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Thread: getting a little anxious, how long until most people start feeling test e kick in?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    getting a little anxious, how long until most people start feeling test e kick in?

    As the title says, I'm just wondering what experience most people have. I've been on cycle for 4 weeks as of today and I still haven't noticed any significant differences or indications that my test is working/legit. I know that it takes a little longer than four week according to most people, but even so i cant help but feel like i should be feeling something by now, like it should be somewhat of a gradual process instead of just waking up one morning and noticing the gains. I've been looking for Acne, increased appetite/ libido/ strength/ oily skin and none of it has really hit yet. Am i just being too anxious?
    Specific stats and what I'm doing:
    24 years
    192 pounds
    13% bf
    obviously it's my first cycle since I'm asking this
    Test E at 225mg twice per week. I've been injecting my right quad every time and checking for blood also, had some bleeding the first few times i injected but very little since then. Using 23g 1' needle stuck all the way in. Gear brand is pharmacom.
    AR-R liquidex at .1mg EOD, i started on the low side and will up to .2 EOD if i feel any signs of gyno at all but none so far.
    Been doing volume training with chest one day, arms the next, legs the next, and back/shoulders the next day then one day of rest and repeat. Doing abs and obliques each EOD with whatever i'm doing that day.
    I've been eating about ~500 more Cal than normal, I've never followed specific diets only watched my macros and gotten plenty of water. Started off doing cardio 2x a week but my shin splints have gotten bad so im laying off cardio until they recover.

  2. #2
    Don't inject the same spot 2x in 1 the very minimum switch quads (That's what I do).

    Also, glutes take the pinning VERY well if you have someone to help you or think you can do it yourself.

    Do not worry about the test kicking in...if you don't notice anything by week 7 then it might be time for concern...just keep eating and training.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    ok thanks, I'll start alternating quads, what is the reasoning behind not doing the same spot though? I'm not getting much/any post injection pain or swelling so i figured it would be fine to keep the same spot.
    Thanks for the reassurance.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by smeeto View Post
    ok thanks, I'll start alternating quads, what is the reasoning behind not doing the same spot though? I'm not getting much/any post injection pain or swelling so i figured it would be fine to keep the same spot.
    Thanks for the reassurance.
    You will build up scar tissue much too quickly if you don't give each injection site at least a week to heal.

    Also, try pinning about an inch away from the last spot you pinned on each quad. It obviously doesn't have to be perfect but I've been using a band aid to kind of "spot" for me...I only take the band aid off if I have a lady friend coming over...for obvious reasons.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    As above scare tissue it will make it harder or impossible to pin in that site in the future.

  6. #6
    start rotating your injection spots, between week 5 and 7 you should start seeing/feeling it work, how long of a cycle are you doing?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    12 weeks, Im using the Test a tiny bit faster than i thought so i might taper down to 400 a week for the last 2 or 3 weeks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between mrs.misery's legs
    I feel it kick in by week 3.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    every time i have taken test e i felt it usually by 3rd week. by end of week 4 i was superman (minus the flying capabilities and xray vision)

    post pics of your gear if you can

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    your shit's fake

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Killa Cali
    Takes me about 4-5 weeks to "feel" it, usually weeks 7-8 before it's easily noticeable and start seeing physical changes.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    British Columbia
    I knew I had good gear about 3 weeks in. But, like the vets here tell us test e progress is steady and on going

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Me 2. Call me sensitive, but after the second week ,I feel it. It may not produce much at first, but I feel it.. I did Tren E and Test E (and var) this last cycle and I felt the test first, then the tren hit like a ****ing freight train. ****ing tren, libido especially when on prami is like nothing I have even experienced. My God....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    East coast USA
    I'm curently running test e 500mg wk. I noticed significant strenth increase by week 3, but nothing as far as physical appearance. By week 5 i noticed all off a sudden a good size increase, half way through week 6, HOLLY SH**!!!. I saw massive size and strenth increase, but everyones body does not react the same. But i will say that if by week 5 your not seeing anything as far as strenth increase or physical appearance, then your gear is most likely beat

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    my gf's notice the test working before i do.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Bro, it takes time.. It didn't hit me till week 6. I felt Horney as **** by week 4 but the strength and growth was like 6-7.. And if your not training and eating like a beast you won't get shit for size. It's a waiting game for sure. Next time go with prop or sust for shorter ester or kick with dbol/tbol.. Just my 2!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Los Angeles, CA
    4-5 weeks

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego, California
    I am on the fist cycle I have ever done.
    I am 40yo and am taking 300mg of Test E per week.
    I do it as .5cc twice per week.
    I also take 10mg of tamoxifen daily (SERM - for estrogen issues)
    I felt the effect within 10 days.
    My mass started increasing around the same time.
    The effect is noticable to me.
    I am more motavated, don't feel anywhere near as sore as normal after working out, and my sex drive is thru the roof.
    As long as you have good gear, you will start seeing the results rather quickly

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