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Thread: New to Clenbuterol

  1. #1

    New to Clenbuterol

    i recently purchased some clenbuterol pills they are the 20mcg and im not to sure how to cycle them so im asking for help because like i only wanna lose 20lbs and i just wanna take it slow to minimize all the sides

    and im looking to do the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off
    should i take taurine with it?how much a day?
    should i take it in the am or pm?
    does it come up in a military drug test?
    what types of workouts are the best to maximize the effects for the full fat loss?

    any other suggestion appreciated
    Last edited by dodgersfan22; 12-14-2012 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
    It won't come up on a military drug test, and you should take half right when you wake up, and the other half about 6 hours later....any further than that and you can kiss your sleep goodbye. The rest of your questions can be answered by searching for the clen FAQ thread on this site. Goodluck and DON'T overdo it.

  3. #3
    The fat loss will come off with the diet + extra calories burned off due to clen. Don't worry about a fat loss workout.

    Just lift heavy so that you can maintain your muscle mass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego, California
    I found the following plan, used it and had great results.
    I'm in week 7 of it now.
    I also do 30 minutes of dedicated cardio 4 times per week and 2 hours of strength training per day

    Week Clenbuterol Cytomel
    1 2 tabs 40 mcg / day 1 tab 25 mcg / day
    2 4 tabs 80 mcg / day 2 tabs 50 mcg / day
    3 4 tabs 80 mcg / day 3 tabs 75 mcg / day
    4 4 tabs 80 mcg / day
    5 4 tabs 80 mcg / day
    6 2 tabs 40 mcg / day 2 tabs 50 mcg / day
    7 3 tabs 75 mcg / day
    8 2 tabs 50 mcg / day
    9 1 tab 25 mcg / day
    Last edited by SanDiegoMark; 12-15-2012 at 12:41 AM.

  5. #5
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    May 2011
    In your lookin to loose weight slow and without sides, I wouldn't use clen. Diet and cardio. Weight will be gone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dodgersfan22 View Post
    i recently purchased some clenbuterol pills they are the 20mcg and im not to sure how to cycle them so im asking for help because like i only wanna lose 20lbs and i just wanna take it slow to minimize all the sides

    and im looking to do the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off
    should i take taurine with it?how much a day?
    should i take it in the am or pm?
    does it come up in a military drug test?
    what types of workouts are the best to maximize the effects for the full fat loss?

    any other suggestion appreciated
    The point of using Clen is to simply do what you're already doing right but to do it a little better. Clen will help you burn your calories at a higher rate...still have to diet, (calorie deficit) but Clen should help with this and strengthen the amount's definitely not a miracle pill.

    Shouldn't show up in a drug test unless it is specifically tested for and even then it can't be detected for too long. Shouldn't be detectable after a wk or so...maybe a little less.

    There's really no workout or anything like that to give you...again, take what you're already doing and do it better. This is the point in any performance enhancement plan.

    Take it first thing in the morning. It has a pretty long half-life, over 30hrs. Most guys find it very difficult to sleep if they take it earlier in the day. If taken first thing when you get up, while the half-life is long it seems to make a difference in terms of being able to sleep.

    Start with 40mcg/ed and increase 20mcg every 2-3 not go over 100-120mcg/ed. Some can get aways with more...a lot of guys can get away with 140mcg/ed but such doses should be short lived and shouldn't be increased upon, to risky.

    I've never needed taurine but it seems to help a lot of guys. I don't know how much guys who need it need though...maybe someone else can help with that.

  7. #7
    Clen makes me incredibly sick to my stomach for almost the whole weight loss is sped up.....but isnt worth being sick during my workouts. Everyone is different though

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