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Thread: Clen usage

  1. #1
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Oct 2012

    Clen usage

    I am currently on week 4 of a 14 week 750mg test e cycle. I am thinking of running a clen protocol during the last 6 weeks of my cycle prior to PCT...but am not entirely sure how it will effect my muscular gains. I guess I am looking for advice...

    When I started my cycle I was 6'2 190 @ around 12-13% a month later I am around 210 @ 14-15%bf (Also been taking 60mg of dbol a day). I hurt my shoulder last week (nothing serious I hope) so I've just been training legs....I had planned on making this a huge bulking cycle and then having a huge cutting cycle from the end of May through the end of August (Test/Tren /Mast/T3/Clen).

    Anyway.....what are your thoughts on using clen in my current state?

    Oh yeah, I also have a large order of TB-500 coming in the mail to help heal my shoulder....should be here in 1-2 weeks when I get my clen.

  2. #2
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Reading this thread makes me think it may be a good idea to up my test from 750 to an even 1000 should I choose to go the clen (and possible T3) route the last 6 weeks of my cycle...just to help preserve muscle. Of course I won't take either if my shoulder doesn't heal up enough to resume upper body training.

  3. #3
    anahny's Avatar
    anahny is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    I am currently on week 4 of a 14 week 750mg test e cycle. I am thinking of running a clen protocol during the last 6 weeks of my cycle prior to PCT...but am not entirely sure how it will effect my muscular gains. I guess I am looking for advice...

    When I started my cycle I was 6'2 190 @ around 12-13% a month later I am around 210 @ 14-15%bf (Also been taking 60mg of dbol a day). I hurt my shoulder last week (nothing serious I hope) so I've just been training legs....I had planned on making this a huge bulking cycle and then having a huge cutting cycle from the end of May through the end of August (Test/Tren /Mast/T3/Clen).

    Anyway.....what are your thoughts on using clen in my current state?

    Oh yeah, I also have a large order of TB-500 coming in the mail to help heal my shoulder....should be here in 1-2 weeks when I get my clen.
    Your doing two cycles back to back with one being tren....then wanting to add t3 and clen. Where's the PCT?? You can cut without more gear especially if you doing 14 weeks of test.

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    why dont you keeep doing what your doing? and cut on your next cycle? or are your trying to cruise/cut t3 and clen ?

  5. #5
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny View Post
    Your doing two cycles back to back with one being tren....then wanting to add t3 and clen. Where's the PCT?? You can cut without more gear especially if you doing 14 weeks of test.
    There will be 16 weeks off in between this cycle and my next cycle.

  6. #6
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    why dont you keeep doing what your doing? and cut on your next cycle? or are your trying to cruise/cut t3 and clen?
    Injuring my shoulder has convinced me that my goals need to change. Before, I wanted to just be a giant massive monster that pushed ungodly amounts of weight (Never cared about physique, just want to lift big).

    Now, I have decided that I will never lift big again. I'm just going to focus on muscle contraction and form while lifting tiny amounts of weight. I'm also just going to focus on physique for at least the next two years before I decide where I want to go with my lifts.

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