Stack Please let me know... How ever if Whom ever feels that the above Stack would suffice would Whom ever break it down for me over the 10 weeks.... FYI- From what I read I understand that a 10 week cycle is better than a 8 or 12 week- Y or N??? I do not make much money so I would like to do it right the first time with out wasting so much $$$$ so I need all the Help I can get....
    Anyway to Whom this letter is forward to In Advance Thank You....


  2. #2
    Adaptek's Avatar
    Adaptek is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dbol for 10weeks is a lot. Use dbol for about 4 to 5 weeks. Dose around 40-50mgED

  3. #3
    MUSTANG_18 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    If you are looking for sheer mass then option #2 is the way to go, no question about it. Personally, I would drop the body fat a little before you start your cycle. You said you have been out of the gym for a while so I would just get back in the gym for a couple months just to get back into a solid routine and diet as they are the most important things on or off a cycle. You are a big bro for sure at 300+ lbs so there is no need to add that much more mass E-mail or PM me anytime if you have any questions


  4. #4
    nymattyk's Avatar
    nymattyk is offline Member
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    Oct 2001
    new york
    id take M18's advice on this one, at 300lbs you are already a big guy so before adding any mass you might want to consider dropping the body fat. if you have been out of the gym for a while it would be smart for you to stay natural for at least a few more months until you are back on the right path with your training. good luck and dont be afraid to ask questions. almost forgot- i like cycle #2 but do the d-bol for only 4 weeks

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Hey bud - I will help you out. Shoot me a PM with your email and a handle if you use any messaging tools and I will gladly help you out. I am PMing you my personal email.

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