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Totally agree with above post. I feel I live the same way. Except when bulking.. But I am not talking about going crazy, my diet basically stays the same (good) but I need more snacks to make it. Invaribly I would find myslef getting into my kids supply of chocolate chip cookie icecream sammiches (oh those ****ers are tasty even at 300 calories a hit.). There would be stickey choclate covered fingers, empty wrappers, curling up into a ball-rocking back and forth,crying..... oh well umm.. Yea. Anyway I guess I should clarify that my version of a dirty bulk is still a normal healthy diet, bigger portions.. And something like chocolate chip cookie icecream sammiches thrown in for extra calories and energy. But I am still thinking that you are making more work for yourself in the end anyway. Then you have to cut down, then you are unhappy with size, its a mess, lol. Better to go slower in this case, then yoyo back in fourth to hit your mark, just slowly cruize into it then maintain. Dunno if that made any sense... hahah