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  1. #1
    analovz's Avatar
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    Need opinions on my blood work results after a long cycle!

    These are the numbers while i was on last month of the cycle, which was 6 months in total. I'm 23 years old.

    On cycle numbers:

    Total cholesterol : 115
    HDL : 27
    TC/HDL Ratio: 4.5
    Glucose: 116
    Blood pressure: 120/74

    Now these numbers are 4 months after the cycle:

    Total Cholesterol = 160
    HDL (the 'good' cholesterol) = 55
    LDL (the 'bad' cholesterol) = 92
    Triglycerides = 66
    Chol/HDL Ratio: 2.9

    Blood pressure was 121/74 (i believe)

    We checked the electrolytes in your blood. Details as follows:
    Sodium: 140 (Normal Range = 135 to 145)
    Potassium: 3.9 (Normal Range = 3.4 to 4.8)
    Chloride: 102 (Normal Range = 100 to 108)
    Carbon Dioxide: 28.2 (Normal Range = 23.0 to 31.9)
    Calcium: 9.6 (Normal Range = 8.5 to 10.5)
    Glucose: 82 (Normal Range = 70 to 110)

    We checked your kidney function. Details as follows:
    BUN: 24 (Normal Range = 8 to 25)
    Creatinine: 1.23 (Normal Range = 0.60 to 1.50)

    We checked how well your liver was functioning. Details as follows:
    AST (SGOT): 27 (Normal Range = 10 to 40)
    ALT (SGPT) (U/L): 28 (Normal Range = 10 to 55)
    Alk Phos: 90 (Normal Range = 45 to 115)
    Bilirubin (Total): 0.5 (Normal Range = 0.0 to 1.0)
    Albumin: 4.8 (Normal Range = 3.3 to 5.0)
    Globulin: 2.3 (Normal Range = 2.3 to 4.1)
    Total Protein: 7.1 (Normal Range = 6.0 to 8.3)

    Details of other blood chemistry tests as follows:
    FSH: 1.2
    LH: 2.6
    Testosterone (ng/dL): 407 (Normal Range = 270 to 1070)
    Anion Gap: 10 (Normal Range = 3 to 15)
    GFR (estimated): >60

    We performed some tests to count the various cells in your blood. Details as follows:
    HCT: 43.9 (Normal Range = 41.0 to 53.0)
    Hgb: 14.6 (Normal Range = 13.5 to 17.5)
    WBC: 4.8 (Normal Range = 4.5 to 11.0)
    PLT: 198 (Normal Range = 150 to 400)
    MCV: 91 (Normal Range = 80 to 100)

    Details of other tests as follows:
    RBC: 4.85 (Normal Range = 4.50 to 5.90)
    MCH: 30.1 (Normal Range = 26.0 to 34.0)
    MCHC: 33.3 (Normal Range = 31.0 to 37.0)
    RDW: 13.0 (Normal Range = 11.5 to 14.5)
    NRBC#, auto: 0.00 (Normal Range 0)
    NRBC(%): 0 (Normal Range 0)

    How's everything looking in your opinion?

    Is my FSH, LH and Test too low for 23 years old dude? I'll be 24 next month.


  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    How do you feel? What was your PCT?

  3. #3
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    How do you feel? What was your PCT?

    I feel drive is as usual, good. My PCT was Clomid, Nolva and some Proviron during first week of PCT. Maybe i'm not recover fully yet. The thing is i dont know my base line Test levels prior to cycling, but after the first cycle i got blood work two weeks after PCT and my test levels were at 966(probably due to Clomid and Nolva being in my system).

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    What compounds did you run on the cycle and what dose(s)? What was the length and doses for PCT?

  5. #5
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Id be curious to see your bloodwork pre cycle to compare. Looks pretty good to me. Without knowing where you were at pre cycle there's no way of knowing if something was elevated prior to your cycle. Nothing looks to be out of whack, but I'm no doctor.

  6. #6
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    What compounds did you run on the cycle and what dose(s)? What was the length and doses for PCT?
    I ran Test 600mg,Deca 600mg and Dbol30mg for 6 months..Dbol was for 4 weeks and Deca was for 5 months and Test for 6 months. The PCT was 4 weeks in total Clomid at 50mg and Nolva at 40mg first week then 20mg and Proviron for one week at 50mg.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Id be curious to see your bloodwork pre cycle to compare. Looks pretty good to me. Without knowing where you were at pre cycle there's no way of knowing if something was elevated prior to your cycle. Nothing looks to be out of whack, but I'm no doctor.
    This blood work is from my last 3rd cycle, but after the first cycle i got blood work two weeks after PCT and my test levels were at 966(probably due to Clomid and Nolva being in my system).

    Whats do you guys think about my LH, FSH levels?
    Last edited by analovz; 12-15-2012 at 08:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I would run labs again in another couple of months. I dont see ranges for lh on here but for your age and with the ranges your total T is still on the lower side though it is within range.

  8. #8
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I would run labs again in another couple of months. I dont see ranges for lh on here but for your age and with the ranges your total T is still on the lower side though it is within range.

    Yeah i will get another blood work in 6-12months before considering running a cycle. If its still be on lower side like right now i wont cycle until i'm ready for TRT. I'll just keep at it natty.

  9. #9
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Fsh and lh do seem low to me. I'm no expert with blood results, hopefully someone will chime in. Could take a bit for your levels to get back to normal. Again we don't know where they were at pre cycle so this is all speculation.

  10. #10
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    How much did you gain during the cycle and how much have you held on to?

  11. #11
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Holy shit! 6 month cycle? Not even blast/cruise....just straight up blast.

    I'm actually considering a 6 month cycle to start a year from now....but I wasn't expecting to recover from it...based on your current labs you're either really lucky or blessed. Was this your first cycle?

    I'm interested in your results too, as well as how long you had lifted prior to this cycle.

  12. #12
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    everything is in range and looks fine IMO... How soon in that 6 month cycle did you stop growing and just start to maintain?... I seem to plateau after 8 weeks or so and need somewhat of a deload in order to keep going. Then ill cruise on 200-250 for a few months before upping.

  13. #13
    6Damn6Ram6's Avatar
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    5 months of Deca !?!?!?!? =O Congrats.....if your body recovered that fast with no problem then your not human. *claps hands*
    Last edited by 6Damn6Ram6; 12-16-2012 at 07:20 AM.

  14. #14
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Run another 6 month cycle like this and you will be a TRT patient for the rest of your life, guaranteed.

    Didn't anyone tell you that AAS use passed week 8 doesn't help building new tissue, only helps maintain what you have already built initially.

    So, what's the point of running the same compounds at the same doses for 6 months straight, when you could have chosen the blast & cruise path, which is by far more effective in building mass and relatively less stressful for your body?

    Lastly, your PCT was crap compared to your cycle. I am actually having a very hard time here trying to believe everything coming out from you on this post, especially regarding the recovery phase. Your HTPA was shutdown for 6 months, you ran a PCT that is weaker than what I and many others run after a 8 week cycle and somehow you recovered?

    Good luck!

  15. #15
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    Holy shit! 6 month cycle? Not even blast/cruise....just straight up blast.

    I'm actually considering a 6 month cycle to start a year from now....but I wasn't expecting to recover from it...based on your current labs you're either really lucky or blessed. Was this your first cycle?

    I'm interested in your results too, as well as how long you had lifted prior to this cycle.
    This was my third cycle. My first 2 cycles were 10 weeks in total each. Test and Dbol . I lifted for about two years natty prior to cycling.

    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    everything is in range and looks fine IMO... How soon in that 6 month cycle did you stop growing and just start to maintain?... I seem to plateau after 8 weeks or so and need somewhat of a deload in order to keep going. Then ill cruise on 200-250 for a few months before upping.
    You never stop long as you keep lifting heavy or more reps for each their own...when you shock your muscles they HAVE TO ADAPT which means growing!

    Quote Originally Posted by 6Damn6Ram6 View Post
    5 months of Deca!?!?!?!? =O Congrats.....if your body recovered that fast with no problem then your not human. *claps hands*
    I might not be fully recovered given my total T and LH FSH levels. I will get another labs done next year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Run another 6 month cycle like this and you will be a TRT patient for the rest of your life, guaranteed.

    Didn't anyone tell you that AAS use passed week 8 doesn't help building new tissue, only helps maintain what you have already built initially.

    So, what's the point of running the same compounds at the same doses for 6 months straight, when you could have chosen the blast & cruise path, which is by far more effective in building mass and relatively less stressful for your body?

    Lastly, your PCT was crap compared to your cycle. I am actually having a very hard time here trying to believe everything coming out from you on this post, especially regarding the recovery phase. Your HTPA was shutdown for 6 months, you ran a PCT that is weaker than what I and many others run after a 8 week cycle and somehow you recovered?

    Good luck!
    Listen here Jackass! Are you an endocrinologist, even if you were there's nowhere in world you would know when and after what cycle i would be TRT patient. Haven't you learn that not everybody the same? It shows that you are just like 99% of people who don't stand behind their words!

    Now who the fyck told you that you dont grow passed week 8? Show me the fycking studies? I personally grew even ON 6 th month of the cycle! Like i said earlier as long as you shock your muscles, they have no choice but to grow!

    If you gonna call me a liar, i'm gonna jump down on your throat idiot!

  16. #16
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove

    This was my third cycle. My first 2 cycles were 10 weeks in total each. Test and Dbol . I lifted for about two years natty prior to cycling.

    You never stop long as you keep lifting heavy or more reps for each their own...when you shock your muscles they HAVE TO ADAPT which means growing!

    I might not be fully recovered given my total T and LH FSH levels. I will get another labs done next year.

    Listen here Jackass! Are you an endocrinologist, even if you were there's nowhere in world you would know when and after what cycle i would be TRT patient. Haven't you learn that not everybody the same? It shows that you are just like 99% of people who don't stand behind their words!

    Now who the fyck told you that you dont grow passed week 8? Show me the fycking studies? I personally grew even ON 6 th month of the cycle! Like i said earlier as long as you shock your muscles, they have no choice but to grow!

    If you gonna call me a liar, i'm gonna jump down on your throat idiot!
    Dude u do stop growing to a certain point , things like myostatin levels get high which inhibit growth etc. if u never stop growing we would a be 600 lbs using your methods..

  17. #17
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Dude u do stop growing to a certain point , things like myostatin levels get high which inhibit growth etc. if u never stop growing we would a be 600 lbs using your methods..
    Obviously you cant grow till you're alive...everyone has muscles limit...natty and with roids. Now you will GROW unless you arent at you muscle limit!

  18. #18
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove View Post
    This was my third cycle. My first 2 cycles were 10 weeks in total each. Test and Dbol . I lifted for about two years natty prior to cycling.

    You never stop long as you keep lifting heavy or more reps for each their own...when you shock your muscles they HAVE TO ADAPT which means growing!

    I might not be fully recovered given my total T and LH FSH levels. I will get another labs done next year.

    Listen here Jackass! Are you an endocrinologist, even if you were there's nowhere in world you would know when and after what cycle i would be TRT patient. Haven't you learn that not everybody the same? It shows that you are just like 99% of people who don't stand behind their words!

    Now who the fyck told you that you dont grow passed week 8? Show me the fycking studies? I personally grew even ON 6 th month of the cycle! Like i said earlier as long as you shock your muscles, they have no choice but to grow!

    If you gonna call me a liar, i'm gonna jump down on your throat idiot!
    Before you get off on a rant, you might want to check a member's avatar and read the information there, it will make you look less silly at the end of the day.

    Useless polemic and childish name calling aside, it doesn't take an endocrinologist to foresee that there is a direct correlation between an extremely long shutdown in one's HTPA and his potential of becoming a TRT patient.

    As for where I get my information from or whether ''I am just like 99% of people who don't stand behind their words'' (this is estrogen talk kid, you needed a stronger PCT as I said previously), I would actually like to see your face after you read my referential posts below.

    As for you ''personally growing'' even on the 6th month of your pathetically designed cycle, has it once crossed your mind that you would have grown similarly on the 6th month of a dedicated diet & workout phase while staying natty?

    As for jumping on my throat, internet is full of keyboard warriors like yourself, who are full of s h i t, and s h i t stinks real bad even if you think yours doesn't. I was serving the worlds most fearsome army when you were going to middle school, so I would think twice before typing so boldly and in such an estrogen-driven manner, son.

    Read and learn, then I might consider you worth talking in the future.

    6-Week or 12-week course of oxandrolone equally effective

    The researchers gave a group of about 20 men one tab of Oxandrin twice a day. Each tab contained 10 mg of anabolic steroid . A control group of about 10 men were given a placebo. None of the men did any training.

    In an earlier experiment, the researchers had given older men oxandrolone for 12 weeks and discovered that after the course finished the subjects lost all the muscle mass they’d gained. [J Appl Physiol. 2004 Mar; 96(3): 1055-62.] In that study the test subjects didn’t train either, w hich probably explains why the men lost all the muscle mass and strength they’d gained.

    The researchers fear that their results mean that men who want to keep their muscle mass up will have to use steroids continuously. Not such a good idea, they note. They also discovered that oxandrolone, which was considered to be safe, actually raised the men’s cholesterol levels and slightly increased their chance of developing prostate cancer.

    Strength training is a safer way to build muscles, the researchers concluded. Maybe oxandrolone can play a role, however, but in shorter and therefore safer courses. But do these short courses work? That’s the question this study set out to answer.

    The answer is ‘yes’. The table below summarises the changes in strength and body composition that the researchers recorded in their subjects after 6 and 12 weeks. There’s a clear gain after 6 weeks. But another 6 weeks of supplementation leads to hardly any extra gain.

    The figure below shows the effect on lean body mass : bodyweight minus fat mass. Black bar: gain after 6 weeks; white bar: gain after 12 weeks.

    The figure below shows the effect on the amount of weight at which the test subjects could do just 1 rep of the leg-press and the leg-curl.

    "The most important finding of this study was that more than 90% of the gains in total lean body mass and skeletal muscle strength were achieved by study week 6", the researchers write.

    That most gain is made during the first six weeks of a course was not a new finding for the researchers. Many doctors who supervise steroids users recommend short-duration courses. “After 4-6 weeks you don’t build up much extra muscle on steroids”, a doctor told us. “If you do continue with them, all you do is put extra strain on your body. It’s better to stop, let your body recover and make sure you retain as much as possible of the extra muscle mass you’ve gained.”

    Source: J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005 Dec; 60(12): 1586-92.

    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 12-16-2012 at 12:56 PM.

  19. #19
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Before you get off on a rant, you might want to check a member's avatar and read the information there, it will make you look less silly at the end of the day.

    Useless polemic and childish name calling aside, it doesn't take an endocrinologist to foresee that there is a direct correlation between an extremely long shutdown in one's HTPA and his potential of becoming a TRT patient.

    As for where I get my information from or whether ''I am just like 99% of people who don't stand behind their words'' (this is estrogen talk kid, you needed a stronger PCT as I said previously), I would actually like to see your face after you read my referential posts below.

    As for you ''personally growing'' even on the 6th month of your pathetically designed cycle, has it once crossed your mind that you would have grown similarly on the 6th month of a dedicated diet & workout phase while staying natty?

    As for jumping on my throat, internet is full of keyboard warriors like yourself, who are full of s h i t, and s h i t stinks real bad even if you think yours doesn't. I was serving the worlds most fearsome army when you were going to middle school, so I would think twice before typing so boldly and in such an estrogen-driven manner, son.

    Read and learn, then I might consider you worth talking in the future.

    6-Week or 12-week course of oxandrolone equally effective

    The researchers gave a group of about 20 men one tab of Oxandrin twice a day. Each tab contained 10 mg of anabolic steroid . A control group of about 10 men were given a placebo. None of the men did any training.

    In an earlier experiment, the researchers had given older men oxandrolone for 12 weeks and discovered that after the course finished the subjects lost all the muscle mass they’d gained. [J Appl Physiol. 2004 Mar; 96(3): 1055-62.] In that study the test subjects didn’t train either, w hich probably explains why the men lost all the muscle mass and strength they’d gained.

    The researchers fear that their results mean that men who want to keep their muscle mass up will have to use steroids continuously. Not such a good idea, they note. They also discovered that oxandrolone, which was considered to be safe, actually raised the men’s cholesterol levels and slightly increased their chance of developing prostate cancer.

    Strength training is a safer way to build muscles, the researchers concluded. Maybe oxandrolone can play a role, however, but in shorter and therefore safer courses. But do these short courses work? That’s the question this study set out to answer.

    The answer is ‘yes’. The table below summarises the changes in strength and body composition that the researchers recorded in their subjects after 6 and 12 weeks. There’s a clear gain after 6 weeks. But another 6 weeks of supplementation leads to hardly any extra gain.

    The figure below shows the effect on lean body mass : bodyweight minus fat mass. Black bar: gain after 6 weeks; white bar: gain after 12 weeks.

    The figure below shows the effect on the amount of weight at which the test subjects could do just 1 rep of the leg-press and the leg-curl.

    "The most important finding of this study was that more than 90% of the gains in total lean body mass and skeletal muscle strength were achieved by study week 6", the researchers write.

    That most gain is made during the first six weeks of a course was not a new finding for the researchers. Many doctors who supervise steroids users recommend short-duration courses. “After 4-6 weeks you don’t build up much extra muscle on steroids”, a doctor told us. “If you do continue with them, all you do is put extra strain on your body. It’s better to stop, let your body recover and make sure you retain as much as possible of the extra muscle mass you’ve gained.”

    Source: J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005 Dec; 60(12): 1586-92.


    So you're saying if you wanna blast and cruise it should be something like a 6on/2off protocol for however long you want your extended cycle to be? What if you're using a long Esther like deca and test e, still the same?

    What do you think the best thing to cruise with is?

  20. #20
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The post below goes to all the smarties who have run 600mg of Deca for 5 months or planning to do so again.

    Nandrolone eleven times more damaging to blood vessels than testosterone

    Nandrolone kills the blood vessel lining at a concentration eleven times lower than that at which testosterone kills them. Researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy discovered this in laboratory tests on human cells.

    Heavy and long-term use of anabolic steroids such as testosterone and nandrolone increases the chance of fatal heart failure, and even more so when combined with recreational drugs like cocaine.

    There are several theories, which do not exclude each other, as to why anabolic steroids have this effect. The most well known is that anabolic steroids make the heart muscle grow, sometimes to deadly proportions. This effect doesn’t set in after a single course of supplements, or even after a heavy dosage, but only after prolonged use. The chance of the heart muscle becoming enlarged increases even more when anabolic steroids are used in combination with human growth hormone .

    Anabolic steroids also have an immediate effect on heart and blood vessels. In high concentrations they kill heart cells and produce blood clots. These tiny, almost invisible clots can cut tissue from the blood vessel lining.

    Another negative effect of androgens is that they cause blood vessels to narrow (stenosis). Even the very mild DHEA is known to do this in some experiments.

    In all these processes the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are the key factor. Anabolic steroids harden these cells, which causes higher blood pressure. This in turn causes enlargement of the heart muscle. The hardened cells are also more susceptible to blood clots.

    This is the background of the Italian study. The researchers exposed endothelial cells to testosterone, the testosterone precursor androstenedione, and two precursors of nandrolone. They then recorded the concentration at which half of the cells stopped growing. The results are presented below.

    The more an anabolic steroid reduces growth of blood vessel cells, the more dangerous the anabolic steroid is for the heart and blood vessels. Nandrolone is much more damaging than testosterone, as the figure above shows.

    Norandrostenediol on the other hand turns out to be surprisingly mild. [Maybe the stuff is a SARM after all – red.] The graphs below show the effect of testosterone [blue], nandrolone [black] and norandrostenediol [green] on the growth and development of the endothelium cells. Nandrolone has a much greater effect on cells then testosterone.

    The anabolic steroids increase the concentration of calcium in the cell, the researchers found. Cellular calcium activates suicide enzymes.

    "According to these findings, we suggest that the observed endothelial alterations may be considered as events predisposing to serious damage at the cell vasculature level", the Italian researchers write.

    Most heavy anabolic steroids used in chemical bodybuilding are based on testosterone, not nandrolone. As you can see from this Italian research, that’s not such a bad idea at all.

    Source: Toxicol Lett. 2007 Mar 8; 169(2):129-36.


  21. #21
    analovz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Before you get off on a rant, you might want to check a member's avatar and read the information there, it will make you look less silly at the end of the day.

    Useless polemic and childish name calling aside, it doesn't take an endocrinologist to foresee that there is a direct correlation between an extremely long shutdown in one's HTPA and his potential of becoming a TRT patient.

    As for where I get my information from or whether ''I am just like 99% of people who don't stand behind their words'' (this is estrogen talk kid, you needed a stronger PCT as I said previously), I would actually like to see your face after you read my referential posts below.

    As for you ''personally growing'' even on the 6th month of your pathetically designed cycle, has it once crossed your mind that you would have grown similarly on the 6th month of a dedicated diet & workout phase while staying natty?

    As for jumping on my throat, internet is full of keyboard warriors like yourself, who are full of s h i t, and s h i t stinks real bad even if you think yours doesn't. I was serving the worlds most fearsome army when you were going to middle school, so I would think twice before typing so boldly and in such an estrogen-driven manner, son.

    Read and learn, then I might consider you worth talking in the future.

    6-Week or 12-week course of oxandrolone equally effective

    The researchers gave a group of about 20 men one tab of Oxandrin twice a day. Each tab contained 10 mg of anabolic steroid . A control group of about 10 men were given a placebo. None of the men did any training.

    In an earlier experiment, the researchers had given older men oxandrolone for 12 weeks and discovered that after the course finished the subjects lost all the muscle mass they’d gained. [J Appl Physiol. 2004 Mar; 96(3): 1055-62.] In that study the test subjects didn’t train either, w hich probably explains why the men lost all the muscle mass and strength they’d gained.

    The researchers fear that their results mean that men who want to keep their muscle mass up will have to use steroids continuously. Not such a good idea, they note. They also discovered that oxandrolone, which was considered to be safe, actually raised the men’s cholesterol levels and slightly increased their chance of developing prostate cancer.

    Strength training is a safer way to build muscles, the researchers concluded. Maybe oxandrolone can play a role, however, but in shorter and therefore safer courses. But do these short courses work? That’s the question this study set out to answer.

    The answer is ‘yes’. The table below summarises the changes in strength and body composition that the researchers recorded in their subjects after 6 and 12 weeks. There’s a clear gain after 6 weeks. But another 6 weeks of supplementation leads to hardly any extra gain.

    The figure below shows the effect on lean body mass : bodyweight minus fat mass. Black bar: gain after 6 weeks; white bar: gain after 12 weeks.

    The figure below shows the effect on the amount of weight at which the test subjects could do just 1 rep of the leg-press and the leg-curl.

    "The most important finding of this study was that more than 90% of the gains in total lean body mass and skeletal muscle strength were achieved by study week 6", the researchers write.

    That most gain is made during the first six weeks of a course was not a new finding for the researchers. Many doctors who supervise steroids users recommend short-duration courses. “After 4-6 weeks you don’t build up much extra muscle on steroids”, a doctor told us. “If you do continue with them, all you do is put extra strain on your body. It’s better to stop, let your body recover and make sure you retain as much as possible of the extra muscle mass you’ve gained.”

    Source: J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005 Dec; 60(12): 1586-92.


    Poor guy tried his hard to convince me that i'm wrong. Dude you failed....those studies are with Oral only. Not even testosterone .

    I know my body better than you, so dont preach this shit to me about stop growing after 8 th week.

    As for the estrogen talk....I don't give a damn about your views until u cut me down for mine. Which is simple minded and irritating. Acting like you're better than people doesn't make you better. How u treat people is what makes you as a person. I say what i mean and do what i say! My words arent just voice like yours i actually stand behind then and follow through!

    Now for the serving the worlds most fearsome army, if thats Turkey. Lmao i'm not even gonna say anything about that. Being in the Army doesnt make you a real man nor gives you guts! Which most men lack...just like yourself you cant even say the truth! If that was your point about being in the Army.

    And think twice before calling someone liar, while you cant even back up the shit that came out of your dirty mouth, girl!
    Last edited by analovz; 12-16-2012 at 01:40 PM.

  22. #22
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Run another 6 month cycle like this and you will be a TRT patient for the rest of your life, guaranteed.

    Didn't anyone tell you that AAS use passed week 8 doesn't help building new tissue, only helps maintain what you have already built initially.

    So, what's the point of running the same compounds at the same doses for 6 months straight, when you could have chosen the blast & cruise path, which is by far more effective in building mass and relatively less stressful for your body?

    Lastly, your PCT was crap compared to your cycle. I am actually having a very hard time here trying to believe everything coming out from you on this post, especially regarding the recovery phase. Your HTPA was shutdown for 6 months, you ran a PCT that is weaker than what I and many others run after a 8 week cycle and somehow you recovered?

    Good luck!
    Welcome back Turkish Juicer!!!!! Stay a while will you?

  23. #23
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove View Post
    Poor guy tried his hard to convince me that i'm wrong. Dude you failed....those studies are with Oral only. Not even testosterone.
    Apparently, you are more of a bonehead than what it seems from a distance. Although not pleasurable, getting into your head reveals this sad fact more and further more...

    Whether a tested compound (oxandrolone, in this case) is pure Testosterone or a derivative of Testosterone, it all boils down to the phenomenon of AR (androgen receptor) sensitivity, which you apparently know nothing about as this is self-evident in your prior practice of injecting with same compounds at same doses for 6 months straight...

    Myostatin related muscle hypertrophy (another term you have come across for the first time, guess who is teaching you again), which is an extremely rare genetic defect is the only phenomenon that would allow you to constantly grow without visible and significant limits. You can inject yourself with all the roids in the world, unless you find a way to genetically dope yourself to completely inhibit myostatin, there is only that much muscular development that will come from AAS and it will always be restricted by other determining factors at any rate (such as AR sensitivity, which takes us back to the notion of running 6-8 week cycles, as they are the most efficient for non-TRT patients).

    You need to do more reading, more respecting and less talking if you want to be taken seriously in this board or anywhere else for that matter.

    As for your next cycle, try a compound that develops brain curves as opposed to abs only.

  24. #24
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Welcome back Turkish Juicer!!!!! Stay a while will you?
    Hey warmout!

    How have you been?

    Don't worry, I will definitely stay.

    I mean, how can I not stay when I am confronted by pure hate, such a motivating factor it even makes you miss it after not having received it for a long while, you know

  25. #25
    analovz's Avatar
    analovz is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    The post below goes to all the smarties who have run 600mg of Deca for 5 months or planning to do so again.

    Nandrolone eleven times more damaging to blood vessels than testosterone

    Nandrolone kills the blood vessel lining at a concentration eleven times lower than that at which testosterone kills them. Researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Italy discovered this in laboratory tests on human cells.

    Heavy and long-term use of anabolic steroids such as testosterone and nandrolone increases the chance of fatal heart failure, and even more so when combined with recreational drugs like cocaine.

    There are several theories, which do not exclude each other, as to why anabolic steroids have this effect. The most well known is that anabolic steroids make the heart muscle grow, sometimes to deadly proportions. This effect doesn’t set in after a single course of supplements, or even after a heavy dosage, but only after prolonged use. The chance of the heart muscle becoming enlarged increases even more when anabolic steroids are used in combination with human growth hormone .

    Anabolic steroids also have an immediate effect on heart and blood vessels. In high concentrations they kill heart cells and produce blood clots. These tiny, almost invisible clots can cut tissue from the blood vessel lining.

    Another negative effect of androgens is that they cause blood vessels to narrow (stenosis). Even the very mild DHEA is known to do this in some experiments.

    In all these processes the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are the key factor. Anabolic steroids harden these cells, which causes higher blood pressure. This in turn causes enlargement of the heart muscle. The hardened cells are also more susceptible to blood clots.

    This is the background of the Italian study. The researchers exposed endothelial cells to testosterone, the testosterone precursor androstenedione, and two precursors of nandrolone. They then recorded the concentration at which half of the cells stopped growing. The results are presented below.

    The more an anabolic steroid reduces growth of blood vessel cells, the more dangerous the anabolic steroid is for the heart and blood vessels. Nandrolone is much more damaging than testosterone, as the figure above shows.

    Norandrostenediol on the other hand turns out to be surprisingly mild. [Maybe the stuff is a SARM after all – red.] The graphs below show the effect of testosterone [blue], nandrolone [black] and norandrostenediol [green] on the growth and development of the endothelium cells. Nandrolone has a much greater effect on cells then testosterone.

    The anabolic steroids increase the concentration of calcium in the cell, the researchers found. Cellular calcium activates suicide enzymes.

    "According to these findings, we suggest that the observed endothelial alterations may be considered as events predisposing to serious damage at the cell vasculature level", the Italian researchers write.

    Most heavy anabolic steroids used in chemical bodybuilding are based on testosterone, not nandrolone. As you can see from this Italian research, that’s not such a bad idea at all.

    Source: Toxicol Lett. 2007 Mar 8; 169(2):129-36.


    Stop posting irrelevant studies! If you cant back up your initial statement about not growing past the 8th week, think twice before opening your dirty mouth!

  26. #26
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove View Post
    Stop posting irrelevant studies! If you cant back up your initial statement about not growing past the 8th week, think twice before opening your dirty mouth!
    Why do you seem so mad?

  27. #27
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Hey warmout!

    How have you been?

    Don't worry, I will definitely stay.

    I mean, how can I not stay when I am confronted by pure hate, such a motivating factor it even makes you miss it after not having received it for a long while, you know
    Ha ha. Well, I for one am certainly glad youre back and look forward to the excellent advice and literature you bring to the board.

  28. #28
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove View Post
    Stop posting irrelevant studies! If you cant back up your initial statement about not growing past the 8th week, think twice before opening your dirty mouth!
    Dude! Read the stickies. It is full of proven evidence that growth rates drastically slow/stop after the 6-8 week mark. This is why the vets preach that if you are to run long cycles, to de-load then re-load to benefit. It is preached over and over, with studies after study to prove the legitimacy.

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