Thread: Sust, Tren and Var
12-15-2012, 01:39 PM #1Junior Member
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I am looking into my 4th cycle right now and trying to get as much advice as possible before I start.
My cycle:
Week 1-12
Sust @500mg/week
Tren @150mg/eod
Week 6-12
Var @80mg/ed
Also will be running HCG from week 2-12 @250iu/eod and Exemestane weeks 6-12 @12.5mg/ed.
PCT: Nolva and Clomid
Please let me know if there is something I'm missing or if there is any advice at all you can give. Thanks in advance.Last edited by olympia2022; 05-20-2013 at 12:14 AM.
12-15-2012, 02:03 PM #2
Why mess with Tren at the age of 25 and only into your 4th cycle? What do you expect to achieve by doing this, turn into Jay Cutler in 12 weeks or something?
My first 4 cycles were Test only cycles and I achieved great results in every aspect. As a matter of fact, Test only cycles have been amongst my most successful cycles, and I am not the only one on the forum who will say so.
You don't need a 12 week cycle with multiple compounds, just run a 8 week Test Prop cycle where the dose is 750mg at its most. I also don't see why you would even bother introducing the worlds most expensive oral AAS (if not the most expensive of all AAS), namely Anavar , to this cycle. Bodybuilding is not a sprint, it is a marathon and this is how you should also approach the AAS use.
Keep estrogen under control, make sure you don't suffer from testicular shutdown by proper use of HCG Pregnyl, and start PCT only 3 days after your last injection.
Also, HCG needs to be introduced from the first day of your cycle, which is not at all a problem when you run 8 week long cycles.
12-15-2012, 02:14 PM #3
^perhaps he wants a lil more go.
theres nothing wrong with anavar . however i must say with tren you don't really need orals.
cycle looks ok. if you get nasty tren sides try lowering your e n they should subside. tren e or ace? ace is recommended for 1st tren go so u can stop abruptly.
have caber on hand, if your e is in control you shouldn't need it, but have it as a precaution for prolactin. have u ran deca ?
12-15-2012, 04:40 PM #4Junior Member
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Well basically I've heard good things about Tren and never heard anyone say I shouldn't try it but I am thankful I posted because you're making me second guess and learn more.
Am I too young for Tren?
Also the PCT you specified was for the test only cycle you had mentioned?
12-15-2012, 04:42 PM #5
Tren is in my opinion the harshest compound around.
12-15-2012, 04:42 PM #6Junior Member
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It would be my first time using Tren. Just came off a deca and cyp cycle. Wanted to try Tren because people say it's like deca except with more solid gains and less bloat.
Also what will I notice about prolactin that will show me I need to start caber?
12-15-2012, 04:48 PM #7
Are you planning to run tren a?
12-15-2012, 04:54 PM #8Junior Member
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Yeah because that's what you're supposed to take for your first time with tren right? Quite honestly I don't know too much about the differences but I will look it up more. This thread is partially some research I'm doing. The cycle will not be for another 4 months from now so I'm just looking for as much advice as possible at the moment.
12-15-2012, 04:54 PM #9
what were you test/deca dosages? even with the deca u should of had caber on hand.
your nipples will start secreting milk/fluid caused by high prolactin. however if your estrogen is in check USUALLY not always your prolactin will be also. caber a dopamine antagonist drug will reduce prolactin levels.
4th cycle i say try tren . i ran it for my 4th. personally i would suggest for first time running 200mg test/300-400 tren for first go. using test prop n tren ace, pinning ED.
12-15-2012, 04:56 PM #10
The idea of tren a is because the ester has a much shorter half life. If you cannot handle the sides you can get the compound out of your system faster
12-15-2012, 06:36 PM #11Banned
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OK, you you claim this is your 4th cycle, but your post history indicates that you know nothing about PCT, AI's, 19 Nors or HCG & how or when to use them, according to what I read, you just learned about these things within the last 6 weeks or so. But you've run 3 cycles already?!?!?!?
And somehow you grew an inch & gained 15 lbs. in the last 5 or 6 weeks???
I smell bull sh!t..........
12-15-2012, 06:41 PM #12Originally Posted by The Bear 79
This board can sniff out a lie a mile away
The members on this board have been here a while there's no need to lie your only cheating yourself.
12-15-2012, 08:02 PM #13Junior Member
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I was running 400mg of cyp a week and 200mg of deca a week. I was also running HCG so I was taking 10mg of nolva ed/eod so I'm positive my estrogen was in check. But I should have also been running caber as well?
And pinning much would I put in each pin?
12-15-2012, 08:05 PM #14Banned
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12-15-2012, 08:05 PM #15
Nolva does not keep estro in check it competes with the receptor sites. Adex lowers e. That is why most use adex o cycle and nolva(tamox) Clomid for PCT.
12-15-2012, 08:13 PM #16Junior Member
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I'm on week 12 or 13 of a cyp and deca cycle. I gained appro
Last edited by olympia2022; 12-15-2012 at 08:18 PM.
12-15-2012, 08:16 PM #17Junior Member
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I'm on week 12 or 13 of a cyp and deca cycle. I gained approximately 30 pounds in the last 13 weeks. Alot is probably water, yes. My arms went from 15" to 17" during this cycle.
My first cycle was cyp only 8weeks with nolva for 4 weeks after.
Second cycle was dbol only 10-12 weeks? with nolva for 4-5 weeks after.
3rd cycle is deca and cyp and will be running nolva and clomid in a few weeks.
My first 3 cycles are pretty simple I didn't know too much, just listening to the people who were getting it for me.
AI's I have never used and 19 Nors I am not sure what that is. I'm taking it a day at a time trying to learn as much as possible. That's why I'm here posting.
As for my height I was 6"0 in highschool. Went for a physical last week and my doctor measured my height at 6"1. Maybe I was being modest by always telling people my high school height. Maybe he was being generous by giving me an extra inch.
Haha now I feel like I'm writing an auto-biography. But I will go into depth as long as I get good advice and learn more.
12-15-2012, 08:22 PM #18Junior Member
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12-16-2012, 08:26 AM #19Banned
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No point in using var with Tren . So u can drop it and save some money.
12-16-2012, 08:38 AM #20
The Turk knows wat he is talking about.Maybe you should listen! To many people here think that every cycle needs to be stronger than the last.We have guys here doing 19nors on their 1st and 2nd cycle.Like the Turk said test only is a good cycle.And to quote another great guy.GROW INTO YOUR FUKIN DOSE!! (SWIFTO)
12-16-2012, 09:59 AM #21
^^^ Moreover, 19nors are known to damage blood vessel cells 11 times more than regular Testosterone (at same doses), which is quite obviously the least known yet the most dangerous ''side effect'' of all sides regarding Nor19 compounds.
Anyone who knows simple arithmetic and cares a little about himself will choose a Test only cycle at a higher dose over a 19nor cycle stacked with lower dosing of Test.
There are so many compounds out there for one to experiment with, I don't understand the dangerous and equally retarded (sorry but true) effort to jump on the Tren wagon, only competing BBs can justify using Tren IMO.
12-16-2012, 10:04 AM #22
I couldn't help but to assert a reflection on the subject that comes from a personal experience:
My first 4 cycles were Test only cycles and after my 4th cycle, I was a different person in terms of my built and shape.
I started to stack Test with DHT compounds and introduced Winstrol , Primobolan , Masteron and Anavar one by one in order to see how my body responds to each and every compound.
12 cycles later, I had experimented with 8 compounds in total and still did not feel the need to mess with Tren .
... and you know what, this was the smart thing to do.
12-16-2012, 11:24 AM #23Junior Member
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So would it be wiser to drop the tren and just use sust for 12 weeks and add var for the last 6?
12-16-2012, 11:28 AM #24Junior Member
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Quite honestly the only reason why I considered Tren was because my friend is taking it and talking about how much he loves it.
But a day or two ago I would have just ordered it. Thanks to you guys, now I can do a lot more research and really think it over.
What do you think about dropping the tren from my cycle and running sust for 12 weeks and var for the last 6?
12-16-2012, 11:53 AM #25
Many of us have done Sustanon cycles before, I am not a fan of it (water retention is a big issue with Sustanon which I can only control with proper use of a stronger AI, and PCT starts almost 3 weeks after last injection which is a bummer) but there is also nothing wrong with it. Nowadays, I will use nothing but Test Prop for the base of my cycles, as I have grown to be a huge fan of it over the years.
Back to your question: if I were to do a Sustanon & Anavar cycle, I would make sure that Anavar fits into the schedule that includes the ''bridging'' phase, meaning Anavar intake should start about 6 weeks before PCT, as opposed to being employed for the last 6 weeks of the cycle.
Do you see how things get complicated with long esters and secondary compounds, this is exactly why sometimes less is more. In the case of AAS cycles, unless you exactly know what you are doing, you should always stick with a primary compound, namely Testosterone , and preferably a short-estered one such as Test Prop.
12-16-2012, 12:03 PM #26
Emotionally driven reasoning processes usually lead to failures in life, something for you to think over and keep in mind for your own benefit.
Tren is the Ferrari of AAS. There is nothing wrong about owning and/or driving one, as long as you have maximum amount of control over the Italian Stallion, which would obviously require the driver to have driven less capacitive sports cars beforehand. Otherwise, you'll find yourself rolled over and dead, because you had no idea how to get in and out of a sharp curve while going over 160 miles an hour with all that torque on the rear wheels.
Analogies aside, you ought to work your AAS experience up to Tren, not vice versa. When you do so, you are acting smart and taking manageable risks as opposed to being young and retarded which will lead to remorse later in life.
12-16-2012, 02:07 PM #27
12-16-2012, 06:56 PM #28
12-16-2012, 10:08 PM #29
Excellent advice. You've saved me a lot of work in typing up a reply here. I've used the exact same analogies as you when it comes to Trenbolone use. I may be a big fan of Trenbolone, and I may have a lot of experience with it - but I will never reccomend or suggest its use to anyone, especially if they are a novice or even an intermediate AAS user.
12-16-2012, 11:50 PM #30Junior Member
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Ya that's what I meant. So I take prop alone for 6 weeks, and then the following 6 take both prop and var. And then PCT starts 3 days after last pin? So i'll end up taking var for 6 weeks and 3 days.
And I need an AI for the last 6 weeks right? I was told to use exemestane 12.5 mg ed. Is there anything I'm missing?
12-16-2012, 11:59 PM #31Junior Member
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Right, so I am going to drop Tren out of this cycle. Can you go any further into detail as how 19-nors are so dangerous?
Last edited by olympia2022; 12-17-2012 at 12:04 AM.
tren at 150mg eod??!! I dont have any personal tren experience but isnt that pretty high for first time running it, actually very high? I've heard it said that tren is strongest bank for your buck roid out there and a little goes a long way and that Large doses are not at all nessasary. Can anyone comment. I was thinking about possibly giving it a try in the summer, but i was thinking more along the lines of tren ace at 50mg eod, that is if i did actually run it. Can anyone comment?
12-17-2012, 01:48 AM #33
Let's wrap this up:
1. Drop the Tren , it is way too soon for you to mess with it. Moreover, Tren will always be there when you are ready to cycle with it. There are so many amazing compounds out there; although none of them can match Tren on a mg basis but even an advanced juicer can attain excellent results by stacking per se Test Prop & Masteron at the dose which would serve his goal(s).
2. PCT starts only 3 days after last pinning of Test Prop, or any other short-estered injectable with a 72 hr biological life.
3. Yes, you can continue to take Anavar up until PCT, but it is not necessarily at all.
4. Recent studies have revealed that 19-nors do not only cause a greater damage to the endocrine system but the real danger lies in the amount of cardiovascular damage these compounds perpetrate. A recent Italian lab study conducted on human cells demonstrated that Deca is 11 times more damaging to blood cells compared to regular Testosterone on the same mg basis. This means drastically increased risk of cardiac intoxication and sudden death of users due to clotting.
5. I cannot give you an exact dose of an AI for your cycle unless your layout is complete and revealed. What will the dose be? Exemestane 12.5 mg ed maybe too much for a Test Prop & Anavar cycle, especially if the dosing of Test Prop is at around 500mg EW.
On a personal note; I don't do orals, I don't do 19-nors, and I don't do cycles that are over 8 weeks and yet I am in better shape then many juicers around me who do all of this. One has to sit down and think about this.
12-17-2012, 10:36 AM #34Junior Member
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So after coming blindly out of 12 weeks running Deca 200mg a week, do I have anything to worry about? I have not noticed anything negative at all during this time. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and my arms are "asleep" (numb), and can't move them for about 30 seconds.
Also I was planning on running prop @500mg ew and adding in var @80mg ed. Is an AI reccomended for the whole 12 weeks or just for the 6 with var? I could also be running more test weekly. What if I were to run 750mg ew?Last edited by olympia2022; 12-17-2012 at 05:19 PM.
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