Heys guys. I have big legs and butt, but my chest and arms are still " small " in comparison. Would it be ok if I used leg day for upper body and not do legs at all during cycle? Could I do them every other week? Any help is appreciated!!!
Heys guys. I have big legs and butt, but my chest and arms are still " small " in comparison. Would it be ok if I used leg day for upper body and not do legs at all during cycle? Could I do them every other week? Any help is appreciated!!!
Your legs are big but are they "in shape," or just big? If just big I'd train them with a higher rep scheme focused on shape, not size.
Ghetto booty or muscle booty? I'd say keep the legs in your routine if you want overall weight/muscle gain.
Attachment 130482
Attachment 130483
If your not willing to train legs you are not commited to grow!!!! The amount of natural growth hormone produced when working legs is greater than any other muscle. Why waste it! Training legs...trains everything!
A nice combination of both =]Originally Posted by Soar
OMG that's perfect!
Sasha Grey. Have funOriginally Posted by kelkel
Won't let me see yours... But everyone loves Sasha
Attachment 130485
Nice pic!!
OP-Keep working the legs. Re evaluate your routine for your chest/arms and it will come along.
Agree with above if you are not interested in developing your legs more at least train them higher reps.
Bro you got to work the legs!
Friends don't let friends skip leg day.....
11. Thy shall observe leg day.
skipping legs... thats the biggest muscle in the whole body and has an affect on the whole body...
thats like pulln a dime from the club and not smashn her...
man up and beat it up like a G
Stick to high rep leg work.
U aren't a chicken so don't have legs like one
This is 100% correct! Years ago I had a guy ask me what I thought he should do to help him develop his chest more...more than anything though he wanted to be able to press more. I told him if he started training his legs (make them a priority) I'd bet him a $1,000 his chest would improve. He thought I was nuts. Took several months to get him to finally start doing legs, but he did finally and nothing else changed and what do you know, the amount of weight he could press went up significantly.
To the OP, make your lagging body parts your priority. Train them on the days you're fresh and leave leg day for when you might be a little tireder. Consider what some other have said and put more focus into shaping the leg size you have now. You can't really change the shape of the muscle, but you can take what you have and make it a little better. Now if you're legs are really big and really in shape, some guys do have to back off legs a little bit but this means backing off the really heavy squats, not necessarily putting squats aside but keep the reps higher, weight a little lighter and maybe do them towards the end of your leg day. It's rare for too many guys to have truly over developed legs but it does happen. My legs and back used to always grow far beyond my chest, shoulders and arms and noticeably so, you just have to adjust things to make everything fit.
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