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Thread: Clen, T3, DNP, and "safe" cycling

  1. #1

    Clen, T3, DNP, and "safe" cycling

    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    First off you should never run all of these at once. Your asking for a death sentence, second, I wouldn't touch DNP. It's not worth the risk imo. Third clen is bad for your heart so if dosing i would reccomend very low 40-60 mcg. Same with t3 50mcg. But if you're trying to lose weight, training and diet is what you want. These compounds are only temporary and used for pre competitions. I say don't use any and train and diet hard.

  3. #3
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:10 PM.

  4. #4
    T3/Clen's a pretty good cycle. I've done it several times with a lot of success. If you're careful with your diet the stack works best. I've dropped from 18% bf to 9% bf pretty dang fast. DHT's not worth the risk.

  5. #5
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:10 PM.

  6. #6
    Take my advice, OP. Disregard T3 and Clen. DNP is the real fatburner you want and at 200mg/day for a month, you will benefit from enormous fat loss and suffer little to no side effects. Just lift heavy and stay well hydrated.

    I would take your DNP with EC stack. I took 2 doses of EC stack every day during that month, 1 in the morning upon waking up and the other about 4-5 hours later. Bronkaid works best for your E, in my experience.

    EC stack will give you tremendous energy and loosen up the fat stores, which will be melted by DNP. EC stack will also keep your appetite down, which can run pretty high when DNP has accumulated in your system.
    Last edited by samatash; 12-17-2012 at 11:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:11 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    Would ephedrine show up on a urine test as anything?
    As far as I know only the NCAA tests for it, for which it is illegal. You will want to stop usage 2 weeks prior to the test.

    Other than that it will not show up in a typical drug test, with no false positives either.
    Last edited by samatash; 12-17-2012 at 12:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Last night you were advising a guy not to use DNP and said you would ever consider running the stuff. What has changed?

  10. #10
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:12 PM.

  11. #11
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:12 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    hey pers in light of post #3 (where u werent trying to sound like a cock but did anyways ) what r ur current stats and what are ur desired stats??

  13. #13
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:13 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    Here's my quote: "Based on my limited knowledge of this poison, I think 400mg/day is the "normal" amount for short cycles...but I would suggest 200mg a day over a little longer period of time as this stuff is no joke...actually I would recommend staying away from it...but to each his own I suppose."

    I still wouldn't recommend using's literally a poison, and that coupled with the fact that many people don't have self restraint = a very bad thing. Just because I am willing to do something that is widely considered unwise doesn't mean that I would recommend the same type of action to someone else. That just seems irresponsible.

    Think of it like this.....I would never recommend that people have sex with strangers without using condoms....but I definitely do that ALL THE TIME. Why do I do this? Well, it feels way better for one, and secondly I am a highly persuasive if I got a chick pregnant I personally feel like I could convince her to get an abortion (If she ever told me she was preggo in the first place), and lastly...well, I've done a large amount of research on STD's for the geographic locations that I frequent and feel like I have a greater understanding of the risks I am taking than your average joe. I accept the level of risk I am taking for the perceived reward that I am getting in return. I cannot know that other people have done as much homework as me on the subject, so logically it would be unfair for me to recommend "raw dogging randoms" to someone.

    I never said that I wouldn't ever consider using it though, as I would most certainly consider using it, though I would likely never go above a 200mg/day this stuff is crazy scary. Granted, as I gather more knowledge on the compound (admittedly, I know very little at this time) I may change my mind.
    Ah. I think I can read you perfectly now. Good luck!

  15. #15
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:14 PM.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post
    Oh, and since EC Stack isn't illegal or anything...could you tell me the best place you bought it from? Assuming you got it online...
    I just go to Walgreens and buy their brand caffeine and Bronkaid. You show your driver's license to buy Bronkaid and that's it. It's very simple.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    pers i suppose my next question (and ur goal is a good one and i wish u luck!) is - ur at 15%bf, is it fair to assume u are not planning on running t3, clen, or dnp at this bf%? if not at what point do u think u need it considering u want to gain approx 47lbs LBM? are u trying (like i am) to learn now how to cut as low as u possibly can so u will have this knowledge in the future or are u actually planning on cutting down to 8% or less every time u cut while trying to gain that much LBM??

  18. #18
    Last edited by Perseverance1; 03-20-2013 at 06:15 PM.

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