So I want to start another cycle but it has only been 7 weeks since I finshed my last one. My last cycle I did 20 weeks of just Test. I started off doing 750mg and finished my last 5 or 6 weeks on Test Prop and Masteron. I did HCG around 4 weeks before finishing my cycle and and I did it again right after my cycle along with Nolva and Clomid. I want to start another cycle doing dbol, Tren and Test Sust. I want to do dbol, Test and Tren for 4 weeks and then get off the dbol and up my Test from 500mg to 750mg a week and I'll be doing Tren for 10-12 weeks at 400mg a week. Let me know what you guys think?
I'm 31 and this will be my 3rd cycle. I'm 5'9" 180lbs and 6.5% bf.