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Thread: Anyone ever had success recovering from Propecia?

  1. #1

    Anyone ever had success recovering from Propecia?

    So I took Propecia for 4 months, and everything went downhill from there. Signs of Hypogonadism, Hypothyroidism, Brain Fog, Anxiety, Depression....basically my life sucks.

    I have read people who take Propecia DO NOT recover because it is an Alpha 5 Reductase Inhibitor.

    So my question is has anyone who has ever had side effects from Propecia/Finasteride reversed their sides with any specific protocol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Dirty South, GA Coast
    i was using dutaseride (1mg a day for a month) which works in the same way as finasteride to block dht. well it blocked it so well that it left me in a estrogen dominant way that i don't want to revisit any time soon. dht works as an estrogen antagonist and so when its (dht) level drops estrogen tends to rise, or is at least estrogens ability to exert its effects rises. so there i was with the effects of high estrogen with no way to fix it except to wait a few weeks while the dutasteride cleared my system. you have to be careful with a5r inhibitors. some guys develop gyno just from using it and it alone much less depression et al. estrogen affects me in the way you're describing (the psychological efects like depression) way before i get in physical effects like itchy nips. i actually prefer this psychological feeling "first" to physical effects like itchy nipple as it gives me time to adjust an AI as needed without worrying about gyno. but i know as soon as i start to get emotional or depressed or moody then it's time to take or increase the aromasin. i honestly can't take the emotional nonsense from estrogen and since confirming what it does and how it affects me i have a new found respect for women who have to deal with it monthly

    so all i can say is give it time. your a5r will come back to normal levels and you'll be converting test to dht and that will help mediate the estrogen and in time you'll feel back to normal.

  3. #3
    well this was a little more than 2 years ago, so IDK if I will ever get my levels back honestly.

    What would be the safest treatment to start first if I decided to go that route? I just don't want to make things worse -__-

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Dirty South, GA Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by FeedMeMore View Post
    well this was a little more than 2 years ago, so IDK if I will ever get my levels back honestly.

    What would be the safest treatment to start first if I decided to go that route? I just don't want to make things worse -__-
    well that sucks. the effects of the finasteride should subside once you're off of it therefore you must have something else going on. can the use of an a5r inhibitor have a permanent effect on a5r? i don't know. the only thing you can do is have blood work done and examined by a doc and then go from there. but blood work would be the first order to see where all of your hormones levels are.

    edit: as for what protocol to try, i don't know that either. while i was waiting for the dutasteride to clear (from almost 4 weeks, it has a very long half life) i tried to raise my test level (to increase the androgen to estrogen ratio), nothing. i tried to lower my estrogen with an AI. nothing. and there's only so low you can take your e2 levels. but that didn't matter because the dht was so low. i had to just wait it out. it was a shitty month.
    Last edited by HitIt; 12-17-2012 at 11:19 PM.

  5. #5
    I have had these tests down 2 months ago:

    Total Testosterone Serum: 356 ng/dL [348-1197]
    Free Testosterone (Direct): 10.5 pg/mL [9.3-26.5]
    Estradiol (Roche ECLIA methodology): 14.0 pg/mL [7.6-42.6]
    Estrogens Total: 70 pg/mL [40-115]
    SHGB: 22.7 nmol/L [16.5-55.9]
    Potassium Serum: 4.3 mEq/L [3.5-5.3]
    DHT: 26 ng/dL [16-74]
    Prolactin: 8 ng/mL [2-18]
    FSH: 4.2 mIU/mL [1.4-18.1]
    LH: 5.6 mIU/mL [1.0-12.0]

    My endo thinks I can still make T and use it, based on the FSH and LH levels, but she hasn't prescribed it to me yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Dirty South, GA Coast
    that free test is pretty low. i'm surprised your md didn't consider trt with the symptoms you've described. it obviously isn't high estrogen that is your prob based on your bloods which leaves the other basic hormone that gives us a sense of well being and that is test. i think you should go post your problem over in the trt section. those guys will be able to help you more.

    edit: btw, my levels were close to yours (340 total, 9.5 free) when i started trt and i'm not looking back.
    Last edited by HitIt; 12-17-2012 at 11:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by FeedMeMore View Post
    I have had these tests down 2 months ago:

    Total Testosterone Serum: 356 ng/dL [348-1197]
    Free Testosterone (Direct): 10.5 pg/mL [9.3-26.5]
    Estradiol (Roche ECLIA methodology): 14.0 pg/mL [7.6-42.6]
    Estrogens Total: 70 pg/mL [40-115]
    SHGB: 22.7 nmol/L [16.5-55.9]
    Potassium Serum: 4.3 mEq/L [3.5-5.3]
    DHT: 26 ng/dL [16-74]
    Prolactin: 8 ng/mL [2-18]
    FSH: 4.2 mIU/mL [1.4-18.1]
    LH: 5.6 mIU/mL [1.0-12.0]

    My endo thinks I can still make T and use it, based on the FSH and LH levels, but she hasn't prescribed it to me yet.
    Read here about Pregnenolone and DHEA. It would have helped if you had those test also but the rest look fine except the test being near bottom.

  8. #8
    Yea I think I will get those tested, as well as my 3alpha-diol (it measures how responsive you are to androgenic activity.) So if mine is too low I might be screwed for life -__-

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    this may sound silly but why not try to run a cycle, get yourself shut down and try to restart your system during PCT

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm pretty sure taking proscar for 10 years has contributed to me having to be on TRT at 35.

    I have no proof but I suspect it to have tanked my test levels faster then normal.

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