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Thread: Confessions of a Dirty Bulker

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Question Confessions of a Dirty Bulker

    So I have a confession to make. I am a dirty bulker. I am thinking about leaving my dirty bulk ways behind. Here is what I have noticed...

    If you are looking to get size and do not care about BF, dirty bulk. If your skinny, dirty buld, eff it... I mean just for looking like a freak, dirty bulk away. If you are actually trying to acheive that 10/10 aestetics, your better off not maxing out your calories. This last cycle I used test and tren plus a little var to go from 180 to 205. Everything was great, as short as I am I was JACKED!!! They problem I have with it is definition. I could not get more than my top 2 sets of abs to show, all because my calorie intake was too high. I think next time I will stick with test/tren/var, but I will limit my calories. Im not thinking doing much different that my usual diet which when not bulking is fairly good. Bulking to get the extra calories, its gets a little dirty. So I am thinking next time to keep my calorie intake about the same as off cycle, and maybe just up protein a few hundred calories (500) and leave it at that. I cut hard and am happily down at 185 and looking good. I would like to be 10% 195 instead of 12% at 185. Thoughts? Im thinking I can get there with another cycle and adjusting the calories.. Oh, and love the anavar with the tren. The pumps and cramps are ****ed, but it gets the job done!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    I would hit the nutrition section.

    I have consumed 3500-4000 cals and still maintained a lean look.

    The only difference when I bulk I just eat more, my quality of food remains the same. Whether I'm bulking or cutting I stay away from crap .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Johny what bf do you run around at? At my age, 12% is not bad. I am much more defined than your avatar (don't take it the wrong way), but looked similar after my dirty bulk (3600-3800 cals/day).. I know my diet could always be better, but it is not terrible. With my lifestyle, it is all about comprimise...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Jonny - Just realized I sounded like an ass that previous post. To be sure you are bigger than me. I was a mere 205. You look bigger than that. At my height, sleeping becomes an issue over 210 and I did not like that (5'7").

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    Johny what bf do you run around at? At my age, 12% is not bad. I am much more defined than your avatar (don't take it the wrong way), but looked similar after my dirty bulk (3600-3800 cals/day).. I know my diet could always be better, but it is not terrible. With my lifestyle, it is all about comprimise...
    I'm around the 12% ballpark, I agree, it's not a bf% to complain about .

    That pic is the prime of me bulking and I was actually leaner before I started.

    The way I look at it is if I am dedicated to my health and physique and dieting and nutrition then I see no need to eat dirty. Don't get me wrong if I suddenly have a crazy craving for a tripple cheeseburger I'll go mash one, that's when I am bulking. When I am cutting there is absolutely no room for error.

    I used to be a party guy drinking multiple times a week eating whatever, rarely working out. Ever since I've approached this lifestyle, crappy food and alcohol have become a rarity for me.

    It's all different for other people, depending on there dedication or how serious they are about it. Everybody has different goals and a different perspective on everything .

  6. #6
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    Jonny - Just realized I sounded like an ass that previous post. To be sure you are bigger than me. I was a mere 205. You look bigger than that. At my height, sleeping becomes an issue over 210 and I did not like that (5'7").
    No hard feelings .

    I'm 5'11, 205-206 first thing in the morning, usually 210-212 at the end of the day eating all day.

    I was as low as 170lbs cutting, this was in June-July .

    Take that back, I was actually that low in early Sept .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Totally agree with above post. I feel I live the same way. Except when bulking.. But I am not talking about going crazy, my diet basically stays the same (good) but I need more snacks to make it. Invaribly I would find myslef getting into my kids supply of chocolate chip cookie icecream sammiches (oh those ****ers are tasty even at 300 calories a hit.). There would be stickey choclate covered fingers, empty wrappers, curling up into a ball-rocking back and forth,crying..... oh well umm.. Yea. Anyway I guess I should clarify that my version of a dirty bulk is still a normal healthy diet, bigger portions.. And something like chocolate chip cookie icecream sammiches thrown in for extra calories and energy. But I am still thinking that you are making more work for yourself in the end anyway. Then you have to cut down, then you are unhappy with size, its a mess, lol. Better to go slower in this case, then yoyo back in fourth to hit your mark, just slowly cruize into it then maintain. Dunno if that made any sense... hahah

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    Totally agree with above post. I feel I live the same way. Except when bulking.. But I am not talking about going crazy, my diet basically stays the same (good) but I need more snacks to make it. Invaribly I would find myslef getting into my kids supply of chocolate chip cookie icecream sammiches (oh those ****ers are tasty even at 300 calories a hit.). There would be stickey choclate covered fingers, empty wrappers, curling up into a ball-rocking back and forth,crying..... oh well umm.. Yea. Anyway I guess I should clarify that my version of a dirty bulk is still a normal healthy diet, bigger portions.. And something like chocolate chip cookie icecream sammiches thrown in for extra calories and energy. But I am still thinking that you are making more work for yourself in the end anyway. Then you have to cut down, then you are unhappy with size, its a mess, lol. Better to go slower in this case, then yoyo back in fourth to hit your mark, just slowly cruize into it then maintain. Dunno if that made any sense... hahah
    I think the 1st week of a strict diet is the most difficult by far. After eating clean and dieting for years it has just become a 2nd nature and feels normal.

    It helps not being a fan of sweets or chocolate, I just don't enjoy them :P. I'm more of a guy to pig out on a full pizza or a couple tripple cheeseburgers .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thats wat you get for being a Buffet Bandit I believe you got the idea now!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    I agree with Johnny. I see no need for the old school dirty bulk. What is the point of packing on fat when you can eat cleanly and put on lean body mass? It will take longer but it's a healthier, better approach IMO and you won't need to worry about risks that come with unhealthy body fat.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2010
    I live on a vacation island in the Gulf of Thailand and I kind of have the opposite problem. Since I never wear a shirt I have hit a wall at 265 lbs at about 8% BF. I know if I throw in some fast carbs and fat I could break through but vanity prevents me from rolling my BF up. If I put a table spoon of butter on a potato or eat a whole wheat bagel I start to feel nervous.

  12. #12
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    I completely agree and that is where this post is coming from. It might seem really cool to pack on 25-30 lbs, but if you have to diet it off and it does not stay, why do it that way? My normal diet is pretty clen, I use myfitness tracker on my iPhone to track my cals and stuff... So I know about where I am at. I think maybe greek yougert would be a good 300-400 calorie substutite? Im sure I could stuff that down, but then again its dairy...

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    West Australia
    Dirty bulking is never good IMO plenty of ways to get calories high with out eating crap, plus IMO people eat way to many cals than they actually need, you do not need to be gaining excessive amounts of fat in order to gain muscle that is ridiculous, and the bit of extra muscle you may gain from all those extra calories proberly will be lost due how much you will have to cut... I've been there, and now there is no way ill "bulk" again,

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I live on a vacation island in the Gulf of Thailand and I kind of have the opposite problem. Since I never wear a shirt I have hit a wall at 265 lbs at about 8% BF. I know if I throw in some fast carbs and fat I could break through but vanity prevents me from rolling my BF up. If I put a table spoon of butter on a potato or eat a whole wheat bagel I start to feel nervous.
    That's exactly what happens to me, If I eat something like this I feel so guilty that it drives me nuts. It's almost like i've self trained/disciplined myself .

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Ronnie Rowland was saying that when he over bulked to grow his arms to 24" (WOW!!) he stretched the fascia of his stomach muscles and would have to have surgery in order to correct it. He says now in the off season he looks like Mr. Incredible. Still, 24 inches is HUGE and Ron is incredible!!

  16. #16
    I've never dirty bulked before on cycle...but I am currently planning a dirty bulk cycle with some test/deca about 12 months from now and it's gonna be great. I'll be following it up with a test/tren/t3/clen cycle around 16 weeks later though.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I live on a vacation island in the Gulf of Thailand and I kind of have the opposite problem. Since I never wear a shirt I have hit a wall at 265 lbs at about 8% BF. I know if I throw in some fast carbs and fat I could break through but vanity prevents me from rolling my BF up. If I put a table spoon of butter on a potato or eat a whole wheat bagel I start to feel nervous.

    How tall are you and what kind of gear/dosages are required to maintain those stats??

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