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  1. #1
    Jain is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    Exclamation fever,body sorness , less strength,no energy,First Cycl after test injection

    hello guys First of all Mystat: 5'9,160lbs,22years and 2years Of Traning Full ,must hav missed like a month tranin thats it. SO I thought all AAS N well guys I just started MY First cycle, here it goes

    this is a 12week cycle.
    Test E 250mg Monday & 250mg thursday
    cudnt find D-bol So usin 5mg Drnabol
    10mg week1,20mg,week2-4.
    Hav Armidex in hand . if need 0.5 mg evry3 days,If more Gyno then 0.5 eod,still then evryday 0.5mg.
    And not sure abt HCG . was think will start from week 4-12 500iu per week.let me know what you think.

    And PCT after 4weeks las jab
    Nolvadex -50/50/20/20

    I'm in my first week
    SO guys i just pinned 250mg yestarday right after the shower to the gluts, N No pain at all Went well.and i was so pumped up hittin the gym to see how i do. But i FELT REALY WEEK, NO ENERGY , STRENGTH dropect by 20lbs on DP, So that was monday today, and i had a good sleep though and in the morning by upper body of fuly sore. no energy , feeling sleepy. And i'm train to eat as much as i can but looks like i'm droped it. So i look up N ppl were talkin abt test flu. I dodnt think i hav it as my glute isnt panin or swolen . just a bit of sensen whil touchin the inject site. SO Guys plese Help Me Out. N the Test i got is Legit. I'm from india and if you know the right ppl you'll get the right Stuff. BTW I'm Usin TAJ PHARMA TEST E.ANd Just last Night i Got FEVER, But there is no soreness mo pain around the inject site. And i'm in week 1
    Sorry for Repostin it.
    Last edited by Jain; 12-12-2012 at 12:12 AM.

  2. #2
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Few things I would look into before the Test.

    I'm not sure what you are taking, Drnabol?

    What is your diet like?

    Your PCT should start after 14days not 4 weeks.

    You're on the young side of the house to get any help involving the use of AAS.

    Should take your AI from first pin, not wait until sides pop up.

  3. #3
    olympia2022 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Jain View Post
    hello guys First of all Mystat: 5'9,160lbs,22years and 2years Of Traning Full ,must hav missed like a month tranin thats it. SO I thought all AAS N well guys I just started MY First cycle, here it goes

    this is a 12week cycle.
    Test E 250mg Monday & 250mg thursday
    cudnt find D-bol So usin 5mg Drnabol
    10mg week1,20mg,week2-4.
    Hav Armidex in hand . if need 0.5 mg evry3 days,If more Gyno then 0.5 eod,still then evryday 0.5mg.
    And not sure abt HCG . was think will start from week 4-12 500iu per week.let me know what you think.

    And PCT after 4weeks las jab
    Nolvadex -50/50/20/20

    I'm in my first week
    SO guys i just pinned 250mg yestarday right after the shower to the gluts, N No pain at all Went well.and i was so pumped up hittin the gym to see how i do. But i FELT REALY WEEK, NO ENERGY , STRENGTH dropect by 20lbs on DP, So that was monday today, and i had a good sleep though and in the morning by upper body of fuly sore. no energy , feeling sleepy. And i'm train to eat as much as i can but looks like i'm droped it. So i look up N ppl were talkin abt test flu. I dodnt think i hav it as my glute isnt panin or swolen . just a bit of sensen whil touchin the inject site. SO Guys plese Help Me Out. N the Test i got is Legit. I'm from india and if you know the right ppl you'll get the right Stuff. BTW I'm Usin TAJ PHARMA TEST E.ANd Just last Night i Got FEVER, But there is no soreness mo pain around the inject site. And i'm in week 1
    Sorry for Repostin it.
    Yeah i've gotten your so called 'test flu' twice now. I still can't tell you exactly what it was from.

    The first time I thought it was from overtraining (now I have learned to take a week off the gym and all physical activity every 2-3 months).

    The second time I had a feeling it was from injected into a vein or bloodvessel (not sure which). But after the pin was cleared, blood shot into it. I guess I had moved the pin around after I pulled back checking for the airbubble.

    Although the second time I had also passed the 2 month mark of training 6 days a week and took a week off to recover from the fever. You should also be expecting problems with your digestive system as this so called 'flu' always left me with no appetite and loose bowel movements.

    Also being in your first week you should be expecting some sort of discomfort or change in your body. Usually I get headaches.

    Keep doing research and at any point if you feel your life to be in danger, cease all independant activity and find the closest hospital/health care worker. I really can't be too specific because you could be getting fever-like symptoms from basically anything. No matter how minor or how serious. May have absolutely nothing to do with aas for all I know. Just shared with you my experience.
    Last edited by olympia2022; 12-12-2012 at 01:39 AM.

  4. #4
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    First of all Jain you should stop messing about with AAS when you clearly have bent educated yourself and are too young!

    You haven't got test flu you have either
    1. Heard about it and its had a placebo effect or
    2. You are genuinely ill ( cold/flu) whatever in which case it's a waste of time cycling if you can't do it 100%

    You need to stop what your doing and re-evaluate what you want to achieve because guaranteed it can be done without AAS. Just look at the nutrition section for now and sort your diet out.

    P.s please clean up your posts could hardly understand a word it's looks like it was written by a child. Are you really 22?

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